Keyswitch Not Working For Session Horns Pro

Brian Suman
Brian Suman Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I still cannot resolve that the keyswitch functionality not working in Session Horns Pro. I use Logic Pro and a M-Audio Keystation 61 controller so I am curious does anyone with the same controller and DAW have a solution? Thank you.

Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    Are you sure you opened the keyswitch.nki version and not the performance.nki?

    And if you opened the correct one, that you are playing on the right octave? Keyswitches should be mapped from C -1


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    Are you sure you opened the keyswitch.nki version and not the performance.nki?

    And if you opened the correct one, that you are playing on the right octave? Keyswitches should be mapped from C -1

  • Brian Suman
    Brian Suman Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I will check to see which version I opened. Thank you for the quick response!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert

    You’re welcome

  • DDmUSA
    DDmUSA Member Posts: 33 Member

    I am using a Windows 11 Pro Build 22H2 laptop. When I try to use the Tenor Sax Solo Instrument from Session Horns Pro with Kontakt 6.8.0, I am unable to use the keyswitches for any of the articulations. Why? I am using an M-Audio Keystation 88 controller.

  • tashley
    tashley Member Posts: 25 Member

    I'm using the Mac version on an M2 Ultra and have the same problem: the solo instruments don't show up in the keyswitch.nki version and in the solo versions there's no key switch version even though all the key switches are shown in Kontakt window and they work if you select them there - but not if you look at the S88 keyboard, where they aren't shown and don't work if you play them. This is really irritating in such an expensive instrument, and the documentation is woeful.

  • tashley
    tashley Member Posts: 25 Member

    From the manual: “The SESSION HORNS PRO – Solo.nki files offer similar functionality as the Key Switch.nki, but for one single brass instrument only—ideal for production and sequencing work.”

    Keyswitching should certainly work in the Solo instrument - and indeed all the key switch commands are available and assignable in the Main tab of that instrument. But they don’t appear as colour coded keys on the S88 keyboard and they aren;t triggered by entering them manually in Logic’s step editor so… looks like there’s an error - and a long-standing one at that since when you google it, people have been complaining about if for eight years. I will raise a support ticket and report back if I ever get an answer.

  • muntyyc
    muntyyc Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    How do you go about opening the keyswitch.nki version?

    edit: ok nvm, found it for session horns. but i'm having the same issue with scarbee rickenbacker bass. the keyswitches don't work there & i'm unable to find a keyswitch.nki for that library.

  • Sewda
    Sewda Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm still not getting that colour-coded key switches in Session Horns Pro even if I load the keyswitch.nki, and same thing on the solo instruments as well. I can change the articulation by clicking on the individual switches on instrument window, but on the keyboard, C1 C#1 are not working. My other VSTs are fine. So I don't think it's my keyboard controller.

    Any idea?

  • dhouser
    dhouser Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I've encountered a similar issue using my launchkey 49 in ableton, and discovered that I was looking at C 1, instead of C-1 (C negative 1) octave. In the picture you posted next to the pitch bend and mod wheel, there is a little +2, you need to scroll that down to +1 to reveal the red keys in octave -1. Once I did this, I was able to find it when I brought the octave down enough on my controller. Unfortunately, with only 49 keys and no way that that I've found of transposing up the octave of the keyswitchs (C1 would probably make more sense in this case), I cannot use the keyswitches and access the full range of the presets. Maybe time to update to 88 keys myself. Hope this helps. If anyone discovers a way of transposing UP the octave of these damn keyswitches, please let me know, I would be eternally grateful.

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro
    edited December 2023

    With a short physical keyboard controller and (many instruments) having no easy to move the keyswitches up an octave or two, you might want to investigate if your DAW can use articulation maps, and enter them manually... post performance.

  • Phil Tweed
    Phil Tweed Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited January 2024

    I have an 88 note controller, and keyswitches are not working for both session horns pro and valves pro. I can play the instruments fine, and I can change the keyswitches by clicking on the screen, but no change when pressing the keys. I'd appreciate any help.

    Follow up - I figured it out - you have to transpose the keyboard down another octave to access the keyswitches ...


  • Mark88keys
    Mark88keys Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited January 2024

    I've been having a similar problem with Keyswitching in Session Horns Pro. I have the key switch patch opened from the menu and I can neither use them or reprogram (learn) them to a new key. I see nowhere to adjust and it just doesn't respond to any of the switches. Instrument plays OK and I can change the articulation by clicking it but not triggering it from the controller (88 key Roland RD-700NX)

    I Think I've figured it out now too. The key articulations should be assignable and they are not. Changing the keyboard an octave down accesses the switches. This seems like a programming error and should be fixed.

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