Euclidean Arpeggiator

spoombung Member Posts: 2 Member
edited August 2023 in Reaktor

Hi, Kev Hopper (Spoombung) here..I haven't posted up here for about 20 years. 😮

Can anyone help make an Euclidean Arpeggiator? I have double-checked the library and there isn't one...which really surprises me.

I'd like 4 of the standard 'circular' euclidean sequencers (that you see in nearly all versions of anything euclidean in the Reaktor user library) and a way of each one conforming to 4 separate notes of a chord.

I just don't have the skills to do this...and to be honest I've forgotten nearly everything I learned when I was making ensembles such a long time ago.

Many thanks




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