Keyboard split with komplete kontrol

GVo Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Do the new keyboards kontrol support keyboard split without using a daw?

I directly in komplete kontrol wirh the keyboard like to split sounds in two key sections.

waiting so long for this function.

does somebody know about?

Best Answer

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    Prob wont do anything new in that front, but no one really knows 100% because it isn't yet released. And do you mean splits or layers because in MIDI mode, the keyboard can be setup with different MIDI split channels for the keybed and used in MIDI mode without a DAW, but it is not possible (nopr do I believe will it ever be possible) to load multiple sounds into KK and assign to different channels or splits on the keybed, that is where you still need your DAW


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    Prob wont do anything new in that front, but no one really knows 100% because it isn't yet released. And do you mean splits or layers because in MIDI mode, the keyboard can be setup with different MIDI split channels for the keybed and used in MIDI mode without a DAW, but it is not possible (nopr do I believe will it ever be possible) to load multiple sounds into KK and assign to different channels or splits on the keybed, that is where you still need your DAW

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @GVo It doesn't look like it but you can now load multis in Kontakt, check the video at around 03:57

    You can also ask your question to the Komplete Kontrol team here: Ask me anything: Kontrol S-Series MK3

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Doesn't look like he loads a "multi" (multiple layers of instruments), he appears to load an ensemble that Has multiple split instruments as the ensemble but correct me if I am wrong, you still cannot load up one instrument on layer 1, another on layer 2 and easily split and control these from the keyboard allowing actual selection of different Kontakt instruments to be layered as a single instrument?

    Of course one can do this, but the NKS integration is not accessible on layers other than layer 1? That is what I understand most people have been asking for but cannot see from the video this is achievable still?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited September 2023

    @JesterMgee He loads Kontakt instruments on top of each other, there is no split and all instruments are stacked when he plays, you are right. I am wondering, thinking that maybe it could be possible to play around key ranges in the different instruments, save them as user presets and load different instruments with different key zones on the MK3. It might also be something to think about for future libraries. I haven't tried the device myself, I'll try to get more info on these functions. Also valid questions for the AMA!

    And, watching the video again, it seems he can control these different layers from the device. (4:50 to 5:20).

  • GVo
    GVo Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Jester, exactly what I hope! That would help a lot.

    It not to believe that after years NI would not integrate that feature now.

    I wander who first is able to check it with MK3 , maybe there is someone in the chat habving access to th new keyboard and test it??

    thnaks for all answers!

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Yeah will have to see when it’s released and the voices speak up. I’m still not sure it will but maybe direct in kontakt you can layer sounds but I doubt it will layer 3rd party plugins in KK and performance in a daw will go down hill with that anyway, Live it may be ok but I’d personally use something like Ableton or something for a live performance since it would offer more flexibility in setting up everything as a performance template. Thats what Live was named for anyway…

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 339 Pro
    edited October 2024

    ok so it’s over a year now since this question was asked. A new version of Kontakt has been released, is ni on this yet ? I’m thinking of picking up a s88 mk3

    Technically I can use my Daw , but since you can already stack instruments, the natural progression would be for ni to add Splits from the mk3. Is this done or in progress already?

  • GVo
    GVo Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Unfortunataly the video shows to work with two sounds Strings and Brass but not in a split mode.

    There was no information wether KONTROL works with the split mode for the two sounds to layer on upper and lower position.

    Still it´s a pity. Such a use of two instruments on an 88 Keyboard would help to get rid of second Synths as a Yamaha or Korg.

    Seems still to wait.

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