Sound Issues with Maschine AU / Logic Plug-In

JSR25 Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I have been using Maschine as a plug-in in Logic for many years.

For the past several months, however, an issue has developed when using either the sampler or when loading any Native Instruments sampled instrument into Maschine, particularly Kontakt instruments.

If I am recording, or playing back recorded Midi, the sound either drops out before individual notes are played completely, becomes garbled or both. If, however, I bounce the recorded Midi to audio, the resulting audio track plays fine. This problem does not happen when either using a Native Instruments synth or any third-party instrument loaded into Maschine. And, it does not happen with the Maschine software opened in standalone. There is undoubtedly something going on with the audio when using the sampler or sampled NI instruments when Logic is active either while recording or while listening.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @JSR25 And what if you load Kontakt instruments in Kontakt in Logic? Any issues there? Are your Kontakt libraries installed on an external hard drive? What format is that drive?

    Is it an Intel or M1 Mac?

    Do Logic, Maschine and Kontakt all have Full Disk Access? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Does it make a difference if the track is armed or not in Logic?

    Can you post a screenshot of your Audio Preferences -> General in Logic?

  • JSR25
    JSR25 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Kontakt instruments work fine if loaded directly in Logic. No issues at all there. The libraries are not on an external drive.

    Its an Intel -- 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7

    Typically, the sound has been fine if Logic is not armed either to begin recording or to playback Midi.

    I granted full disk access to all NI applications. Nothing has changed.

  • dflt
    dflt Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited March 2023

    i have a similar issue with maschine 2.17 in logic 10.7.7. (mac mini m2, os 13.2.1).

    lots of glitches and crackles including dropouts of the mixer-view until the sound completely vanishes and maybe comes back. also it's partially one bar behind. even, if the cpu is at about 25% only. if the songs uses more cpu i get several cpu-spikes that disappear after maschine is closed. i attached an example of a regular 909-beat. no glitch-plugins or anything like this.

    also only samples (no synths or fx) in maschine shouldn't be too hard for a m2 mac mini. and i had simliar issues (sometimes) on my old macbook pro from 2014.

    and a second example:

    already filed a ticket with NI. Hopefully as i didn't receive an email that the ticket is submitted or something like this.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @JSR25 Sorry, I totally missed your last message. It seems you were in contact with support and you found the solution to the issue, could you share it here?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @dflt Are you running Logic in Rosetta mode or ARM native mode?

    Do Logic, Maschine and Kontakt all have Full Disk Access? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Can you post a screenshot of your Audio Preferences -> General in Logic?

  • dflt
    dflt Member Posts: 10 Member

    Hi Jeremy.

    Thanks, I use it in ARM native mode, but also had a similiar issue on my intel macbook pro. Full Disk Access is enabled.

    Changing the buffer size had no impact on the issue, though.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Can you also share the Audio Preferences -> General (Allgemein)?

  • dflt
    dflt Member Posts: 10 Member

    ahh, sorry. just read, that my post needs to be approved. that's strange... I could post and edit it before.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod
    edited April 2023

    @dflt I found the screenshot:

    It all looks good to me, but I'll have to ask a Logic specialist.

    If you don't connect the controller do you witness the same behaviour?

    The OP mentioned it was mostly happen when Kontakt instruments were loaded in the Maschine plug-in, is it the same for you?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Can you try to put Multi threading to Automatic?

    Could you also recreate the issue in a small project, zip it and post it here?

  • dflt
    dflt Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2023

    Hi Jeremy, no Kontakt Instruments in Maschine just plain samples. Will try without the controller, Multi-Threading switched to automatic and also to recreate in a small project later in the studio and get back to you. Thanks so far, this is really annyoing :(

    btw. i have no such issues in ableton live (11.2.11) when maschine is used as an AU.

  • dflt
    dflt Member Posts: 10 Member

    ok. using maschine without the controller doesn't change anything. multithreading switched to automatic seems to solve the problem at first glance. need to test this further, but I would prefer if I could use all cores in general.

    I prepared a little logic-song only with logic-plugins and maschine + komplete kontrol (plays nothing, just loaded) and reaktor beta (plays monark). when recording monark i had similar sound issues but they disappeared at playback. as mentioned earlier I also had the issue with komplete kontrol in another song. have no such problem with any other plugin by any developer. so seems a little strange to me. hopefully that "song" helps in solving the problem. it's not starting to stutter immediately, just let it play a few bars and jump between the tracks an open maschine maybe a few times. thanks!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @dflt If setting to Automatic fixes the issue, why would you want to choose otherwise? Logic being an Apple product, it is probably set up for best performance this way. You can contact Apple maybe for further information on the subject.

    the project you posted, if you set Multithreading to Automatic does it work without a problem?

  • dflt
    dflt Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2023

    @Jeremy_NI not finally sure, if it's really fixing the issue. only at first glance, but i'll do further testing. the project i posted seemed to work with multithreading set to automatic.

    i've read the "problem" with "automatic" is, that it's only using 4 cores instead of 8. don't really know why it's called automatic. so in general it's only possible to use fewer plugins. might work for some songs, but might also lead to problems with more complex songs. couldn't bring it to max yet, so for me it's only theoretically. wanted to optimize the new mac from the beginning.

    as i don't have this problem with other plugins than NI ones i thought there might be a bug somewhere. especially since i had this problem with one song also on my old intel-macbook pro (not sure about the multithreading-setting there), while most songs worked flawless.

    don't really expect an answer by apple, but if you say i'm the only one with this problem, i might try it as it's maybe something broken on my fresh system. otherwise i might have to look for another way to do my drums if cpu usage developes into a problem.

    but thanks anyway, of course!

  • dflt
    dflt Member Posts: 10 Member

    already posted, but somehow my post disappeared...

    here is the general preferences:

    i also recognized, I have the same sound-issue also with komplete kontrol and when opening it, it looks like this:

    would be glad, if there's a solution for this (also didn't heard from customer support yet) as this is pretty annoying. thought maschine and komplete kontrol are supposed to work on an arm-mac :(

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