Sound differences when moving ensemble

Jfair Member Posts: 5 Member
edited 11:52AM in Reaktor

Hello. Weird situation. When moving the ensemble from one machine to a new one, there is a subtle change in sound. In the original there is one background sound that pitches up an down a little bit. On the new machine it is straight forward. It is a reaktor ensemble (aurealis). Settings are all the same, version is the same, etc... . The library is on the same disk as the original version. This subtle undertone is essential in the composition as this influences a reverb in the chain. Any ideas?

Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,405 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Even if it shouldn’t be different (being the ensemble the same) have a look at LFOs…maybe something differs there


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,405 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Even if it shouldn’t be different (being the ensemble the same) have a look at LFOs…maybe something differs there

  • Jfair
    Jfair Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi, what I also tried is saving the ensemble to a file on the old computer and loading it in the new. Same stuf. @LostInFoundation I'll have a look.

  • Jfair
    Jfair Member Posts: 5 Member

    @LostInFoundation Sorry if this sounds stupid, but separate from the front panel, are there LFO's behind the scene you can find back? Because indeed, my changing pitch could be influenced by something like that.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,405 Expert

    Not that I know. But there are people here more expert than me in Reaktor. Maybe it’s better if someone else gives you better advices that what I could do. @Paule for example ?

  • MIDI Bear
    MIDI Bear Member Posts: 18 Member

    If you transfer audio tracks from one machine to the other, do you get a similar result?

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    So the sound cards of the Maschine versions are a bit different?

    That's really normal on default.

    If I use RealTek (actual pc) or M-Audio (last pc) sound card on pc it's the same.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 945 Guru

    Sometimes this type of thing can happen due to different sample rates - e.g. 44100Hz vs 48000Hz. Do the audio devices on both machines run at the same rate?

    (fwiw, it should be possible to prevent this in most situations, but it's not always a trivial thing to implement, and it's an easy place to leave bugs/inconsistencies because testing every change at all sample rates is... tedious ;) )

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,772 mod

    Absolutely. LFO's are used in many different cases and they can be hidden and without any knobs on the front panel.

    However i think your case is in the answer above, mentioned by colB. Different sample rates. Lets start from there, and if it's not the case, we can investigate further.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Is this MF Auralis? It is sample based so maybe it lost track of one or more sample locations during the move?

  • Jfair
    Jfair Member Posts: 5 Member


    @MIDI Bear No all fine, only happens with this ensemble. (I think I have another one also, but I need to check)

    @colB Sample rates are the same, 44. So no sudden switch beteen 44/48 e.g.

    @Paule The soundcard is external and is the same. I'm switching only the USB-cable between the two machines.

    @Kymeia The sample bank seems to have filled completely. I think it even saves it within the ensemble. There seems to be no issue, but I'll double check for sure.

    For the moment I have the same result. Man, this is weird. I might have another ensemble which I will check after the sleeping modus :-)

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    So there is a small demon in your system.

  • Jfair
    Jfair Member Posts: 5 Member

    Yes, there is certainly something as another track did also weird. However, a reboot and a night rest solved this. So, I started digging more and I had another plugin in the chain that was acting normal at first, but seemed just to have ignored the saved preset. So a transfer of the data made that right and there was the little pitching movement that I was looking for. Suddenly, al sounded good at Reaktor too. This wasn't useless by the way. Your suggestions helped me, especially the idea of LFO put me on the right track when I saw an LFO that should be running on that other plugin but wasn't. I'm afraid this wasn't the last case of weirdness.

    For now thank you all.

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