Ozone Maximizer Limiter "review"

Fotis Leon
Fotis Leon Member Posts: 68 Helper
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

After DJing for a few months with Ozone Maximizer on, i've decided to go back to Transparent limiter type.

Tried different settings, but O.M. kept "distorting" the audio in a weird way.

Sometimes, i even thought that there were spikes/latency, cause i heard something wrong was going on, but it was just O.M. doing it's job.

(even if it was a little bit, i can hear the difference. playing in the same bar/club for 8 years, more that 200 nights each summer)

Also, with analysis, almost every track is in the same decibels, maybe there is more "punch" with the older "quiter" tracks, when O.M. is on, but overral, it's not worth it.

That's it, just my opinion about the "new" feature!

(hope i'm clear, english is my 2nd language)


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