Does a Pioneer HID connection hinder traktors sound

Michael Mashup
Michael Mashup Member Posts: 30 Helper
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Using the Pioneer DJM as the soundcard and using my D2's the sound is good, but when i add in my CDJ the sound changes, like a poorer quality of signal, keylock is turned off.



  • D2Lover
    D2Lover Member Posts: 59 Advisor

    Strangely I played last week using a Cdj-1000 Nxs2 as the sound card with a Z2 in standalone mode with 2x D2 and thought it sounded a bit lacklustre sound wise.

    I’ll be carrying out further tests using different combinations over the coming weeks.

    to date my best results have come using the xlr outs straight into a channel of a a DJM 900 nxs2 but that is too much of a faff when working around other dj’s using a nexus set-up.

    Also hooking up Traktor into a nexus set up in hid mode is painful especially as I use Traktor stems pre-prepared as at present it’s the best work flow and to my ears better sounding.

  • Michael Mashup
    Michael Mashup Member Posts: 30 Helper

    Could NI please tell me that the processing of Traktors audio does or does not change when using HID, even when using the DJM as the soundcard? my ears and feeling is that it does, Win 10, Traktor 3.9 DJM 750 MK2, CDJ 2000 NX2.

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