Native Instruments new brand identity



  • TVbene
    TVbene Member Posts: 24 Member

    Been following this thread since the beginning and I think I can‘t stay silent anymore: I’m sorry but I like the new logo.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,092 Expert

    You don’t have to stay silent, nor to be sorry: everyone has his taste.

    And I’m sure you’re not the only one, since they chose it

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,077 Guru
    edited July 2023

    So here's what I have decided: The new logo is really "AI". No, not Artificial Intelligence.

    At first, I thought maybe "All Instruments" was it, given the acquisitions of Izotope and Brainworkx and a bunch of smaller players. But then I found out that Native Instruments ITSELF was ALSO acquired! The new acquiring company then renamed itself to "Native Instruments" because the whole "Yamaha owns Steinberg", "Avid owns Pro-Tools" thing never really worked out for THOSE companies.

    I think the new logo is indeed "AI" and I think it's an inside joke that means "Acquired Instruments". Because after years of doing the acquiring, and all the while thinking they were the big fish in the pond, they done gone and got them selves et now by a gator who doesn't recognize silly things like sizes of fish. "Food", I me

    I don't really care what they call themselves, as long as it's not "Alphabet Instruments", "Apple Instruments", or "Adobe Instruments". And if they start doing "subscription only" plans, I'll surely start calling them something else that starts with A.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    I agree with everything except the Alien part, everyone knows the Green man are vegetarian, that's why they're green. :)

  • Maria O'Dwyer
    Maria O'Dwyer Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hello, I am just about to launch a Kontakt instrument that will need to use your software Kontakt 6 or higher. Would you please send me a jpg for the correct logo I should put on my box set. Many thanks.


    Co-Founder Ancient Music Ireland

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,210 mod

    How many times did everyone start a wrong application ever since the logo are changed? (facepalm)

  • Staykool
    Staykool Member Posts: 78 Helper

    Can someone please explain what a discord server is? Why is it needed or not needed? [pros and cons].

    I was asked to participate in a survey without having any understanding of what it is.

    Please and thank you.

  • Thinkman
    Thinkman Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited October 2023

    I just signed up to say this: just saw the new NI logo... yeesh!

    What were you thinking?? I thought you guys were sharp (design wise).

    The new logo fails on so many levels:

    • It’s not legible (not as NI anyway). The A shape looks completely independent from the I shape. It doesn’t even read as an N.
    • It’s not visually appealing. There’s no harmony between the elements. just two awkward shapes next to each other.
    • It’s not original nor memorable. It looks like a bad NASA worm logo spinoff.

    I think you just might have beat KN (I mean KIA) for the worst logo redesign. 😂

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,077 Guru

    This whole topic was months ago. And it's kind of too late to change anything now. NI has shipped their first hardware product with the new logo. And several software products too. It's kind of molded in now, sorry! 😉

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    NI has never changed their mind abut anything due to bad feedback, to assume that was a possibility is quite naive, they do what they want regardless of what we think. Look at the fiasco.

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    I like the new NI logo. The previous logo looks really dated now and this has a modern clean look.

  • defyosef
    defyosef Member Posts: 38 Helper

    To be fair, may be misremembering but I seem to recall a somewhat huge backlash to the lack of support for Jam in M+ that resulted in NI back-tracking even after a slight push-back at first and adding it in the end, no?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited October 2023

    Well... Correct, actually a similar thing also happened when the Mikro Mk3 was released without Controller Editor Support, even without MIDI Mode initially, huge backlash then those decisions were reverted, so there are rare exceptions... Those happened with a mindset of 'Let's see what users say about it, if there are enough requests we might do it' - Even tho users warned there would be backlash in private/beta they still didn't believe cause ´you guys are power users bla bla´... Usually, when this stuff happens it's about things that previously existed and are already half implemented from previous versions, all the Jam LUA scripts are already made, I doubt it was something that actually took a lot of time to do in the JAM example.

    If I go list the number of times users warned about something but still nothing changed I'd be here all day...

    On the other hand, a logo they paid (prob a fortune for) from a design company that is already all over software, website, being printed in HW, etc will not change... the new design naturally has been in the works to be all over everything way before it was shown to us, imagine the implications of changing it now 😬

    Our opinions don't matter much, often not at all.

  • Quadclops
    Quadclops Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I ain’t gonna lie guys, there was no need to mess with the old classic logo. It looked way better on merch. This one? Not very exciting. Kinda bland.

  • midilance
    midilance Member Posts: 24 Member

    Having upgraded to Komplete Ultimate 14 in June I was treated to Ozone 10 Standard and now there is Ozone 11 Standard. In the software industry it is usually best practice to provide new owners of software to have a free upgrade to the next version if it is released relatively soon after our purchase. I am hoping it's true in this case.

    Lance Abair

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