Iceman the Dj
Iceman the Dj Member Posts: 32 Helper
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor

NI, why in the world don't you let us use this controller with other softwares? Let it be a midi controller as it should be!!! Why don't you put it on the product page like "IF YOU BUY THIS "CONTROLLER" YOU CAN USE IT ONLY WITH TRAKTOR!"



  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert


    Mixxx and virtualdj support s4 mk3 HID.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    You could also do some research. A little research will give you the info you need before a purchase. Always amazes me that people buy a NI controller and start kicking off when it doesn’t work with serato or rekordbox. Just go buy a serato or rekordbox controller. Easy

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    It will never work with Serato since it is not certified but one would think it has a freaking midi mode because S4 MK1 and S4 MK2 had that. I would also not check for that info assuming NI wouldn't downgrade the operation.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Point being if you really want to use other software with a s4, why would you buy an s4 in the first place, knowing it’s so tightly integrated with Traktor pro. Just doesn’t make sense to me. If that was the case I’d just go out and buy a piece of hardware that’s open to other software and makes sense. Each to their own. Now if the OP bought his s4 mk3 pretty cheap and presumed it would work with other software, I presume Serato with its stems functionality then that’s a bummer.

  • Iceman the Dj
    Iceman the Dj Member Posts: 32 Helper
    edited December 2022

    I am a Traktor user, and I bought it to use it with traktor. And I mind that I don't have midi capabilityes because I could use some of the controls in my DAW... I have a controller for rekordbox that I use for time to time on a barbeque since it doesn't need external power, with a bloothooth speaker to mix for my friends... that I mapped for Traktor, cause I like it more than RB! I don't like serato. Always amazes me that people make conclusions without knowing the whole problem! I hope you got your needed explenation! Cheers!

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Yeah thanks man. Another user said mk2 was midi so could be mapped to other software. Which controller do you have for rekordbox?

  • Iceman the Dj
    Iceman the Dj Member Posts: 32 Helper

    DDJ400. Just for simple mixing on barbecues with friends.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Nice controller. Perfect for those occasions.

  • Ron_Dorfer
    Ron_Dorfer Member Posts: 3 Member

    Dein Verhalten gegen Jemanden, der was wissen will, ist ex.... Unfreundlich selbstgefällig erstmal das. Und das dieser Controller nicht in den Medi-modus gebracht werden kann: Ist eine berechtigte Frage, Ebenso wieso du das ,Wie ein Schaf Absolut nicht hinterfragst. Dein Verhalten gegen Jemanden, der was wissen will, ist ex.... un freundlich selbstgefällig erstmal das. Und das dieser Controller nicht in den Medi-modus gebracht werden kann: Ist eine berechtigte Fra Und wieso du das Wie ein Schaf Absolut nicht hinterfragst. Und ich finde das diese einschränkungen bei NT Flaggschiff s 4 mk 3. Extremes Kunden unfreundlich. Die unbegrenzte Anpassungsmöglichkeiten Der Hardware wie Software. Ist meiner Meinung. Der Grund wieso Einen DJ (vinyl) Auf native Gewechselt ist. Weil erst Traktor. Mit seinem unbegrenzte Anpassungsmöglichkeit hohe Flexibilität Sich immer mehr weitere Quellen in sein Set einzubinden Also finde ich das schon eine berech.... Alter und darauf sollte sich doch nette

    Dein Verhalten gegen Jemanden, der was wissen will, ist ex.... Unfreundlich selbstgefällig erstmal das. Und das dieser Controller nicht in den Medi-modus gebracht werden kann: Ist eine berechtigte Frage, Ebenso wieso du das ,Wie ein Schaf Absolut nicht hinterfragst. 


      Ich finde diese Einschränkungen beim NT-Flaggschiff s 4 mk 3. Extrem kundenunfreundlich.

     Die unbegrenzten Anpassungsmöglichkeiten von Hardware und Software. Ist meine Meinung. Der Grund, warum viele DJs (Vinyl) auf NT umgestiegen sind. Weil nur Traktor. Mit seinen unbegrenzten Anpassungsmöglichkeiten und der hohen Flexibilität erhält der DJ nur die Werkzeuge, um immer mehr Quellen in sein Set zu integrieren. Ich denke, das ist eine berechtigte Frage und sollte auch gestellt werden, wenn du dier die Mühe machen, etwas zu schreiben.

      Frage ich mich nicht, ob man dann nicht eine etwas nettere Antwort Finden könnte Oder noch viel besser Mal fragen wieso aus welchen Gründen, welche bewegt Gründe ihm zu einenr anderen Software Führen Um so zu einer Problemlösung Beizuführen. Liebe Grüße, Euer Ron

    Your behavior towards someone who wants to know something is Extremely unkind and smug. And that this controller cannot be brought into the medi-mode: is a legitimate question, also: why one does not even question that. (Why a sheep?)


       I don't ask myself if one couldn't find a somewhat nicer answer. Or, even better, ask why, for what reasons, which reasons lead him to move to another software, in order to lead to a solution to the problem. Kind regards, your Ron

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert

    Well this was a confusing and yet fun read.

  • Dichwasher
    Dichwasher Member Posts: 18 Member

    NI could careless. Money grab company. The fact they took away Soundcloud compatibility going from Traktor pro 2 to 3, is why I want to use Rekordbox, but the TWO S4 mk3s I have are useless pieces of expensive plastic. Slowly selling off all of my NI equipment, cant wait to ditch this brand completely.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,217 mod

    You bought a second s4mk3 after being disappointed by the first?

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod
  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert

    Pro 2 never had soundcloud.

    The dead sideprojet Traktor DJ 2 had through.

    If you don't like TP3, you can also use the s4mk3 with Virtual DJ or Mixxx.

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