"There's an issue with the installer service" error while downloading Komplete bundle



  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    Thanks, Kaiwan, I updated it today before I setup my new S88 keyboard, and it seems to work fine, although I had all the big libraries already downloaded with NA 1 from last week.

    But what I can tell is that it loads fast and doesn't require my system password except the first time, so that's great.

  • thehiltzbass
    thehiltzbass Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    @Kaiwan_NI I have NA v 3.2.0 and I am having the same issue as @ProfessorChaos. This is the second time I've had to install on a new mac studio, and it has been a painstaking and exhausting process both times. Many mornings waking up to find maybe two libraries installed. I need to get back to work!

  • dcesarblock
    dcesarblock Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hello, having the exact same issue with the dreadful message "There's an Issue with the Installer Service..." I am running the latest version of Native Access, 3.2.0 with a brand new MacBookPro M2 and I see that some people had success with the previous version of Native Access. Is it still available? Is there another solution for this problem?

  • jameszhan
    jameszhan Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I still have these issues with NA 3.3.1 on macOS 12.6.3, M1 Max chip.

    Every time I launch NA 2, it installs dependencies and ask me for my system password. I would get the "There's an issue with the installer service..." in the middle of downloading libraries.

    Is the dev team aware of this?

  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member

    Hi. I have Native Access 3.31 and am getting the error message loading instruments on my Mac mini m1. It’s installing Scarbee Rickenbacker at the no. Had the message but it tells me installation will be lost is I quit the app.

    is it a spurious message or has it crashed??

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Hi @Rich_NI can you please help us with this Native Access issue?

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod

    From what we can tell, this error occurs when the NTKDaemon crashes, or at least Native Access believes that it has crashed.

    These cases can be a bit tricky to troubleshoot, so anyone experiencing this issue should submit a ticket via the following form, as we will have to request the daemon log along with system info:


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,245 Expert
    edited May 2023

    @Rich_NI (and anyone else with issues)

    Before you attempt a long and painful odyssey with NI Support on this issue (like I did) - the workaround for this issue is simple (at least on Windows).

    NI Support was truly incapable of asking any questions that made any sense for this issue so I did the deep troubleshooting myself. After scouring through a million log files, swapping version after version after version of MS Visual Studio C++ redistributables and a ton of other stuff - I was unable to determine the actual cause of this very annoying crash - but I can tell you that the issue lies within the code of NTKDaemon.exe (Version 1.10) specifically.

    Somewhere in the code - this exe calls on a standard windows dll (ucrtbase.dll) which ships with every version of Windows out there and has been unchanged for years. AND - before anyone blames this standard Windows library file - know that NTKDaemon.exe (v1.0.0) (presumably) interfaced this same file and there was NO issues whatsoever.

    Whatever NI Devs changed - they did it to NTKDaemon.exe (v1.1.0) and this crash bug lies there with almost 100% certainty.

    The fix (Windows) - is to change the startup routine for the NTKDaemon Service (in Windows->Services) from Automatic to Delayed Startup. Since I did this some 6 weeks ago - all nonsense with this issue has ceased.

    On one occasion last week - when checking Services - I noticed this service was not even running - so I started it manually and then launched Native Access and all was well.

    Bottom line - just ensure that this service is up and running prior to using Native Access and you will be fine.

    As to why NTKDaemon.exe (v1.1.0) is crashing, the services stalls/stops etc - that one is on NI DEV to investigate (and fix).

    Finally - please save your sanity (and your time) and do not try to send this to NI Support. Generally, my experience with them has been great - but in this specific case for me - I had responses over a month-long period asking me to jump through a million hoops on this - ranging from a hardcore insistence that my MS VC++ packages were stale to sending me out to sites like MajorGeeks etc to download weird testing utilities and everything in between.

    I finally told them to close my ticket and offered my workaround which has been rock solid. By the looks of all the weird things I was asked to do - it's clear this specific issue has not been documented internally and support is simply grasping at straws hoping for something to work.

    Hope that NI DEV finds the real cause and gets a v 1.2.0 version of NTKDaemon out there as soon as possible.



  • soundOCD
    soundOCD Member Posts: 2 Member

    "The reality is that Native Access is just garbage code, and until NI does something about it, us users are going to have to waste hours and days because of that."

    ...but why focus on making sure you have a top-notch platform when gender & inclusion and SLAVA UKRAINA can score you so many more Blackrock ESG points? Screw meritocracy and functioning product.

  • pmp.tpa
    pmp.tpa Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I can confirm that Native Access version 3.4 has this issue. Sadly, Session Guitarist - Electric Mint is just too large for this software to handle so I'll have to mic up and just record those parts the old fashioned way I suppose. I was going to try the aforementioned solution, where you download a demon and then initialize the flux capacitor using a multi-wave analog polarity decoupler or something, but the wizard that lives in my computer isn't playing ball. This might be something people who understand how computers actually work might be able to figure out but I'm still at the 'press this button and this happens' stage of computer knowledge.

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod

    Hi @pmp.tpa

    Please quit / force quit Native Access and restart your computer.

    Next, try installing the product via the following link: 


    Finally, relaunch Native Access so that it can correctly authorise. 

    If the issue persists, please let us know. 

  • briansteckler
    briansteckler Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm getting this too. I've never had this issue in the past, and I've been using Komplete Ultimate since 8 or 9 I think. Submitting a ticket.

  • phloog
    phloog Member Posts: 5 Member

    Wow was "upgrading" to Collector's Edition 14 a huge mistake.

    Native Instruments can no longer be trusted. I've lost a day fiddling with their garbage, and submitting a ticket leads to an infinite delay because apparently they're too busy during Summer of Sound...so basically too busy duping other dumb schmoes into buying their hacked-together code to actually fix it.

  • phloog
    phloog Member Posts: 5 Member

    So is this really the solution? If so, I need you to supply me with direct links to every product in Komplete 14 Collector's Edition with about four exceptions that actually installed...or at least LOOK like they installed...who knows if they actually worked.

  • ChrisByrd
    ChrisByrd Member Posts: 3 Member

    I've just upgraded to Komplete 14 and am hitting this same error. Our internet is super fibre broadband giving 40-60 mbps download speeds, and I'm using Native Access 3.4.0. Recent multi-gigabyte downloads from Steinberg have caused no problems. Mac is a mini M2 Pro with 16GB of RAM.

    Is there any fix for this yet? This is deeply frustrating.

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