[Poll] Should we open a Discord server?



  • r4dian
    r4dian Member Posts: 2 Member

    Having thown out the community-built info in the old forums, you shouldn't also move new conversations to somewhere they can't even be googled searched for.

  • Valerian Dolliver
    Valerian Dolliver Member Posts: 2 Member

    hello, behind the choice or not of the discord tool, I see the opportunity for NI to discuss topics and get live feedback. If Native Instruments listens and really wants to have feedback and exchanges on this or that product / software then it can help. it will of course be necessary to have moderators and that benevolence is the state of mind 😌.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert

    Sure, discord would probably be a great idea. Way too many posts from new users too lazy to RTFM, asking the same things over and over, redirecting all that traffic away from the actual forum would probably tidy things up

  • NMC
    NMC Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Short: no.

    Im always lost in that chaos

  • effie
    effie Member Posts: 1 Member

    I’m not sure what a discord is but sounds out of place for a group primarily interested in music related topics.

    still I’m voting - yes

  • Nik Zakrzewski
    Nik Zakrzewski Member Posts: 1 Member

    Why not? It's free (so far), and if it doesn't provide value to the users, it will be obvious at some point and can be discontinued. I just hope everyone will use the "threads" feature of Discord.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro

    Instead of being arbitrarily labelled Guru, Expert and Helper, etc., one can choose to react to gain areas of interest and preferred role(s) under Discord. Users who were familiar will know there are other benefits such as: listening/playing to a live stream, subscribe/add a said channel to own discord server and allowing each member their own page to share contributions and musings, etc.

    The thoughts by some here would approach things at zero-sum. Well, if you think about it, if this forum closed, would you get those features/updates/fixes/roadmaps out faster in anyway - probably not. There is also reason why a person would have more than one social media platform or email accounts cause why not, different use case and there is something to advocate about beauty in diversity.

    Those unable/unwilling to try another platform should not stop others who are able/will, i.e. "Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it".

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,470 mod
    edited August 2023

    Quote : "I think the idea if saying "no" is silly."

    I think that your 'take' on it is completely wrong , you react as if it were intention of N.I. to keep this forum around forever after opening a Discord 'channel'(s). And you have obviously not experienced how a company can replace their forum with a Discord channel. I have ! And it's not pretty I think !

    Quote : "Having thrown out the community-built info in the old forums, you shouldn't also move new conversations to somewhere they can't even be googled searched for."

    Exactly ! Yes , and that is just a little part of the negative side...

    Reading previous posts then what I have noticed is that those most vocal about a 'yes' to Discord are those that likes it for 'social features' like music collaborations and such and like 'I met people there'. Where I am rather sure that the long term plan of N.I. would not be to just open another communications channel but in time to replace this forum all together (and I will maintain that position no matter what I otherwise may be told).

    Having/providing a forum and maintaining it I am sure is not free as it both takes personnel to maintain and that you have a server for it or rent one (virtual server or hardware)(Look up says that the native-instruments.com domain "is hosted on a dedicated server" and that Constellix is used for name server). And switching to Discord may at a glance look as what would be simplification in the long run since I am sure that it offers scalability of costs and as far as I can see also includes the hosting of the content. And unless I am totally mistaken then even for a company such as N.I. then it appear to be free making the most basic Discord channel and the paid is for the scalable upgrades and add on(s) though pricing is very hard to get a grip of since it at some point appears as if also requiring to contact Discord for a quote. Also , and I warned about it before and I can not stress that enough , Discord is a place where bots are used and I am sure that what we are seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what is coming sooner than later..

    For the purpose of my post here then I did a little looking up on the bot use (in this case for moderation) , and I'd like to invite people to take a look themselves at the potential future in store for them (those 'in love with Discord' may already be in the receiving end of all of this though they may not even know it !) !

    Auto Moderation in Discord (look at the bottom of this page where it says "Configuring Auto Moderation for listed bots" for the name of some well known bots) : https://discord.com/safety/auto-moderation-in-discord

    AutoMod FAQ : https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/4421269296535-AutoMod-FAQ

    How to add a bot to Discord to help you run and organize your server : https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/how-to-add-a-bot-to-discord?r=US&IR=T

    100: An Intro to the DMA : https://discord.com/moderation/4405266071063-100-an-intro-to-the-dma

    201: Permissions on Discord : https://discord.com/moderation/1500000176222-201:-Permissions-on-Discord

    321: Auto Moderation in Discord : https://discord.com/moderation/1500000178701-321:-Auto-Moderation-in-Discord

    Mee6 is a complete Discord bot (for quick insight then use drop down menu Plug-ins on page top)  :  https://mee6.xyz/en , https://mee6.xyz/en/tutorials/how-to-start-using-moderation-tools-on-your-discord

    Also (maybe article is a bit too old now) : How Community Chat Mega-Platform Discord Makes Money — Without Ad Revenue


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,301 mod

    The most important thing for now, imo, is to finally enable "unfollow post" in the forum, and spare us with all these notifications for a subject that we don't care at all.

    For those who want to go to Discord, be my guest, God speed, and spare the handkerchiefs! 😊

    Just don't write nonsense for those who don't care to follow you there.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I think there is evidence of some bot auto-answer happening here in this forum in recent weeks. It was really strange and 100% false info about GUI scaling.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,763 Expert

    ~15 years ago I wrote bots for IRC, now I host a bot for Discord. I don't see the issue.

    This forum also has a word list that blocks certain content.

    What topics is it you talk about, that got you censored in other discords?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,470 mod
    edited August 2023

    Thou shall not mention the expression "taken out behind the woodshed for a beating" when the bots are "taking you out behind the woodshed for a beating" (because it is an illegal/not allowed reference in chat for 'punishment in private' (I kid you not !))

    Original and direct quote from a 1998 game manual : If you feel like you've been taken advantage of by an AI, let us know. We'll investigate and, if we find that the AI does have an unfair advantage, we'll take it behind the woodshed for a good debugging.

  • George Espinosa
    George Espinosa Member Posts: 16 Member

    A channel to discuss and post Traktor Pro MIDI mappings.

  • PhoenixGTR
    PhoenixGTR Member Posts: 4 Member

    It can get chaotic, but it can also be managed. You can mute servers you don't need a lot, or just channels in them. You can put them in folders so they're not cluttering up your sidebar.

    I voted yes. I'd love a NI Discord server. I haven't had much difficulty looking things up. Not within any given server, anyway.

    The NI forums used to be more active. If be fine with that, too. And I really miss the Guitar Rig patch exchange. That could be a Discord channel within the server, as well as for other instruments. I'd really like to see that.

    And it doesn't have to be one or the other, does it?

  • Pippo91
    Pippo91 Member Posts: 12 Member

    I use Discord a lot! At the beginning it was a little bit tricky, but after some month of use and several discord server subs I am really impressed by the power of this "social" platform.

    A big yes for me!

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