Kontakt 7 very very long to launch



  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    I am happy that I sold my s49 mk2 before the release of mk3.

    Instead of Novation Sl mk3 which provides a hardware sequencer, arp and scale without software, Komplete Kontrol is total ******, on my high end system, it takes up to 4 minutes for loading, that is a real workflow and timekiller.

    I also have a lot of user libraries from freelance soundlabs and have paid very much for the NKS preset eco system, which I have to burry …

    I wouldn’t pay 20 bucks for the mk3 Serie.

    Maybe I have to much plug-ins or NKS libraries, but since Kontakt 7, battery4, maschine2 and Komplete Kontrol take up to 4 minutes for loading the plugin, while Kontakt 6 takes 2 seconds.

    Also the support isn’t helpful and worst service I ever experienced.

    i am also holding back buying from Plugin Alliance and will not update my Izotope MPS5, because I fear that they could develop in the same disaster than NI.

    there are some issues like the battery 4 missing sample folder, where it doesn’t save the new linked sample folder after updating, in the daw project. So you have to delete the plugin and open a fresh new instance of battery, for saving the current sample path. All these issues are very old and nothing happened in years - so I feel that NI has no capacity or interest of solving these issues.

    they have a big user base, but my experience with other developers is, that these issues get addressed. Maybe NI needs these issues from 10 percent of their customers, before they show activity to solve these issues…

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    Next big surprise, if you want to use a fast Kontakt 6 instead of a slow Kontakt 7


  • Grymt
    Grymt Member Posts: 16 Member

    Say what? Native Instruments is updating recent libraries so you can't use them with Kontakt 6 anymore?

    Are you completely mad, NI??

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,626 mod
    edited September 2023

    @Grymt Seems that the OP of this thread edited his post in KVR to include this information:

    - older projects with K6 using these updated libraries will load even after the update because the DAW project data contains the original nkis.

    - if after the update you try to load the libraries for new projects inside K6 this won't work at all.

    In other words, the updated libraries can now be used in newly opened instances of Kontakt only when the Kontakt version used to load them (full or player) is >= 7.6.

    I would add that all NI libraries only require Kontakt Player, so no need to buy the Kontakt update. Also worth mentioning, some DAWs will automatically migrate older Kontakt instances to Kontakt 7 instances. More info here: Notes about Auto-Migration of Kontakt Versions in DAW Projects

    It's also worth mentioning that this has always been like this, when a Kontakt library has been updated, it will always require the latest version used for this update. Ther will probably be a lot of updates for libraries in the near future to allow or improve the use of Polyphonic Aftertouch with the coming MK3 keyboards.

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    The problem is that Kontakt player 7 has the same abnormal loading time than Kontakt 7.

    the only work around to prevent these long loading times was using Kontakt 6 instead of Kontakt 7.

    can you please adress the issues with these extreme loading times to development, because the support isn’t able to fix our issues. I guess we have to much plugins or a very big database for Kontakt and NKS

  • PhatMonkey
    PhatMonkey Member Posts: 37 Member

    I have noticed now the new Guitar rig is the same, while previous version is almost instant, I bet its some DRM they have added...

  • AK5280
    AK5280 Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2023

    This seems "wrong". We paid to use the instrument libraries using the then current version of Kontakt - which for me was "K6 Full". I am not spending any more money on NI stuff - K7 and GR6+ are s-l-o-w to load and have horrible UIs. If you have customizations to anything in K6/instrument libraries with "K6 Full", being forced to upgrade and use K7 player loses that functionality - you have to buy "K7 Full". I am perfectly happy with "K6 Full" and all the library versions as they were when I paid for them. They work fine. I do not want to/need to update anything but it feels as I'm being forced to. No more new/updated NI for me. This is where I part ways with NI - no more recommendations, no more money from me.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,626 mod

    @sacer11 @AK5280 We can provide installers for previous versions of the libraries. I'm not sure I'm allowed to post the installers publicly yet but my colleagues from support can definitely send them to you, please get in touch here: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_install

