Microsoft Defender detects Trojan script on update file of Massive X



  • awol9000
    awol9000 Member Posts: 69 Advisor
    edited March 2023

    Avast had no issues with the latest update

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 249 Newcomer
    edited March 2023
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • DJ Barcio
    DJ Barcio Member Posts: 2 Member

    Just got the same issue with

  • nico5
    nico5 Member Posts: 66 Advisor
    edited March 2023

    apparently they've been aware of it quite a while - well before the weekend started:

    So the absence of any official statements from NI since a report on March 17, has me worried.

    Also, there's an apparent inconsistency. Some people have had the same issue with the Massive-X installer, while others (including me) have run the latest Massive-X updater without getting the error message.

    So now I'm even more worried.

    Is everything ok at Native Instruments?

  • Rallomat
    Rallomat Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2023

    same problem here with Traktor Pro 3.8

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,732 Expert
    edited March 2023

    It’s literally the weekend right NOW, not when people started reporting a VERY important concern about many installers being flagged as viruses. Something that, if I was working there, I would answer to in every single thread started, being so important

    And about inability to use a search feature…you are right…my complain was more about the dozens of thread they don’t even bother to answer to, while claiming their new “transparency” politic…but probably you were too focused on this one to use the search feature to notice them.

    In any case, I’m doing the wrong thing right now arguing with you, since we are 2 users in the same situation and this is not what I wanted to do, but just to make them ponder about the discrepancy about what they CLAIM (transparency) and what they DO (not answering even to VERY IMPORTANT issues). Therefore…I apologize

    But…just stating something they are doing and being sarcastically attacked by another user made me ask myself “why this guy is attacking ME?”

    Unless you are their lawyer

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,206 mod
    edited March 2023

    They answered in one or more of the first (if not the first) threads on this, it's not their fault that everyone seems to start a new thread on this instead of using search to find related threads and posting in the existing ones. And the problem is Microsoft's fault, not NI's

  • BroHah@
    BroHah@ Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2023

    Just tried to updated Maschine and Massive X, March 26, 2023.

    Windows defending blocks the install, claiming trojan viruses: Wacatac.H!ml.



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,732 Expert
    edited March 2023

    You are right and I agreed with “people not using search”. I did it and I found their first answer almost immediately.

    What I was trying to underline here is that for a serious company having such a big problem, saying “we‘ ll look into this” and then, albeit many other users concerned asking for reassurance (being them lazy or not), not showing up anymore for almost a week and not saying anything more is…frankly…not “transparent” at all.

    But I see this probably is only my opinion, and you guys are happy with them acting like this

    And…once again…this is only an example…being here from 18 years, I see them having this behavior constantly and about maaaany different arguments (addressing bugs, complaints, missing features and so on and so fort).

    But I’m saying this in too many threads lately, so I’ll stop here.

    You are happy about their behavior, I am not. Can I express it?

    And no one here was telling it was their fault, people just asked for info and reassurance. THEIR fault is not giving them. It’s not other users duty to give an answer to something so big, it’s THEIRS

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,206 mod
    edited March 2023

    They said they were looking into it - presumably that’s what they have been doing but that doesn’t mean they are in a position to roll out a solution overnight given the cause appears to be out of their hands. Take it up with Microsoft. Besides which it would have been too easy for NI to just “reassure people” it’s a false flag and there’s nothing to worry about - it probably is, most people here think it is, but good for them for actually not rushing into just blaming it on that but actually doing the responsible thing and taking the time to look into it properly

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,732 Expert
    edited March 2023

    I am a beta tester for different apps, and one of them is a one man driven company. This guy is programming the app, squishing bugs, taking care of the reports and requests and he always tries to answer to everyone. ONE man. And he is selling his app for 20 bucks. This is a BIG company, with people assigned to only take care of the social aspect of it.

    Believe me: this guy in one year has done A LOT more than what they do here.

    Sorry for the rant, but after 18 years of seeing this, I’m quite tired

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,016 Expert
    edited March 2023

    So 1 man selling his 1 app to hundreds of people? Not a large company selling hundreds of apps and plugins to millions of people? There is a difference in how the same problem needs to be addressed within different organisations and this is no defence of the sometimes slow, poor performance of support and feedback, but flip side is there is the same poor attitude from users who tend to clog up this already overloaded system with nonsensical ranting or simple questions that can be answered with a quick search or simply RTFM.

    These things can happen, they have answered it but it's rarely possible for NI to simply kick into gear and issue a fix "immediatly". They seem to have to dedicate time and resources and have set deadlines (often a detriment to quality in some cases) but that is just how large corporations driven by investors and profit margins work.

  • nico5
    nico5 Member Posts: 66 Advisor
    edited March 2023

    yes, but

    • if you're not convinced it's a false positive, wouldn't it seem irresponsible to keep pushing out updates?
    • if you are convinced it's a false positive, why not comment?

  • nikkipixel
    nikkipixel Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2023

    Same Issue with me on Windows 11

This discussion has been closed.
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