Recording 2 things at once while in keyboard mode

Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I am trying to do a live loop situation and it requires left hand triggering maschine, right hand on the midi keyboard but i am running into an issue

So on Pad 1 i have playbox, on pad 2 i have a string ensemble(using a midi keyboard). What i want to do is record both at the same time but if maschine is in keyboard mode ( to trigger playbox) as soon as the midi keyboard plays it jumps over to the other track. is there a way to do this without introducing another midi keyboard?

I think it has something to do with maschine in keyboard mode. Cause if its in pad mode there is no issue.

So my work around in my head is. rather add another midi keyboard to trigger playbox, OR add as many playboxes as notes i need to hit and leave it in pad mode.

hopefully this makes sense...any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    If I understand you correctly, what you have to do is changing the midi in for the second pad from focus to the midi keyboard you are using. In this way, the keyboard will always play the instrument you have loaded into pad 2 without changing the focus of the Maschine (and so being able to keep playing Playbox at the same time). But I should do some testing on this (that I can do tomorrow, if what I suggested is not working for you)

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member

    Lol it won't let me post a my video explanation... That's frustrating.

    But ultimately what I think I want ismaschine to be able to simultaneously record two separate things without the maschine bouncing back and forth to whatever is inputing midi at the time.

    To replicate my problem, put two different sounds on Maschine and route one to your external midi, the other one put maschine in keyboard mode, press record and try to play both devices. Maschine will bounce the wrong track and start I putting midi notes on that track

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,836 mod

    @Way~D Would you have a link to that video?

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member

    Yea, but I haven't posted enough in the community for it to allow me to post the link

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member

    Nvm I guess I made the threshold yesterday, sweet

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    I’ve seen your video. Why do you set midi in for pad 1 also to the keyboard?

    Didn’t you want to have Maschine HW triggering one sound and the keyboard triggering another one and record them simultaneously?

    In this case pad 1 must be set to be triggered by Maschine, not the keyboard

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited July 2023

    @LostInFoundation Maschine still Controls it regardless if the it's set for the midi board or not. I set it that was cause it was the only work around I found that works. (doing everything on the external midi keyboard)

    Another semi work around I stumbled across is if you set it to focus mode it will stay there (when playing on the maschine) but whatever is triggered from the midi keyboard also plays on the focused sound. Which still is a problem. Even if you have it set to a specific channel and match it on the midi controller.

    Feel free to give me some ideas to try. I'm willing to try anything

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Pad 1 i have playbox, on pad 2 i have a string ensemble(using a midi keyboard).

    Not possible, for more than 1 reason:

    1. Maschine always responds to its controller Pads even if you set MIDI input to "None", this never can truly be turned off.
    2. While Recording if a Pad receives MIDI then Maschine auto-switches/auto-focus that Pad.

    So, even if you use the following settings:

    1. Pad 1 - MIDI Input Source = "None"
    2. Pad 2 - MIDI Input Source = "Your MIDI Keyboard Port"

    As soon as you press a note on the keyboard due to issue #2 Maschine will auto-focus Pad-2 and from then on Keyboard Mode on the 4x4 Controller will trigger Pad-2 due to issue #1. Recording 2 things at a time will only work at Group level, meaning if you don't need Keyboard Mode (like recording a instrument in one pad while the rest have one-shot drum samples for example)

    So, the above settings only work when not recording, so can work for performing but never to record.

    This is where we get into the territory of why Maschine is not a "DAW", there is no arm-to-record, it does it automatically and its whole design is based on recording one thing at a time... Even if you have more than one NI controller (Jam or KKS), people have massively asked over the years for a solution to lock a controller focus to a pad/group to no avail.

    I am not aware of any workaround for this.

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member
  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023

    May I ask why you want to record 2 things at the same time? Is it for everyday production or is it for some sort of performance video for social media or something? If it's the latter resampling could be a possible workaround, so everything is in sampler one-shots an can be recorded at the Group level (Pad Mode).

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member

    Pretty much live loop performance thing. I want to add some difficulty and it would help get through the arrangement faster. (Lots of piano and string stuff)

    You're right I could resample but that wouldn't be as interesting to watch based on my arrangement.

    At least you can record multiple midi information as long as everything is externally doing so, so that is one work around I guess will have to do

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    To achieve what you want, I would use a DAW with Maschine as a plugin in one track and the instruments on others. The looping part will be done there instead of Maschine. Surely a set up more suited to your needs

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member

    that won't work because the daw wont be able to record and loop only section that i record like maschine does with patterns.

    so i preset my pattern lengths, and press record and just go, and the patterns loop after the desired lengths. I dont think i can think of a way to do that in Studio one or pro tools. I dont use ableton which probably could do something similar to what i want to acheive.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Yes, probably Ableton is the best one for this. But it’s full of other loopers that can do it.

  • Rilkecat
    Rilkecat Member Posts: 62 Helper

    +1 to this.

    It is a real pity not being possible to record two things at the time.

    I also occasionally need to record two different synths, one for lead on the Maschine on Keyboard mode, the other for chords from my MIDI keyboard. Recording separately is not an option for improvising/creating.

    Hope they improve this !

    The way Maschine (mis)handles "Focus" is a great obstacle for live performances. I keep on suggesting a PIN SOUND feature. Button 4 or 7 (which are free in plug-in mode) can PIN a sound and have it always 'on-screen' for tweaking, despite of pressing other pads. If i.e. while you perform finger drumming on other pads.

    It will also be a solution to this recording issue. You can choose PIN SOUND to keep focus on the sound you want to record on keyboard mode, despite any other incoming MIDI information. This way focus will not be changed.

    My regards to you all!

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