Found out I don't have enough hard drive space-- NOW WHAT?!

Oxenrider Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I don't have enough hard drive space to download the product I bought. I then bought an external hard drive. This still doesn't work (other posts explain why this is the case).

But what do I do? Call it an expensive mistake? Uninstalling seems just as complicated.

What is the solution? I shouldn't have to be a computer expert to use this product. I am soooo disappointed right now that I'm exploring returning what I can from Native Instruments (decided to "buy in" and got a Kontact midi controller).

I'm sure this is a duplicate - you know why? Because I wasn't smart enough to read NI reviews before I bought in.


Best Answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,520 mod
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    First of all then try reinstalling Native Access , reboot computer and try again ! Some people have reported that that fixed their issue :

    Native Access 2 / 3 :   


    Secondly then be sure that your paths are set as should be in the Native Access preferences file management section , especially Download Location and Content location ! If you are referring to a specific program then check paths in that program !

    Then make sure that you have deleted the not completed downloads from system drive and then also co a drive clean for all temporary files and so on to make space for any temporary files created by Native Access (if any) .

    If your problem is still lack of drive space after that then you might have too little space on your system drive.. If one have system drive that is too small then one could try to tinker with Windows and/or apps but the better way is to buy a larger drive and copy system to that and swap the drives !


  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Sorry for your experience but no one can help with no info.

    What computer, how much drive space, what OS, DAW etc, just basically what your system specs are?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,520 mod
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    First of all then try reinstalling Native Access , reboot computer and try again ! Some people have reported that that fixed their issue :

    Native Access 2 / 3 :   


    Secondly then be sure that your paths are set as should be in the Native Access preferences file management section , especially Download Location and Content location ! If you are referring to a specific program then check paths in that program !

    Then make sure that you have deleted the not completed downloads from system drive and then also co a drive clean for all temporary files and so on to make space for any temporary files created by Native Access (if any) .

    If your problem is still lack of drive space after that then you might have too little space on your system drive.. If one have system drive that is too small then one could try to tinker with Windows and/or apps but the better way is to buy a larger drive and copy system to that and swap the drives !

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