Maschine Shortcut to open new standalone Instance (MacOS)

6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I have noticed how efficient Maschine & Traktor is memory wise...

this allows for opening multiple instances of maschine or traktor if you ever needed... could also be applied to other Daws as well, this is all memory dependant of course....

but given that the M1 handles memory and can utilise memory swapping this makes for great uses in Daw scenario's

So as an example:

i have 2 maschine jams... assign each one to either of the Maschine instances, which maybe useful to some people *shrugs...

i have run dual Reaper instances to get around some of the brick walls that i have faced up against....also using a application like the free app Blackhole 64 channels added as an aggregate device... this gives you the ability to share audio between DAW's with suprisingly low latency(in my testing)

i dont know what this system application is called in order to create a duplicate Maschine instance... but if you know the name of it, do let me know lol

but here is a screenshot



  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited May 2023

    another scenario for duplicate instances is the use of separate midi clock sources and separate virtual ports for the clock *shrugs... or 2 independant ableton link scenarios *shrugs

    Edit: just realised the ableton links all work in together... so they wont be independant ..

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited May 2023

    A consideration for using duplicates... is if you have midi assignments which would work without the window being focussed... you would get a doubling of midi... so any such situations one needs to give consideration to

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited May 2023

    a word of warning!!

    just as a warning when doing this duplicate instances...

    i run into a issue with running 2 maschine instances and 2 virtual DJfree instances with my native instruments control editor software open...

    this caused some a hiccup on Maschine Jam controller... and basically wiped the preset in the NI controller editor...

    i suspect this occurred becos the controller editor saves changes automatically...

    and with 2 instances of virtual DJ clashing with the Maschine instances it caused corruption to occur...

    as i had forgotten that virtualDJ kicks in on the maschine Jam as a 15minute trial

    (VDJ seems to overide maschine or clashes(steals midi focus) with the Maschine jam controllers even when Maschine application had focus)

    so be aware of any controller editor program that is open & would autosave... when concerning midi

    you have been warned!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    You dont really need any fancy application for this, just duplicate the Maschine

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited May 2023

    But if you really want the fancy menubar thingy then use the Mac Shortcut app.

    1. Create a new shortcut.
    2. Search for the 'Run Shell Script' action.
    3. Type Open -n -a Maschine\ (The \ backslash needs to be there to account for spaces)
    4. In the info tab select 'Pin in Menu Bar'
    5. Optional: Select a fancy icon, color, name, etc...

    Havent used shortcuts before, it's actually pretty nice. Will def use it in the future for repetitive actions.

    "Open -n -a" is the terminal / shell command to open any app in a new window, so you can make other shortcuts for other apps too, just note that most apps aren't designed to be used like this and it can cause issues like others mentioned. Works for any Mac not just M1.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    Nice one!!

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