Ask me anything: Kontrol S-Series MK3



  • brahy
    brahy Member Posts: 7 Member

    Wait, does "Kontakt Integration" mean that a computer is not needed anymore and the Kontakt libraries can be loaded entirely and played from the keyboard memory?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited September 2023

    Just thinking about this logically, given that you can see those 'smart play' features being used in the videos with just Kontakt loaded, not KK, and given that Kontakt does not currently have those smart play features itself (although some instruments do have built in arpeggiators etc they are all different), then it would seem reasonable to surmise this capability is now built into the keyboard. But that is just what seems logical to me, we all know in the real world stuff isn't always logical :) Until we have the answer from NI or the hardware in front of us we won't know for sure but that is my best guess.

    One corollary of this, assuming this is built in; will smart play also work with other plugins without Kontakt or KK?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,255 mod
    edited September 2023

    NI Reps are saying all over social media that Smart Play without KK/Kontakt is not a thing, but a possibility for the future. The implication is that this wasn't technically possible before with the older keybs but now it is, but if they will do it or not is uncertain.

    A more official in-depth clarification of this would be nice.

  • Tulio Guilherme Grunwald
    Tulio Guilherme Grunwald Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited September 2023

    I'm getting the new Kontrol S61 for sure, very good improvements.

    But something I can't understand is the low-res thumbnails in Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol Software.

    Is there a plan to improve Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt thumbnails to a better resolution like at Native Access?

    Prints attached, the resolution of images at Kontakt is awful compared to NA2.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    I've watched the two videos and I've looked at some of the specs and pictures. I like it! Bigger screen, which is what I've always wanted. Poly Aftertouch is a winner. USB C and not damned "wall-wart" for power. Win! Faders and pads would be nice, but sheesh, if I need pads, I'll just use one of my 18 other controllers that has pads. In other words, no big whoop that it doesn't have them.

    I love the concept of the glass screen and the aluminum knobs. The only thing I would love to have more is for the knobs and rotary to all push in so that they become recessed, so that nothing is sticking out of the keyboard during transit. Then to deploy the knobs for playing, push in again and they pop out. The main drawback would be if you accidentally recessed one or more knobs during your (ahem) "energetic" performance on stage. But then again, that could be a feature...useful to "lock" certain parameters in place so that you don't accidentally manipulate them between songs.

    But yeah. Knobs get bent and broken way too easily. I shop at a lot of pawn shops, and it's the ruin of many a keyboard that would be a good deal except that one or more knobs are bent, broken, or missing the cap.

    Second-best solution: Decksavers. I wonder how long it will take those folks to come up with a MK3 edition.

    Now all I have to do is decide on 49 or 61. I'm thinking 61 for now.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited September 2023

    Interesting tidbit related to longevity. The knobs and buttons on the MK3 are "dust entry" proof.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    I agree. I probably own licenses to Komplete Select 4 or 5 times over. It offers no added value to me!

  • azapitch
    azapitch Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Really looking forward to the MK3!

    One request:

    • Include a HOLD / LATCH function to hold down all keys pressed. - You could have a software toggle for the FIXED VEL button in the settings menu on the hardware to switch to this important feature (and you could use SHIFT + FIXED VEL to enable the other setting). Ideally this should be able to also hold notes on external midi devices as well without need for Komplete Kontrol.

    This is such a useful feature on controllers for tweaking sounds, live performance and just jamming in the studio and it wouldn't require the use of a sustain pedal.

    Thanks for making an exciting new product!

  • beanradio
    beanradio Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited September 2023

    I think if you've had the MK2 for some time it's worth the upgrade for better integration with 3rd party plugins. The grouping of parameters is much needed and glad to see you can now see more parameters for both NI and non-NI products as I now don't have to create user presets with all parameters pre-mapped. This allows for a more immersive user experience. Poly AT is a nice addition, though it's not widely advertised that the MK2 has mono AT. Would be interested to see how the new keybed feels compared to the previous model. Also I wonder if we'll see an updated Maschine+ with the new screen, battery, and updated processor and possibly Maschine 3 software, that would be...wait for it, legendary!!!

  • beanradio
    beanradio Member Posts: 6 Member

    this is built in to smart play, in loopop’s video you can see as he’s tweaking settings there is a ‘hold’ soft button available when arp is engaged. It doesn’t look like it can be turned on without arp engaged.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    I Mentioned during the live, last night. The 4d Encoder - wouldn't it be great to have the lights rotating in time with the host tempo, as a visual guide for those recording other instruments?

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    In some of the videos, you'll see there are visual representations of waveforms and LFOs....

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