stems ability in traktor pro 3

djayval Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

when is stems going to be built into the software like the competitors?


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    You could add a “feature request” tag to your post

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    Look at the roadmap and make your own guestimate.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Traktor has STEMs, just not STEM separation...

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    That's why he said "like the competitors" as they have live separation. His questions was clear from the context.

  • djayval
    djayval Member Posts: 3 Member

    hello everyone,

    thankx lord-carlos for reiterating what i meant. separation is what i'm asking. i feel traktor is the ultimate dj tool but this piece is missing. i believe NI tried it once but it didn't pan out.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    Look at the roadmap:

    Every release has 1'ish new feature. It takes at least 4 month per item. Which means you might get stem separation public beta in .. 8 month.

    But that is just a ****** extrapolation on rather meh historical data. Maybe they soon come out with a big update that has both stems and flexible beatgrid .. maybe it will be delayed. We don't know. NI will not tell you.

    If you really really want stems from normal files NOW get NuoStems or stemGen.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Most of DJ's won't be using that feature anyway and Traktor should definitely prioritize code refactoring and bug fixes like they are doing right now.

    Everyone who needs a realtime stems separation should be using Virtual DJ.

  • djayval
    djayval Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hello Stefon,

    Hope all is well.

    Yes, vdj's implementation of it is nice.

    How do u know DJs won't use Stems separation?

  • Monstrosity
    Monstrosity Member Posts: 3 Member

    I highly disagree.

    I am a club dj for the passed 12 years and have been using traktor from the time the 1st s4 was released currently based in Dubai

    live stem separation is one of the main reasons behind me wanting to change Over softwares .

    It will drastically save me time from making the edits I need to to play them in venues

    Active beat grids speak for itself

    It will broaden the overall design of your set and allow you to do some really crazy things on the fly

    Understandable that it may not be something big for predominantly house djs or djs at a non professional level

    But as a full time dj it is becoming increasingly harder to stay loyal to a brand that is constantly get left in the dust by its competitors especially since we are given little to no time frames and valuable information regarding time frames and actual usable features

    The pattern player is an actual waste of time !!!

    The intergration between HW and trakor is really not cutting it either

    I think they really need to start getting their ****** together before they lose what's left of their professional club dj users

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    I disagree about stem separation being more important that actual bug fixes and stability updates.

    You already have stem separation implemented with VDJ. My point is, use VDJ or other capable apps because you currently need that feature.

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro
    edited September 2023

    I just hope that NI takes the necessary time to implement the real-time stems function well, and not do like most of its competitors who have released useless solutions. Meanwhile, Nuo Stems works very well.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    With the exception of Rekordbox, I think they all sound similar decent. Some have better drums, some have better vocals. But eh, with the recent update of virtual DJ they often come close to each other.

    And Denon have not released anything final yet.

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    Personally, I don't like Serato stems, nor DJay's, and of course Rekordbox. VDJ is the only one I listen to that is decent, not counting NUO Steams, which I do like and is the one I use for my live shows. This is just my personal preferences.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    All that's different with Virtual DJ and Serato DJ is Virtual DJ separates the high from the vocals and in some cases when mixing stems in Virtual DJ I activate the highs for a brighter vocal more pronounce. But on a whole Virtual DJ and Serato DJ are really close as far as stems are concern. Djay AI and Rekordbox are somewhat similar in terms of sound. But Djay Pro AI has the best BPM/flexible beat grid detection engine in the industry as far as active DJ software is concern. Deckadance DJ is the best, but it was abandoned in 2017 when Denon/In Music bought Stanton. Stems will never be for all DJ's just as I see no use for the new pattern player that NI has added. The remix decks are much more useful and has somewhat been abandon by NI in some sense. The only thing I am looking forward to from NI is the implementation of flexible beat grid and stems nothing else.

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