Traktor Pro: how to map Akai APC40 midi controller knob

revyth Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor

Hi, I am trying to manually midi map Traktor Pro to an Akai APC40 mk1 in both directions.

I have defined the following 2 midi mappings for adjusting LOW eq:

My problem is that adding the output mapping (for having the LED feedback in both directions, even when changing the value on software) is causing a glitch when turning the knob on the controller. It seems there is some sort of overwriting between the two mappings as shown in the attached video

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this issue?



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod

    I believe that you have to start Ableton Live first to activate the LED feedback, then close Live and start Traktor.

  • revyth
    revyth Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Hi Stevan,

    I have already done that. The APC40 is set in "Ableton mode" before opening Traktor

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro

    As your video indicates you are having problems with the LED output (from Traktor to APC).

    The input command itself (from APC to Traktor) works as intended?

    Try following settings in the OUT command:

    -uncheck BLEND

    -Controller rage from -0.5 to 0.5 (as 0 (off) is in middle position)

    -MIDI range from 1 to 15 (as there are 15 LED around the encoder)

    -maybe the output note is different from the input note. I remember something like that from an AKAI long times ago. Just in case you see no change in LED behaviour while trying the other suggestions, try adding 8 to the input midi value for the LED output note. In your case (picture) the input note is on cc016, so the output note could be cc024 on the same channel. You can search the note in the drop down menu next to the notes. Make sure to use the same channel!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,199 mod
    edited August 2023

    Here is some information on the MIDI messages sent back and forth. I haven't studied this in detail but it might help you. The LED rings start at page 26:

    'APC40 Mk2'

  • revyth
    revyth Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Thanks a lot for the help.

    I have tried with midi CC+8 but it doesn't work, when turning the knob on the software the LED does not update on the controller.

    The weird thing is that the two IN and OUT mappings work indipendently, I mean if I leave just the OUT mapping it works fine (turning the knob on Traktor updates the Apc40 LED correctly) and also the IN mapping alone works fine (turning the kmob on Apc40 updates the Traktor knob correctly). It is when I use the two mappings together that I have the issue.

    The settings with -0.5/0.5 on controller range are not possible, the only allowed values are between 0 and 1 for this mapping.

    Not sure what else I can try 🤔

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro
    edited August 2023

    Hey, I can feel your frustration. It's strange that the single commands work as intended but not in combination, but it shows that the notes conflict each other.

    I looked up the resources I used in the old days:

    in description it says:


    The big problem some of you have is getting the light rings to work. Here is what you do.

    Create a MIDI out for what you want to control and then add +8 to the CC number of the knob you want to have the light rings work.

    These are the code numbers to tell what kind of LED ring you want the knob to have:

    1 = No ring just single bar

    2= Full ring like you see when using Ableton Live (Like you see for my volume controls)

    3= Pan style ring (Like you see for my filters)

    Put the same number in both the low and high fields for MIDI RANGE. The LED Rings will not work until Traktor is restarted.

    NOTE: You still have to send the level out to the actual CC number of the knob you are wanting to effect. Because the CC number that is +8 is only used to tell the knob which LED Ring mode to use.


    So, leave the input command as in your picture and let's try to set the output command to cc024, Controller Range from 0-1 (as in your picture), Midi Range BOTH set to 3 and restart Traktor after mapping. Now, does this change something?


    You could also try some of the mappings from DJ Techtools and see how they managed to make the knobs working. Search for "AKAI APC MK1".

    This guy included a pdf with a layout of the midi notes of the APC.

    There you can see that the input notes differ from the output notes.

  • revyth
    revyth Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Thank you very much!

    I have tried to set output command to cc024, Controller Range from 0-1 (as in your picture), Midi Range both set to 3 and restart Traktor after mapping, but still no luck. The midiCC+8 does not seem to do anything in my case (the apc40 led does not move at all when turning the knob on Traktor).

    I have also tried some popular mappings from djtechtools but none of the ones I have tried seems to have the knob mapping in both directions right (and for right I mean that the led state on the controller should be in sync with what I do on Traktor software with the mouse).

    The only knob OUT mapping that seems to work right (from Traktor to APC40) is the following:

    Unfortunately this goes in conflict with the IN mapping, causing the flickering/glitch when turning the knob on the controller (it seems like a midi feedback issue). I don't know if there is a solution at this point 🤷‍♂️.

    What do you think? Please if you have any TSI file working for the APC40 would you mind to share?

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro

    I don´t have any more ideas.. Sorry.

    Maybe contact someone for who delivered a mapping to dj tech tools mapping site. Or dig through the dj tech tools forum (it contains a lot of information about legacy controllers)...

    Best wishes.

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