GUI design: adventures in Blender.



  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro
    edited September 2023

    Alright. Let's try getting some help here.

    I'm running into an issue rebuilding the Beezlebaum 'continuous variable wave shape oscillator' (that i built in Primary) in Core.

    The original Primary setup is quite simple. Four different oscillators going into a 0... 3 ports Selector/Scanner module. The 'Wave Select' knob has values 0... 4, of which 3... 4 is used to control the Pulse oscillator's pulse width. This is done by way of a Compare module and a router. Like so:

    When the knob is set to pure pulse wave (3) it stays in pulse, and as you turn the knob further toward the end (4) the pulse width of the pulse oscillator gets narrower.

    I think i've narrowed the issue i'm having in Core, down to this: The Primary 'Selector/Scanner' doesn't care if you set a knob value beyond its number of inputs. It just keeps transmitting its final port (3). The Core version of the 'Selector/Scanner' (built by 'Trial'N'Error' and a great tip from KoaN. Thanks!) module does care.

    When i turn the knob back and forth beyond the ...3 mark, 95% of the time it shuts down the audio signal completely. This is not illogical, because there's literally nothing there. But the Primary scanner ignores this. The other 5% of the time it does do exactly what i want, and keeps transmitting the Pulse oscillator (3).

    Is there a way for me to "wrap" the event signal from the wave select knob to 0... 3, so that i can still have a 0... 4 value knob, but only send 0... 3 to the Core Selector/Scanner?

    That is just my first line of thought. I'm unfamiliar with building in core.

    EDIT: Seems like event Clippers will be the answer for both the Wave Shape control and the pulse width control of the Pulse oscillator.



  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 707 Pro

    Gee Bollie, I didn't know we'd run into so much trouble with a simple button. lol At best,at least you know now that others may need to get you're version to view your work. It probably is a Native access problem because I didn't update mine, had I only known... I'll get it going and thanks for the help. I'm a core guy but was into electronics so I had a lot of insight and picked right up on it. You're really doing great with your work here, I should have messaged you but I thought it would be so simple. Keep it up, I love the 3d look, it's sooooo refreshing.

  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro

    Yeah, i ran into the same update issue a while back. Tried opening something made with the newer version. Didn't work. Bought the update, but it didn't show up in Native Access. Updated Native Access. That was when Native Access was buggy as hell, so that didn't work. After a month or so i tried updating N/A again and they fixed it. Updated Reaktor, finally.

    Hope you got the button running the way you want it to.



  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro

    There's often a super simple solution waiting to be thought of.

    Here's what i done did: A Control Shaper. That's it. Simples.

    Values are 0.5 (perfect square wave) on all but the last breakpoint, which rises to 0.9 (or 0.1, same/same).

    Boom. Onward.



  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro

    Think the Beezlebaum oscillator block is finished.

    This went really well for sorting it all out by myself. This is the first time i built in Core, let alone in the Blocks format.

    Do i save/upload it as an instrument?

    And where should new users put the file, to be able to use it in their racks? I seem to remember it being a specific folder for user blocks. I ask so i know the answer when someone posts the question in the User Library comments.



  • Brett Lavallee
    Brett Lavallee Member Posts: 27 Member
    edited September 2023

    It only requires a specific location if it belongs to a rack that will need to recall it later. Mine are in documents>native instruments>Reaktor>blocks, but I can’t remember if that was always there or if I created it myself.

  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro

    Beezlebaum OSC:

    Rack ready Blocks version of the Beezlebaum 'virtual analog' oscillator.


    • Continuous variable wave shape control (Sine -> Tri -> Saw -> Pulse -> Narrow Pulse)
    • Coarse tuning.
    • Fine tuning.

    Use the Gate input. It's a 'reset' input for the oscillator.

    Get the Beezlebaum OSC here:



  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro
    edited October 2023

    Trying my hand on a Core version of the Beezlebaum LP Filter.

    The original does not have Keyboard Tracking, but i would like to incorporate it in this Blocks version.

    This is what i got so far (no FM/Envelope input, and no KT, yet).

    I've looked at some other builds to grab some inspiration, but that didn't tell me much.

    The Keyboard Tracking for the oscillator is pretty cut and dry, copy/paste from the Blocks Template.

    Anyone have a tip for a Core-noob way to execute filter KT and FM?

    The Pitch output from the Note In block is range 0...1. I'm sure KT is a type of multiplication of the Cutoff frequency by a portion of that, but exactly how it works, i can't be sure.

    Many thanks.



  • Brett Lavallee
    Brett Lavallee Member Posts: 27 Member

    There’s a macro in the Blocks building template that you can put before oscillators and filters to do all that easily. Or grab a macro from one of the factory library filters.

  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro

    Yeah, i thought of using the same macro as i used for the oscillator. I wasn't sure if the maths/function is the same for filter control.

    I tried it and then tried hammering it into a shape that i liked but couldn't.

    I made a simple bumpkin KT macro that works, in a way.

    But hmmm i don't like it.

    At least for now, KT is not going into this block. Maybe later.

    The small knob will be Envelope Amount +/-. The idea was to make it an Overdrive, but because it's pre- filter anyway, i'm better off creating an Overdrive block if and when i want to.



  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 707 Pro

    I'd recommend you check out the midi modules in the core library and learn what each one does. They made it simple by converting some midi info that is sent by a midi controller as 0-127 to 0-1. For example a true midi message for a note on starts with zero for the lowest midi note and ends at 127 for the highest midi note, so this module outputs 0 to 127 but the note velocities (or note volume) that is represented as 0 to 127 from the controller is represented as 0 to 1 instead of 0 to 127 from the velocity module. As a side note a velocity of 0 is really a note off command. Other midi messages like the mod wheel work the same as the volume, the midi pitch wheel is usually centered on a midi keyboard so expect the module to produce 0-1 for pitch up and 0 to negative 1 for the pitch down. It's not too hard in reality. So if you want a filter to track midi info, use the midi modules followed by a bit of math for scaling your filter frequencies and what not.

  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro
    edited October 2023

    Beezlebaum oscillator and filter blocks done.

    Filter LP block with fully functional Keyboard Tracking. I have no use for it, but whatever.



  • Brett Lavallee
    Brett Lavallee Member Posts: 27 Member

    Nice looking blocks for sure

  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro
    edited October 2023

    Heaps of fun in the testing phase of the filters.

    The combination Beezle OSC + Beezle FLT has some real grit, depending on how you treat them. Here i used the filter A/B inputs for modulation instead of the FM input. Same/same. It's extra for when you need it.

    I'm not uploading the Beezlebaum filter block yet, but i'll drop it here together with the oscillator if anyone wants to try them.

    Let me know what you think.

    Also: is it possible to set up a Block so that it comes with a set colour of cables? That would be nice.



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