Request: Maschine Audio/Midi drag and drop for full arrangement

LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,944 Expert
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Once we are in the arrangement view, the Maschine piano roll shows the complete arrangement with the patterns one after the other.

In this view however the ability to drag and drop audio/midi is not available.

Is there a technical reason for this?

It would be VERY useful to export full length tracks for Groups (or even single Sounds by soloing them) and not single patterns one by one without going in the export from the File dropdown menu, where we have to check/uncheck a lot of things, specially when we want to export single sounds.

Please @Jeremy_NI, @Matt_NI , @Kaiwan_NI or anybody in charge for forwarding our requests to the right team to push this to the right people (since I’m sure they are not reading this forum).

The function is already there, but just for single patterns, so maybe it doesn’t require a huge amount of work to make this possible


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited April 2023

    Just an FYI, you don't get any more attention to your personal request by tagging forum admins, if everyone starts doing that they will just get spammed for no reason.

    As an alternative you can solo what you need and use the export menu with Master selected, it takes 2 more clicks but also avoids the awkwardness of having to hold the drag-and-drop mouse click for a very long time while it exports the full arrangement in the background... Sitting there holding the mouse doesn't seem right IMO but this is subjective.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,944 Expert

    Ok… but…so…there is a single way to be listened here? 😂

    About the suggestion: thank you. It’s a good alternative that I already use. But…as you said…it is subjective, and I’ve always found the drag and drop useful: once it’s ready, I already have the file at my “mousetip” (fingertip is not correct here 😂) to drop in a track in Studio One, without having to open explorer, going to the right folder (and sub folders) and then click on the file itself, holding the mouse button anyway and making Studio One come in foreground and (only then) dropping it.

    I thought it could be useful and since the functionality is already there, maybe easy to accomplish. But maybe it’s only me.

    But I do agree that probably, being the time to render longer, it will require a good amount of button holding before it is ready

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited April 2023

    I'm just saying you are not 'more listened too' by tagging people (not sure how to word that properly in English tbh 😂). Your suggestion although a bit awkward is valid, I didn't mean to claim otherwise as I'd probably use it when the arrangement isn't too long. If it brings something to the table that could be useful than my personal opinion is always 'heck, why not?' 😁

    Anyway, good luck with the request!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,944 Expert

    Thanks. I understood you were not criticizing but just giving some more details. Your comments are always welcome and on point 👍🏼

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    Your request won't be missed as long as it's tagged with Feature Request, so all good!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,944 Expert

    Be careful with these suggestions…I could start tagging ALL my comments with Feature Request to be sure somebody read them 😏 😂😂😂

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member

    It was the headline for me..then seen feature request tag. Any way, I dont understand the question/request. I always work in arrangement view and just started trying MIDI drag/drop past year. It dont work like what you see in the videos and other so called DAWS. And not intended to as on its Homepage. Far as what I think your asking, you can. But Drop MIDI on Arrangement Group for seperate Sounds, or Sequence Group. If that does not work Drop MIDI on Sound, highlight MIDI drag to another Sound. Me and D had comments on MIDI back in the day one time. And it still baffles me how little MIDI is known of, when its the 3xOG of computer communication. And is what every book in Production has a section on. You can not expect all MIDI reads the same. No programs allow for free drag/drop, it drops what the MIDI info. reads. If MIDI says start bar 2 it listens to the MIDI. You want bar 1, your matched tempo, and key based on a file name? When you probably download a MIDI file someone drag/drop, move notes around, saved and renamed. Not knowing someones MIDI will only open/save "Drum Kit" or "Piano" style in program. My suggestion is know what you got and know what you are getting.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,944 Expert
    edited April 2023

    Sorry, but I don’t understand what you are saying.

    I just asked if it would be possible to have the audio/midi drag and drop we have here (for single pattern):

    also here (for full arrangement):

    Hope now it is more clear (and that one day I’ll understand all the things you wrote me 😂)

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