"There's an issue with the installer service" error while downloading Komplete bundle



  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod

    For anyone that is still experiencing this issue, please reach out to our support team directly via the following form, as we will need to investigate the issue more closely and perhaps provide workaround solutions: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_install

  • ChrisByrd
    ChrisByrd Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thanks, I've just raised a support issue

  • jqlee85
    jqlee85 Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2023

    I'm having the same issue. I've spent hours and hours trying to troubleshoot this.

    NI Access was hanging at the "Loading Products" screen for me, so I tried deleting it, and all other NI software on my mac (and all their associated files they sprinkle all throughout the filesystem), and completely reinstalling. Now NI Access takes about a half hour to boot up and get past the "Loading Products" screen. Meanwhile the NTKDemons "daemon.log" file just keeps filling up with log data. Looks like it's stuck in a loop trying to find and activate a bunch of Komplete 14 products that are no longer on my machine.

    When/if it finally does get past the "Loading Products" screen, I get that "There's an issue with the installer service" error, and half the products say installed, even though they are 100% not on my machine. I can't reinstall them. Some say "repair" (which doesn't work), and installing anything new doesn't work.

    Also submitted a support ticket but have yet to hear back. It's very concerning to see how many people are having these types issues with the software.

    After spending $1300 on an s88 and Komplete 14, it's all become completely unusable because of this. This is infuriating and has me wanting to return everything and run as far away from the NI ecosystem as possible.

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi @jqlee85

    In order to get you up and running ASAP with your products, I would recommend installing and using Native Access 1 instead. Please install it via the relevant link below:



    If you are still experiencing the issue after that, get in touch with our support: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_install

  • ewdavies
    ewdavies Member Posts: 4 Member

    I have this problem too. Am installing 400+ instruments and effects via Native Access 3.4.0 (08493f9 / on an M2 Ultra Mac Studio with 192GB RAM and a 1 Gbps internet connection. Every few downloads, Native Access pops up the "There's an issue with the installer service" error message. Makes it very, very, very difficult (and time consuming) to get the new Mac set up.

  • DRF
    DRF Member Posts: 1 Member

    I'm having the exact same problem.

    @NI, don't you have a pinned messages capability in this forum? I had to scroll through 3 pages of posts just to get to the "please downgrade NA" temporary workaroud message. Unacceptable.

  • SoulHeart
    SoulHeart Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi Folks

    Same issue like all of you 😥

    Since the Ni Access 2 theres not way to install the whole suite at once. Spend 3 days trying!! without any success. I was using 3.4.0. This version is more than buggy, time consuming and frustrating 😡

    As suggested in the posts before, I've switched back to Ni Access 1 https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/de/articles/4748946468497-Downgrade-von-Native-Access-2-auf-Native-Access-1

    Since yesterday the installation of Komplete 14 Ultimate runs perfectly.

    Dear Native Instruments, please do fix this problem with Ni Access 2. Your're doing such a good work with your products, you do not need this ****** storm for your buggy installer..

    Cheers, Senad

  • Andrearg
    Andrearg Member Posts: 4 Member

    I am having the same issue. I've been using Native Access since last September but I'm suddenly getting the same error message "There is an issue with the installer service." Mac OS Ventura 13.3.1, Native Instruments 2 with Komplete S88 keyboard.

    All the appropriate NK options have full disk access.

    How can I fix this? I am trying to update and install some new plugins and the has ground my production to a halt. Now my S88 isn't allowing me to browse the plugins I already have installed.

    I've restarted Native Access and rebooted my Macbook. Same problem.

    Please, somebody help me.

  • Allyson
    Allyson Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I am on Windows 11 with a fast new computer, decent internet, and have Native Access 3.4.0. and all I get is "loading products." In 8 hours I have only been able to install 8 items from the Komplete 14 Collector's package. I am not impressed.

  • Alex Niedt
    Alex Niedt Member Posts: 7 Member

    Blazing fast PC and internet connection here. Native Access 2 has been absolutely awful in literally every way, and now I'm experiencing this issue. I'm glad Native Access 1 is still available, because it is many times faster and more dependable. Not sure how Native Access 2 is such a massive step backward, but I truly can't overstate how much of a night-and-day difference it is.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    NA2 does have a boatload of troubles for sure - but NA1 is now starting its retirement phase. You now need NA2 now for the latest Kontakt updates etc and that will only become more and more commonplace in the future.

    Also - not sure if everyone can relate to this but the "speed" of your PC and most certainly your internet connection have exactly nothing to do with success using NA2.

    It is well documented here that NI has a set "max" rate for downloading via NA2 - presumably to assure the server bandwidth does not get compromised by any one user (or users) - so folks claiming they are rocking a 1GB fibre connection and wondering why their NA2 experience is slow - does not compute.

    It's not you - it's NI.


  • malancheril
    malancheril Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Still a problem with version 3.4.0. I have gigabit ethernet. I tried using Native Access 1 but I just get an error:

    Failed to download the latest update. Could not reach the download server. Are you connected to the internet?

    ...with a retry button that doesn't do anything. And I am definitely connected to the internet.

    I've been trying to install Komplete 14 Collector's Edition for almost 2 weeks now but I get the same message with V2 as Professor above. I keep having to quit and restart and sometimes restart the computer but it's the same problem. Almost there. Just 8 more to install but I keep getting blocked with the same error message.

    It's 5 months after this original post and 2 updates have been issued but the same problem exists. Disappointing.

  • IlMolto
    IlMolto Member Posts: 11 Member

    I have this issue too trying to download on Native Access 2 on my M1 Mac Studio.

    I am giving Native Access 1 a go now.

    Downloading very slow as well. Only going around 5 MB/sec. My max speed is usually 35 MB/sec. Painful indeed.

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