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    I would like to use Kontakt 7 without these loading issues, and also use battery 4 and machine2 again. I would hope for updates, that adress these long loading issues, than I won’t need Kontakt6 anymore for new instances.

    in the meanwhile I will get in touch to support that I could role the librarie updates back.

    i‘ll also ask for battery 4, Komplete Kontrol and Maschine 2 installers before the release of Kontakt 7 and an earlier version of guitar rig 6

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 58 Member

    As I see, many people have problem with slow Kontakt 7 loading times. Please, tell me - is any of you get any real support from NI? I remember that I asked few times about something and never get any serious answer. I reported problem with Komplete Kontrol that was confirmed and still, after few months, no update/fix.

    I think all we can get is standard generic answers.

    We're still looking for workarounds like "how to make things faster" instead of demanding real update/fix.

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper
    edited October 2023

    I have downgraded to older versions to fix the slow loading times. Now every NI product opens fast in 3 seconds.

    Maschine 2 VST3 2.16.1 For vst2 2.15.2

    Komplete Kontrol 2.8.0

    Guitar Rig 6.3

    Battery 4 is VST2 only but you can install latest version of Battery and replace the VST2 Version from 4.2 - you downgrade 4.2 and copy vst2 to desktop. Then you update to latest version 4.3 and have to move vst2 back, to overwrite latest version.

    battery vst3 takes these long loading times again, but vst2 is working very well and stable.

    I have to do the same for Maschine 2 because Ableton doesn’t find VST2 for 2.16.1 so I have to overwrite VST2 with 2.15.2

    I’ll keep Kontakt 7 up to date to benchmark the loading times, to see if they have changed that issue, but I guess for guitar rig 6 there will be no update, so I’ll stay to previous release version.

    I also have rolled back the libraries for Kontakt 6 - so I can stay with Kontakt 6.

    so I need Kontakt 7 only to to prove if future releases will address this issue.

    i have now a fast system back and won’t update to newer versions. For me NI is dead so I won’t invest in new products and keep these latest working versions, because they work very well and I don’t get mad with the disaster of the long loading times.

    i don’t know if these versions are backward compatible, but since these really long loading issues I haven’t used NI in new projects, but I have reworked some older projects. In these older rework I have experienced that the older NI versions don’t make any sound, when I have saved the project with latest release and open it now with an older release. But that’s no real problem for me, because I can manually insert the older playing plugin from the original old project into my current project with Ableton.

    I don’t know with other DAW, but in Ableton I can browse tracks from older projects and insert a current track. So I only have to insert a track from an project that was saved before the end of 2022 and my current versions are playing well. I have also experienced no hardware issues with maschine 2.16.1 and Mk3.

    so please be aware that it could be a issue if you have saved a project this year with a current version and that the replaced older version could play no sound - for me it’s no real issue and the current loading time, if you compare 2 seconds with 2 minutes - it’s a real big big advantage and I am really happy now.

    So nothing to worry and the best of all. I can use NI again :)

    it’s really nice to see how fast my ableton projects are opening now again. Especially when I had used some different plugins like Maschine and battery together.

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 58 Member

    Do you guys try new Kontakt 7 update? Is fast as hell - everything opens in one second or faster...

    ...and if course I'm kidding. :)

    Do you also feel that you are just wasting your time by writing comments?

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    With my downgrade the loading times are now pleasant for me. I found my solution and want to share this workaround. It’s more a waste of time to try new updates from NI

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 58 Member

    I have both - Kontakt 6 and Kontakt 7.

    Don't really want to stop using 7th version only because programmer don't know how to optimize it and support don't want to answer any questions.

  • _Stevie_
    _Stevie_ Member Posts: 29 Member

    So, is this finally being addressed? I have purchased Kontakt 7 only libraries (yeah, if I had known that before...) and I cannot use them, because Kontakt 7 is just insanely slow.

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