Native Instruments new brand identity



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    And it’s not about releasing anything new either…

  • gentleclockdivider
    gentleclockdivider Member Posts: 249 Helper

    THe logo is just bad design , non stop

    If it wan't for the words 'native instruments' one could read the logo as A.I. , artificial intelligence .

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod

    The logo that looks similar to other brand logos is a free marketing. Riiiiight?

    not a marketing ninja ... 🙃

  • Sami de Sousa
    Sami de Sousa Member Posts: 20 Helper

    Not liking it, at all. Even if the old logo was a bit aged, it was million times better. And the new typeface... just awful. Traktor's GUI was already updated with the new logo and typeface and I can't stand it. I'm afraid Maschine and others will get the same treatment eventually. Can someone make a hack and bring back the old look, please?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited June 2023

    @Sami de Sousa asked:

    Can someone make a hack and bring back the old look, please?

    What are you talking about? The app icons? Since you're on Mac you can just copy and paste any image to an app if you right-click it... Like this. Super easy.

    I could add a hack to NIPatcher to change all modern GUI image elements back but if people don't even care about hacks that add functionality and actual features requested a million times i doubt users would actually care about this significantly to justify any time spent on it.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod

    Oh, we Do care!!! ....but still waiting the Windows version... 😀😉

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Well... You do, and maybe 3 or 4 others, a very small sample. I think the small engagement kind of proves that even if it only requires 2 or 3 clicks to fix an issue people don't seem to be interested.

    I have it on hold atm as life kind of got in the way and modifying exes in windows is massively annoying, kind of considering if i finish or kill the project tbh.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,343 mod
    edited June 2023


  • rainwebs
    rainwebs Member Posts: 2 Member

    I'm quite happy about the NI/brainworx/plugin-alliance and iZotope deal. All deliver great products I use continuously.

    But, this rebranding thing is a mess to me.

    I'm with NI for more than two decades and a real fan of the kind of music production support (software and hardware, I've a bunch of controllers on my desk) and the aesthetics. In the beginning I even collected the product packaging (like I still do with Apple ones). The last years those became less appealing. Nevertheless, the design was pleasing.

    The same with the software design: a real good user experience, incl. appealing icons, fonts, colors.

    The last days I've updated to the the 14 collector's edition. Now I get a bunch of black icons with a font that is ugly and hard to read.

    Although there's a good contrast in it (especially older) eyes get into trouble: unnecessary mental effort. Color was an important thing in the past to recognize products fast. This is already skipped with Native Access, Traktor, Kontakt. I hope that this will not become the pattern for the other icons in the collection some day.

    All this is over-engineered to me. And I don't get it. Why change something that was already good how it was developed over the last decades?

    To give something a better look does not produce more acceptance for the products or the brand. The mistakes of the past (incl layoffs) need another product strategy. And there are some things that have to be further developed, for sure. Traktor stems for example, is still a pretty good concept but it has almost died. I don't understand why the user experience of the stems editor is so bad. Next, why is the Maschine software still a crippled DAW or only usable as a slightly better sample player?

    There were times when NI was leading edge or as innovative that others tried to copy it. Would be nice to change back to this mindset.

  • XBO
    XBO Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Guys, who is the logo designer. An apprentice ?


    Please don't tell me you pay 1 cent for this. Not even a cent is worth this logo.

    Everyone is telling about the new AI logo from NI, but teher is much more wrong with this logo.

    If you want me to assist you, please send me an eMial.

    I'm a Designer! We can correct this together!

  • semitone_autonomy
    semitone_autonomy Member Posts: 7 Member

    The original logo was efficient and everyone knew the brand.

    Now you've gone and paid someone on Fiverr to rip off KIA logo for you guys.

    And they sucked at doing it too.

    Pretty disappointed in NI team for not making Traktor Pro 3 what it should have been 3 years ago.

    This is probably the last few months im using NI gear and instead maturing to more matured gear than S4 Mk3/Maschine Plus, or the (extremely old) KK61 Mk2.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    There is only one thing good about all the new rebranding: it is quite honest.

    Native Instruments isn’t anymore the one that was before. New management have completely new strategy/interests. Nothing that made NI great and a leader in its market segment is there anymore.

    Therefore…changing the logo is the most honest thing to do. The people that take the (bad) decisions now are already living (or surviving) thanks to the innovative and interesting work someone else did before them. Even branding themselves like the same company…maybe was a little too much even for them…

    And the “quality” of the new logo is reflecting the “quality” of the new ideas…

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru

    I agree! Comic Sans for everything! Driver licenses, PhD diplomas, prescription bottles, fine-print in real estate closings, congressional bills sent to the President and his signature or veto, all treaties, trade agreements, and declarations of War, Help/About verbiage, and most importantly, the writings we send into deep space showing the hungry meat-eating aliens how to find Earth, with "free food" highlighted right over Europe. 😉

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