Variation in a scale

Alta Member Posts: 17 Member


I set a bunch of chords from F# minor, in a pattern and I'd like to create a variation out of those chords..what happens when I apply RANDOM is that I get notes that were not from my original chords meaning notes not from F# minor. Is there a way to lock the randomization to the notes of my F# minor key? Currently, I take the randomization as it comes and I adjust every single note to go back to its scale :) ...being almost a robot job. Is there a setting in the Variation that I missed..?



Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,181 mod
    Answer ✓

    You must have the Key active in the Keyboard Menu, then Variation will respect the key and not place any note outside of the selected scale/key.

    However, this is wont really create a variation of your Chord progression, it's under the "Random" menu and that's exactly what the results sound like. Context doesn't even matter for the generation, at least not in any way that makes musical sense. It will just put a bunch of random notes on top of each other, sure they create chords but often pretty obscure if the Note Count is anything above basic triads. I guess if the point is odd chord progressions then it can work


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,181 mod
    Answer ✓

    You must have the Key active in the Keyboard Menu, then Variation will respect the key and not place any note outside of the selected scale/key.

    However, this is wont really create a variation of your Chord progression, it's under the "Random" menu and that's exactly what the results sound like. Context doesn't even matter for the generation, at least not in any way that makes musical sense. It will just put a bunch of random notes on top of each other, sure they create chords but often pretty obscure if the Note Count is anything above basic triads. I guess if the point is odd chord progressions then it can work

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