Native Instruments new brand identity



  • krabbencutter
    krabbencutter Member Posts: 7 Member

    Recently got fired from a DJ gig because I accidentally started playing Tomb Raider instead of firing up Traktor. Thanks NI.

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited June 2023

    The version with the dot looks to me like the dot from a lowercase 'i' fell off and got stuck in the valley between the letters.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    I agree the icons are the worst part. If before you looked at them and immediately knew what program you were launching, now they just seem like the generic icons you can do in Windows when you don’t have an image to put on them, therefore the letters are putted there to fill the absence of something specific

  • AudioHawk
    AudioHawk Member Posts: 9 Member

    The new logo... honestly reminds me to much of the failed KIA rebranding. I can appreciate the need or desire for a clean aesthetic, and even support it. But, this one? No... to much like KIA.

  • rez_azel
    rez_azel Member Posts: 3 Member

    New branding looks like AI, not NI

    icons look terrible

    and wow - the new font in the logo in Kontakt also looks truly terrible..... just WHY?

  • mickeyl
    mickeyl Member Posts: 62 Helper

    I don't like it. Much less legible than the old one. Besides that I question the usefulness to spend money on a rebranding at this point of the lifecycle, i.e. being an already established brand (that has many more useful investments to do in their software and hardware platform).

  • raphaël_
    raphaël_ Member Posts: 31 Helper
    edited June 2023

    i like the typeface, and the icon works i guess, but overall, theres not much of a new brand identiy to be seen excpet for that. no clear direction or vision. a new brand identity should be more than just throw a new typeface on some software UI and header of the website or whatsoever...

    i also feel, that if a company is not able to get it's software products retina ready, the focus should be on that, rather than try to be slick with a new typeface thats doing nothing for it's customers.

  • Franke86
    Franke86 Member Posts: 1 Member
    1. never ask people what they think of a rebrand. You will likely get a lot of silly opinions that mean nothing for actual brand effectiveness. “I don’t like this because it means this, or doesn’t convey that.” Logos don’t have to mean anything and are usually more effective when they don’t. Think Apple, Dominos, Nike, etc. Their logos are entirely meaningless to their respective categories. That’s why they work.
    2. Why would you ever redesign your logo if you already had a distinctive, simple, and timeless logo?
    3. I wouldn’t be surprised if you encounter a loss of sales due to consumer confusion.
    4. Logos are a tool to grow brands. They are not meant to communicate, but identify. This logo will do a poor job identifying your brand. Regardless of what tone or change in the business you want the new logo to convey. Because it goes against your current identity and is quite generic.
    5. Most rebrands are unnecessary. They are rarely a good idea for established companies. Some are even harmful if they stray too far from the original. This is definitely one of those cases.
    6. It’s not too late to pretend it never happened!
    7. For evidence, read Building Distinctive Brand Assets by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute. They have actually empirically studied logo effectiveness. As opposed to most creative agencies who just try and give companies what they want, even when what they want harms their brand. If you came to me, I would have said don’t change anything and fight the urge to get bored with your brand. Unless you have very strong evidence that your current brand is ineffective or harmful.
  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Here on top is an Ni only brand identity

    It looks different in Reaktor U/L

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert
    edited June 2023

    I got accustomed to new logo and it is OK for me, and I even sort of like the NI logo from Reaktor. But I really think that new Traktor and Kontakt logo is simply BAD and UGLY. I am scared to death it will go on with other NI SW.

    It is bad because it is based on latin alphabet. It may be sort of "intuitive" for part of world, but probably more than half of population uses other alphabets and for them it is not intuitive by any means... And the previous logos were fine....

    Those logos for programs are real bad in any aspect, but that latin alphabet probably will at beginning recognize what program they represent. But later, it will be more difficult to use it as one has to read the letters and translate them to text and that translate to program name. Faster is just look for given color and shape and have it....

    IMHO, very bad decision. I cannot belive it could pass user tests. It would be OK for me if NI made completely new icons, but this...

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro

    I hope this is a hint towards software updates with machine learning (like DJay Pro and others).

    I like the new logo and font (except the R) mainly because I think NI wouldn't rebrand/renew their logo if there's nothing in the pipeline. 🤞

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    I am pretty sure (almost 100%), that there will soon be storm of new HW and SW.

    That would be explanation not much new things (SW/HW) in past time. I mean new HW and updates of Traktor/Maschine and so....

    Also end of sale of S8 and Z2 and sale on S keyboards....

    New logo is yet another indication of that....

  • Dusan Cani
    Dusan Cani Member Posts: 1 Member

    Isn't this new logo a joke ? I can't believe that they approved this.

    Old logo + fonts were superb.

    This looks extremely ugly and horrible, it has absolutely no connection to anything with NI and its idea or products...It has no vibe at all, it's totally soulless.

    It looks like failed outcome of some random, robotic graphics generator.

    I've also noticed that they changed the fonts for the website some time ago. The previous fonts were very nice and elegant, the new one are very ugly.

    What has happend to NI ? They also nearly abandoned the Massive X synth...

    I really miss original Logo and fonts.

  • Grymt
    Grymt Member Posts: 16 Member

    In stead of a new logo for you, I would like a fast working Kontakt 7 without bloatware for us.

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