Maschine 2 couldn't be opened in Logic Pro (as an instrument)

Foe 3
Foe 3 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello Friends and Prods,

I have some curtain issues with Maschine 2/ Logic. Yesterday I installed Maschine 2 on my Mac. 

Every time I wanna open it in Logic, the whole program quits and I have to reopen Logic, but than when I try it again. It crashes.

I have tried few options and tipps, which I found on Native Instruments website and some tricks from other sites and forms but, it didn't worked.

I also deleted curtain Maschine 2 folders and co and restarted my mac.

Or reinstalling the Maschine software... but nothing it still crashes all the time when I open it in Logic

(Btw. If I open the Maschine 2 Software itself its working just not in Logic) 

Does somebody else have / had this problem?

I would appreciate a lot about any help!

Best Answer

  • Foe 3
    Foe 3 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hey I just wanna Thank you all for the help!!

    I had the old Native Access version and now I updated it to Native Access 2 and after that it showed me to Install Maschine 2 and I wonder, because Its already installed.

    Anyways I installed it again and tried it just in case its working in Logic again.

    Yeey It works now!

    Thanks everyone!!


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited April 2023

    Could have something to do with graphic card.

    Does logic Have a high DPI functionality like for example Studio One has? It caused some crashing problems with plugins some years ago.

    Or simpler, something is wrong with the installation of the VST version of Maschine

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod
    edited April 2023

    Logic doesn't use a VST version - strictly audiounits

    Need more details - what is your system? Is it Apple Silicon, are you using Rosetta mode?

    'Deleting certain folders' could just have made the problem worse - what folders did you delete?

  • Foe 3
    Foe 3 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    edited April 2023

    I use an Intel i5 Mac mini 2018

    I have deleted Folders which you find under Macintosh HD>Library>Application Support>Native Instruments and than the Maschine 2.

    I read that online,

    and also deleted in the shared folder

    but after that I reinstalled Maschine 2 again

    How can I install the audio units for Logic or how does it work?

    I also have to say that Maschine 2 works fine itself just not with logic

    unfortunately I cound't found the high DPI settings, to my knowledge I dont think logic has this setting but I could be worng

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    Logic is HiDPI anyway - it doesn't need an option. If Maschine is showing in Logic then you have the AU version installed, but it should be working and is on my Mac, although I'm on a Mac Studio. You are not on a M1/2 so that's not the issue, You have tried reinstalling which is good. Have you tried running the auvalidation tool in Plugin Manager (in Logic settings menu)?

  • Foe 3
    Foe 3 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hey I just wanna Thank you all for the help!!

    I had the old Native Access version and now I updated it to Native Access 2 and after that it showed me to Install Maschine 2 and I wonder, because Its already installed.

    Anyways I installed it again and tried it just in case its working in Logic again.

    Yeey It works now!

    Thanks everyone!!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    Great it must have just needed the new NA to fully update

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