no more groups, sounds, etc

Renaud Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello and first of all, please, excuse my english, i'm french and i'm not fluent !

I'm using Maschine mk3 since a few years and i have an issue... I don't know what i dit but i don't have anything more in groups, sounds, instruments, etc... Then is nothing more in it ! However, when i load a project already done, even if nothing apears visually in groups, sounds, instruments and whatever, i can plan the sounds already recorded on MK3. For exemple, i have a piano recorded on my song, i can play this piano. But if i start a new project, empty, it's quite simple : there is nothing in it and i can't do anything...

Would anyone have an idea of what's going on ? Maybe did i break the path from a folder to the software ? I thought about deleting Mk3 and redowload it but i'm afraid to lose my previous projects...

Thanks a lot for your answers... Merci à vous !



Best Answer

  • Renaud
    Renaud Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Ok, i've jus found the solution... I'm sorry to have bothered you. It was completely silly ! I was on user's library (with nothing) and not on factory's library... Merci quand même !


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