MIDI mode rgb lights

SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor

Hi, in the Traktor Kontrol S3's MIDI mode, I only have the option of blue pads for decks A/C and orange for B/D. Sending cc messages to the pads with different velocities changes the brightness.

I can also send other forms of MIDI to the pads, including rules, so is there a way to tell the pads what colour I want instead of just the two available?



  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    With some midi it is a different channel to change the colors or the mode, such as flashing or multi color changes.

    I don't own the S3. So I can't test it.

    Also for Native Instruments controllers I believe it is coded but possible to change with notebook editors, within the main files of Traktor.

    There have been mods done by some users here for the S4mk3 and I know it is possible to change.

    Sorry that's all the info I have.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    If sending different velocity values only changes the brightness (while remaining the same color) then those are not buttons with RGB support.

    It would be easier to answer to your question if NI didn't remove S2 MK3 and S3 from the Controller Editor app. So we cannot look into it and see what kind of options are available in those buttons.

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    The S3 in its MIDI mode has different channels for the banks. Deck A is channel 2, Shift 3. Deck C is channel 6, shift 7, etc. So I don't think it's different channels. I asked Bome and they couldn't help me. Sending a note-on to the pads address at velocity 20 or so is dim, above 60 or so is bright, note on with a variable of qq; and qq=0 is light off.

    I'll search some more for some of those mods you talked about. Thanks for trying at least.

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper
    edited February 2022

    They can change their colours to whatever in Traktor Pro 3. But when it's in MIDI mode, it seems to be hard coded to only allow Decks A/B blue, and Decks C/D orange. The two deck select buttons change all the lights to only blue or orange.

    I bet there is something somewhere that I can tell any of the objects that have rgb lighting to light up whatever rgb code I tell it.

    Ya the Controller Editor was really useful. But I run the dj controller through Bome's MTP for using it as a daw control surface instead of a dj controller. I use the pads on Deck A for selecting colours, so I would really like the pads to be those exact colours I use. Anyway, thanks for the reply.

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro
    edited February 2022

    Usually changing led colour happens here in the midi range. Uncheck blend and maybe Invert if needed. Usually 0 is led off in min. You wanna play with the Max (start with changing 127 to 1 and go up to find the colour you want) then you can play with the Min

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    No, I'm not using the editor, I'm running the controller through Bome's MTP. That program has every option available for MIDI use. I was able to utilize the lights with MTP. I can make the lights come on while pressed, or have the entire controller turn on its lights or off, etc. Still unsure about selecting custom colours though.

    I don't see how these pad buttons have a range anyway. Velocity of 127 is note on, 0 is note off. It has no other range; these pads aren't velocity sensitive, they are clicky. Thanks for trying to help though.

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    I remembered that I have a YouTube vid showing my progress with the lights so far. But still stuck on blue/orange everything only. I can't get the platters to light up or have level meters either. :(

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro
    edited February 2022

    You did read 'Led Options' right. That means Led Options 😀 It has nothing to do with velocity. Velocity is reserved for midi in only

    This is how I change led colours on all my controllers.

    You find out the note or cc value of the pad and and create the output for it. Then use the led options. No need for Bomes to do this

    Do you really need bomes.

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Oh sorry, I did misread that. Didn't pick up on the term 'led'.

    I'm 4,000 translators deep into my Bome MTP project. I'm not abandoning that for any reason. So are you saying if I use the NI MIDI editor, I can find the correct data through trial and error?

    I know for sure the pads have the ability to display any colour. So what do I do? What message do I send to the controller? Sysex, raw MIDI, what?

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro
    edited February 2022

    I don't use bomes so I can't advise you much. If the pad comes up as a note in bomes then send that note back with changes to 'midi range' or 'velocity' and yes it has to be done by trail and error. But at least you'll know in what order the colour will appear. Do not translate pads to cc only to notes

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Ya, I send a velocity of 20 for dim, 60 or more for bright, qq=0 for off. The velocity can't be for colour because it's reserved for brightness, apparently.

    I've asked the Traktor team this before, like a year ago. Been busy and am revisiting this issue again. I find it bizarre that one of the largest purveyors of MIDI devices in the world can't give me a straight answer about something so basic as simple rgb colours, for a device they designed themselves, a MIDI mode they designed themselves, pads that can display the colours, and the controller can read incoming MIDI. I just don't get it.

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