Royal Albert Hall Organ & Kontakt7

Frank van den Berg
Frank van den Berg Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt


Royal Albert Hall Organ will not start in Kontakt7, it freezes, see image below.

Opening Kontakt VST3 In Ableton Live 11 there is no problem using Royal Albert Hall Organ.

Anyone experiencing the same problem?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Gr. Frank

Best Answer

  • Frank van den Berg
    Frank van den Berg Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Like I said before. I will not move the library. The installation path in Native Access is clear. I don't want any unforseen issues by moving the library.

    Gr. Frank

    PS: for me it is really strange that NI allowes 3rd party libraries within Kontakt7 without proper testing together with the 3rd party.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @Frank van den Berg Jusrt to be sure. The library does not load in K7 in standalone but does load in K7 in Ableton?

  • Frank van den Berg
    Frank van den Berg Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Yup, that is correct.

    Gr. Frank

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Can you describe what happens when you try to load the library, step by step?

    Does it happen with any other library? Is the library installed in the same location as the others?

    What audio device have you chosen for Kontakt in standalone, the same as in Ableton? Did you configure multiple outputs for this library or for Kontakt?

    Please carry out these steps: KONTAKT Crashes

    Does that fix the issue?

  • Frank van den Berg
    Frank van den Berg Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    1. I click on the library and then Kontakt just freezes completely.
    2. The freeze only happens with Royal Albert Hall Organ.
    3. See attached image where the libraries are installed.
    4. Selected Realtek ASIO both in in Ableton and Kontakt. Have also tried Windows MME drivers, same result.
    5. Dit not configure multiple outputs for Kontakt.
    6. Tried reinstalling Kontakt and Royal Albert Organ Hall, same result.

    Kind Regards,


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    What's your installation path in Native Access? I see these Native Instruments and NI Resources folders here, so I assume it's the Documents folder. Can you try to move / reinstall the Royal Albert Hall Organ to a different location on your computer and see if that fixes the issue?

  • Frank van den Berg
    Frank van den Berg Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    See above the installation path in Native Access.

    See above the Royal Albert Hall Organ folder. There is much more than just the documentation. I assume this folder contains everything.

    It is not wise to move this folder to a different location not equal to the installation path.

    Gr. Frank

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Hey Frank, you can move it and use the repair/locate function in Native Access:

    How to Move a KONTAKT Library

    Moving a Native Instruments Product to Another Location on Your Computer

  • Frank van den Berg
    Frank van den Berg Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Question. Have NI tested this problem themselves and found no problems?

    If yes then it must be someting in my computer settings. I will use the Kontakt7 VST in Albleton to access the Royal Albert Hall Organs.

    Thanks for the help.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @Frank van den Berg I don't have this 3rd party library to test but the issue in itself is very unusual. It's usually the other way around. Did moving the library help at all?

  • Frank van den Berg
    Frank van den Berg Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Like I said before. I will not move the library. The installation path in Native Access is clear. I don't want any unforseen issues by moving the library.

    Gr. Frank

    PS: for me it is really strange that NI allowes 3rd party libraries within Kontakt7 without proper testing together with the 3rd party.

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