Native Access just gets stuck

Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hello Ni community

I need help ...i upgrade to komplete 14 and i 've trouble with my native access ..

Native Access just gets stuck in a loop saying it’s still installing....after downloading librairies.

i can do nothing even when i restart my computer Native access reopen on the same issue ....i can't do nothing actually...

does anyone got the same issue ?


Best Answer

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey Avozic. A few things here:

    • Are you installing a product but it keeps saying "Installing..."? If so, either the NTK Daemon has crashed, or the product is installing. On windows, especially for larger products, the installers can take some time, so might need to simply wait a while and eventually it should finish. Otherwise you can reach out to our support team with a daemon.log file attached and they can help you identify what happened.
    • Are you installing Native Access and you're stuck on installing dependencies? There's a separate thread that might help out in the meantime that should be pinned high up in this category. Likely the NTK Daemon either failed to install or it crashed. Reaching out to support might be able to get you insight as to what's going on and some work arounds.

    Apologies for the inconvenience you're experiencing here! Let me know if any of this helps in any way.



  • Avozic
    Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member

    to continue on this issue

    even when i uninstall native access and reinstall it open stuck on the same loop saying it’s still installing....

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod

    Hi @Avozic

    Please quit / force quit Native Access and restart your computer.

    Does it then open again as normal without being stuck on installing?

  • Avozic
    Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member

    No it appear being stuck on installing

  • Avozic
    Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member

    No one had this issue with native access

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod

    Hi @Avozic

    Are you running Windows or mac?

  • Avozic
    Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi Rich.... Windows 10...i'm totally stuck....Native access always reopen on this install loop even when i reinstall it ....i am enable to doawmload anything else ....and there is not much on internet about that...

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod

    Hi @Avozic

    Thanks for the info.

    Please open Task Manager - do you see a process called NTKDaemon there?

    If so, please force it to stop.

    Then relaunch Native Access - does the it then open again as expected?

  • Avozic
    Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks for your answer Rich but no...nothing in the task manager window

  • Avozic
    Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member

    but it has something to do with NTK deamon...i uninstall NTK...then native Access reopen as expected then i was able to download and install few effects perfectly.....then i download Noire and the problem start again, uninstall NTK again ...then i was able to download and install few things from the librairie then ..stuck you have any idea ??

    the problem is that every time NA reinstall NTK there a way to not installing it ?

  • Avozic
    Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member

    it's odd ...nobody seems to known what to's like i'm the only one with this issue...the native support keep asking me unrelated question....with no answer...

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey Avozic. A few things here:

    • Are you installing a product but it keeps saying "Installing..."? If so, either the NTK Daemon has crashed, or the product is installing. On windows, especially for larger products, the installers can take some time, so might need to simply wait a while and eventually it should finish. Otherwise you can reach out to our support team with a daemon.log file attached and they can help you identify what happened.
    • Are you installing Native Access and you're stuck on installing dependencies? There's a separate thread that might help out in the meantime that should be pinned high up in this category. Likely the NTK Daemon either failed to install or it crashed. Reaching out to support might be able to get you insight as to what's going on and some work arounds.

    Apologies for the inconvenience you're experiencing here! Let me know if any of this helps in any way.

  • Avozic
    Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi Hayo

    Thanks for your answer....

    it's the first one....native access stay stuck in the installing loop.....i succeded on downloading and installing few elements at the begining (stradivari violin anc celo.....Massive X.)then it get stuck on installing when i dowmloaded TRK-01 bass ....and Native Access kept reopening on the installation i uninstalled the NTK Daemon....then open Native Access, and it went fine for a little bit...i downloaded and installed successfuly,kinetics toys and.the grandeur....then it went stuck again on action strike....and now i can't even uninstalled Deamon ....and NA is still on the intallation loop on action strike....nothing i can do about it....

    and yes i downloaded the symphonie series and waiting a very lopng time due to the size of the librairies but didn't change a things.

    do you have any ideas..?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,912 admin

    Hi @Avozic our support team will need to have a closer look in your case. Please get in touch with us as Hayo suggested using this form here:

  • Avozic
    Avozic Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi Kaiwan....i'm already in contact with the support tean, still trying to figuring that out...

    fingers cross....

  • t-mx
    t-mx Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


    just wanted to add, that I also have "Endless Installation" issues on my machine.

    During the last days I tried to track it down and discovered the following (on Windows):

    1. The "Endless Installation" loop on my machine is not a crash of NTK Daemon but a message box opened from the installer. As Native Access 2 executes the installation in the background, you won't see it and thus cannot close the dialog. -> it waits endlessly
    2. While the installation is blocked like this, you have access to the installer as it is mounted as virtual CD-Drive in your system. I ran the installer manually (the previous installation still has to be run in "Endless Mode") to see the message which basically shows: FATAL ERROR: Decompression failed on file <here follows a path and filename depending on the product>! (Error: -30 -> truncated gzip input)
    3. During installation, Native Access creates temporary files in C:\.native-instruments.tmp that contain the link where the installer was downloaded from as ISO file. So I copied the link and downloaded it again using a download manager (but I'm sure a simple browser download will do either). After that I compared the ISO files (the one downloaded by Native Access and the other one downloaded by the download manager) -> they were different!?!? Running the installer from the second ISO file worked without an error message.

    I have to add, that sometimes it worked if I started the download and installation in Native Access again, but it seems, that there is a download issue somewhere in the Native Access infrastructure.

    Did anybody discover a similar behaviour?

    Hopefully there is somebody of NIs Native Access developer team in here who could use this information. I already sent all of this through the support portal but didn't get any response for over a week now.

    Greetings from Austria!


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