Script Error with Custom Arkhis Preset

orangeslice Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Scripting Workshop

When I load an attempt to play a custom Arkhis preset, I get a script error. Oddly, when I created the preset it played fine, but since trying to load it in a new session my CPU usage jumps to over 3000% in Ableton and I only get the script warning flashing. No sound. (Note: my CPU usage isn't actually this high. I checked task manager.)

Also, I never edited the Arkhis script - just the effect chains, but I'll paste the only editable script here. (The other is password locked.)

  Script by Will Bedford 

  Build time: 2020-07-01 21:48:57.580541

on init
 declare $vfuqe
 $vfuqe := -100
 declare $pftqn
 declare %lsan2[30]
 declare %2ygrz[30]
 while ($pftqn<30)
   %lsan2[$pftqn] := -1
   %2ygrz[$pftqn] := $HIDE_PART_NOTHING
 end while
 $pftqn := 0
 declare $fg4rw
 declare %vsx1g[512]
 declare %djki0[512]
 declare $mei0g
 declare polyphonic $p1lm5
end on

on note
 $p1lm5 := $mei0g
 $mei0g := play_note($EVENT_NOTE,$EVENT_VELOCITY,0,0)
 $fg4rw := search(%vsx1g,0)
 if ($fg4rw # -1)
   %vsx1g[$fg4rw] := $mei0g
   %djki0[$fg4rw] := $EVENT_NOTE
 end if
end on

on release
 if (%CC[64]>=64)
   $fg4rw := 0
   while ($fg4rw<=(num_elements(%vsx1g)-1))
     if (%vsx1g[$fg4rw] # 0 and (%djki0[$fg4rw]=$EVENT_NOTE))
       %vsx1g[$fg4rw] := 0
     end if
   end while
 end if
end on

on controller
 if (%CC_TOUCHED[64] # 0 and (%CC[64]<64))
   $fg4rw := 0
   while ($fg4rw<=(num_elements(%vsx1g)-1))
     if (%vsx1g[$fg4rw] # 0 and (%KEY_DOWN[%djki0[$fg4rw]]=0))
       %vsx1g[$fg4rw] := 0
     end if
   end while
 end if
end on


  • noY_T
    noY_T Member Posts: 37 Member

    So the error comes from a different script slot I suppose?

    But this kinda checks out. Some loop for whatever reason is probably running havoc at 1 call per microsecond hence the CPU load.

    Did you delete an effect from a slot

  • orangeslice
    orangeslice Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    So the error comes from a different script slot I suppose?

    Maybe? But, I don't know how to script in Kontakt; so, I didn't edit any script. I only opened the script editor because I got a script error.

    Did you delete an effect from a slot


    Could this be the cause of the error?

  • orangeslice
    orangeslice Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    I just tried recreating the patch. I didn't touch any scripts. I didn't remove any effects from the edit page (I bypassed the ones I wasn't using).

    I added effects to the different chains, and then I edited the settings in the Arkhis GUI (LFOs, FXs, and so on)

    Then, I tried a second time to recreate the patch. I decided to not even go into the edit menu of Kontakt to edit effect chains... I only used the Arkhis front end GUI

    And, I got the same problem both times. The patch worked fine until I opened a new Kontakt instance and reloaded the patch.

  • noY_T
    noY_T Member Posts: 37 Member

    Yeah, it says that the error is coming from slot 2, and it starts at 0. So the problem comes from the third slot, the Zeitgeist one which we cant look at. I would send this to the creators of the instrument themselves.

  • orangeslice
    orangeslice Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Hmm, interesting...

    I will give that a shot. Thank you

  • orangeslice
    orangeslice Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    So far, I've gotten kind of a runaround with tech support, but I did some troubleshooting and figured out what was causing the error.

    The preset has LFO's activated, and I set the LFO intensity to the lowest setting.

    When I added a little intensity, the preset plays and loads just fine.

    I'm guessing that the devs need to adjust the range of the intensity knob. It feels like Arkhis is saying, "There's an LFO activated, but zero intensity; so, I'm confused. Do you want an LFO or not?"

    I'm still waiting for support to give an official confirmation of the issue, but that solves things on my end.

This discussion has been closed.
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