Different waveform sizes resulting in volume decreases, clipping and stuttering

djs_15 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hi, I am new to using Traktor and can't figure out what is happening.

On my songs, the waveforms are of different sizes which results in volume decreases, clipping and stuttering. It is un usable until this is fixed. Can anyone help me out as to what is happening.

The small waveforms are quiet but not clipping but as soon as it gets to the larger waveforms, that's where all the trouble starts.



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  • djs_15
    djs_15 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I should also add that this music is from my itunes purchases.

  • Courier4267
    Courier4267 Member Posts: 5 Member

    I have exactly this issue and have been going crazy for hours now.

    After I first encountered it I updated Traktor to the latest version, which seemed to solve the issue for the specific song I had it on. But later I realized that the same song, and now I even have found more of them, still has the issue but in other parts of the song. After the upgrade of Traktor the whole collection was re-imported so based on that I feel like the gain issue is random throughout the songs affected and happens during the import. The only way I've been able to retrigger the import (and thus re-srcambling the gain levels on each track) has been by relocating the iTunes library and restarting Traktor.

    The source is fine - no issues with any other player.

    Haven't found a way to solve it - doesn't matter if songs are re-downloaded och re-added to the collection.

    I totally agree that the iTunes features are fully unusable until there's a solution to this.

  • VityaT
    VityaT Member Posts: 41 Helper

    The only solution at this moment is to downgrade to Windows 11 22H1 or Windows 10

  • proudleyharry
    proudleyharry Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Exact same issue here, tried the same fixes as well to no avail...and my laptop settings say I can't downgrade to Windows 10 :(

  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hi there,

    I am sorry to let you folks know that this issue is indeed caused by a change in Windows 11. It's not fingerpointing but the sheer truth - the same error is being reported bespoken in the Rekordbox community:




    The only known workaround ATM is converting those files into mp3 or another unaffected format. Once I have found anything out about another workaround than downgrading or converting I will report here.

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