Traktor Kontrol S3 - Low Audio Output Problem



  • aldoofbanga
    aldoofbanga Member Posts: 10 Member

    Any update on this issue? I want to buy an S3 today but scared it won't output enoughinto an event processor/mixer......

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    Good Day @aldoofbanga

    Thanks for the comment, @Ryan_NI & the team are still busy working on the issue. Kindly keep an eye out on this thread for future updates.

    Warm Regards


  • aldoofbanga
    aldoofbanga Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited March 2022

    Thankyou Quade.

    Does every S3 have the issue or just some?

    I have ordered one, but been told I can return it if it doesn't output proper gain. Curious what it is like in comparison to my old controller (S2 MK2).

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    Good Morning @aldoofbanga

    The Kontrol S3 has no issues as far I can tell you, the ONLY main issue I have encountered is the poor Audio output quality I got while djing. Apart from that, I am a very very happy customer & this device serves it's purpose very very well. Yes the lack of Effects does kind of put a wrench in performing brilliant mixing & blending, but i got used to working the filter & it's actually doing it's function, being able to change your effects that you have assigned by just a push of a button, I am not complaining. The browser will get used to at time but I found a more unique way of using it. The platters , Response time & Reaction is SOLID, On point & the feel is awesome.

    I hope that this information helps.



  • aldoofbanga
    aldoofbanga Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thanks Quade, I am confident the S3 is exactly what I want, I am just concerned about the gain issue you raised "Master Output is Incredibly Low, Including the Headphones Volume Level" - as that sounds like it could be a show stopper if every S3 has it, but sounds promising if they can fix it with firmware!

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    It's my pleasure. I myself am very very eager & keen to take the controller for a full test drive once this issue has been resolved. I love the tension of the platters, they are slightly more responsive than my Pioneer DDJ-T1 DJ Controller but am loving the device.

  • aldoofbanga
    aldoofbanga Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited March 2022

    I have received my device now and can confirm I have the gain issue. I suppose it effects all S3 then, I don't understand how the issue is only getting attention after years?

    I guess it doesn't matter how nice it is to use if you can't hear anything or perform with it :( Would be great if NI could suggest, is this fix days, weeks or months away, so I can decide whether to return it to the store.

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    Good Afternoon @aldoofbanga

    I am proud of your purchase, Yes I totally understand your frustration. As I have indicated previously, @Ryan_NI & the team are working on this, I have not heard back yet but I am patient on this as I understand a project as big as NI Products ( Software & Hardware Based ) is quite a massive task to tackle, I have faith in the team that this issue will be attended to as best & with haste to the best of their ability. I still have my Pioneer DDJ-T1 DJ Controller & Denon MC3000 DJ Controller to work with in the meantime. As I also have mentioned previously , just recently the audio from the headphones have dropped in this build of Traktor Pro 3. I cannot explain to you how this is possible even using my Denon controller, I do get the same result. I'm confident that a fix is being worked on & we shall receive an update in due time.



  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    Good Morning @Ryan_NI

    I trust all is going good & well. I am humbly just following up regarding this thread. Any updates / Developments on this for us?

    Truly appreciate your feedback.

    Warm Regards


  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hi @Quade Ryan's away atm and will be back in a week or so. I'll make sure to ping him when he's back. Thanks for your patience!

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    Good Afternoon @Kaiwan_NI

    Kind thanks for the update , much appreciate for this. Looking forward to the update coming up & also for the Traktor Kontrol S3.

    Warm Regards


  • Ryan_NI
    Ryan_NI Customer Care Posts: 191 mod

    Hey @Quade - thanks for your patience! Happy to be back in the community. There aren't any updates on the issue as of yet, but we are working on it. I've pinged the team once again today to see where we are at with it.

    There's quite a lot happening in Traktor-land right now, but this issue is still a priority for us.

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    Good Morning @Ryan_NI

    Many Thanks for your speedy feedback & welcome back again. Truly appreciated. Just also an update, I recently purchased a new set of Pioneer HDJ-Cue 1 Headphones, I am still experiencing the same low Headphone volume. To clarify, there is nothing wrong with the headsets, I may confirm that it is software related.

    Thanks Again & Looking Forward to your feedback again.

    Warm Regards


  • Ryan_NI
    Ryan_NI Customer Care Posts: 191 mod

    Hey Quade, thanks for getting back. Just an update from the team, what I've heard is they're still working for it to be released (hopefully soon!)

    You mentioned that the headphone output is also lower on non-Traktor devices as well? Is that correct? 🤔

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    Good Morning @Ryan_NI

    Many thanks for getting back to me. Yes I have mentioned that the Headphone output has also dropped. As stated in my previous reply, I recently just purchased a Brand New Set Of Pioneer HDJ-Cue 1 DJ Headphones, I have experienced the same issue, I have used the same on the Pioneer DJM-350 & the output from the mixer is excellent, I have not used my laptop connected to either the CDJ-350's nor the mixer, just used USB flash drives.

    Appreciate the feedback.

    Warm Regards


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