Which software products are “not” compatible with OS Ventura?

MistaluvXIO Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

Hello, I have a Mac 2019 Intel chip maxed out. I also own the 2014 KOMPLETE Collectors Edition with a MK3 and S88mk2. Right now I am currently running OS Monterey with no issues however, I want to upgrade my computer to OS Ventura so that all of my Apple products are on the same accord for other features related to the iPhone and iPad. The question is, can someone just list what software products aren’t compatible yet with Ventura versus trying to figure it out from the list of all of the products that are compatible? It will be so much easier just to see which ones are not compatible yet. If this was listed instead life would be great! It is really challenging always trying to figure out what is not compatible while comparing everything from the collectors edition.. can someone just list what is not compatible with Ventura please? thank you so much…Native Instruments staff please feel free to jump in here… 😉

Best Answers

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Did you use this list?


    Since the list in not that long, it isn’t too difficult to understand what’s NOT compatible

    For someone to list them for you it will take exactly the same time that it takes for you

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓

    Going forward respectfully, please respond to this post if you actually know what "software products" are not compatible with OS Ventura inside of the Komplete 14 Collectors Edition

    The website is clear - there are none - you are asking them to list something that doesn't exist - your screenshot refers to older products like Absynth and older versions of Reaktor and Kontakt etc

    (I can verify that also because I have them all installed and working on my Ventura system - I have Komplete UE but the only difference between UE and CE is a few extra libraries - not plugins)

  • MistaluvXIO
    MistaluvXIO Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓

    @JesterMgee, welcome back! I initiated the original post, and you responded, but there was a misunderstanding on your end. I don't consider it my fault. Instead, you took a somewhat lazy approach and asked if I had checked the list. Subsequently, @LostInFoundation shared the list, even though it was evident that I had already seen it. This raised the question in my mind as to why you were reiterating this, considering my repeated references to "the list" for comparison. This situation led to growing irritation. I found it surprising that both of you persisted in repeating the same point even though it was clear that the answers were lacking. While it's acceptable not to have the answers, it became bothersome as this repetition was wasting time and causing frustration. This explains why I kept asking if you had read my post, which has been labeled aggressive lol, as both of your responses were a contributing factor. Understand that both of you transformed a simple query into a lengthy, drawn-out ordeal due to a discomfort with my responses that were pushing back against being dismissed. Subsequently, insults were exchanged, with implications that I lacked understanding. This is understandable, given that I sought help in the first place. However, it was disheartening to have two Expert members making comments in a public space that warranted a response from me, as well as making it seem like I was not capable of speaking to you in a professional manner. Yes it was a flex, flexing on you for saying I didn’t know what I was talking about..that was the response that got you my Harvard voice lol. See this is why you don’t argue with people in the first place, it can be a trouble to recognize who is who in the debate. But it’s ok. It shocked me being told by Experts, lol that I did not possess the ability to write in an educated manner, which I found ironic, as responding in a professional manner should be encouraged, not criticized. The insinuation that I must have used tools to appear smarter was also quite audacious. This entire exchange occurred without ever providing an actual solution. It's noteworthy that @LostInFoundation did attempt an apology, though it still carried a passive-aggressive tone. Referencing my writing style as if it were from a Harvard student felt like a slight, considering the comment was made in a derogatory manner. Despite these nuances, if you perceive aggression in my tone, please understand that I perceived your responses as repetitive and lacking effort, which can be quite vexing on a platform like this. For anyone reading this, if you wish to form an opinion, I invite you to revisit the original post, followed by the responses from both of you. This will provide insight into why you received the replies you did. It's my belief that the way you responded played a significant role in the ongoing conversation. You should think about refraining from using belittling and similar responses like the one you might hear on a customer support call with someone’s grandmother, "Did you check if it was plugged in?" That’s what you sound like asking someone who owns a $5000 Mac computer and $700 Maschine MK3 and a $1200 S88 with the KOMPLETE Collectors Edition, you get my drift here? Maybe next you’ll assume I can’t afford such equipment lol but it doesn’t matter. I state that because your average person wouldn’t even own the Collectors Edition and even be here in the first place. It was kind of insulting in my opinion. I’m not here to waste time and play games in a forum. If you refrain from responding like that in the future, it will prevent frustration from building, simple.

    Ultimately, this conversation has become unimportant to me, as it feels like a waste of time. I commend @Kymeia for offering the most constructive response, which has boosted my confidence in proceeding with my Mac upgrade. This was my primary objective from the outset. Feel free to interpret my stance as you wish; however, I will not be engaging further. I suggest reviewing the original post to identify where the responses went astray when dealing with a newcomer. Goodbye and good day!

    And one more thing, it’s clear too, that the number of replies you have gives you a status of Expert.. 1800 more replies to other people and I’ll be an expert too 🤣. NI you have to vet for experts in a different way, because pure replies well, that’s not it. Respectfully. 😉



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Did you use this list?


    Since the list in not that long, it isn’t too difficult to understand what’s NOT compatible

    For someone to list them for you it will take exactly the same time that it takes for you

  • MistaluvXIO
    MistaluvXIO Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2023

    Asking me did I use the list on the website or referring me to look at it is like me asking you did you read my post...lol seriously If you don't know the answer just say that instead lol. Native Instruments could easily list what is still not compatible right now, they know right away before we do and don't have to do investigative work and comparing and wasting time looking on your computer to compare it to a list for 20-30 minutes. If you check the previous OS you will see that they make it clear that everything is compatible with Big Sur and Monterey, but for Ventura they list whats compatible so far...but it has not been cleared for full compatibility. That should have been understood from my post. I am making a point here to simply make it easier for everyone to see right away without question, what parts are not yet compatible. Simple. 2014 Collectors Edition has so much stuff with it, I am not sure what has not been made compatible for Ventura. NI please consider making this easier in the future. Again does anyone know what is not yet compatible in Ventura?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert
    edited August 2023

    Well, you did not say you had read that page and my crystal ball is still in for repairs....

    So you actually read this on that page then:

    If it is not listed or mentioned, assume it has not been tested and may not work. I do not believe you will find a list of "not working" plugins anywhere but should be simple enough to refer to this for working plugins. If there are any unknown factors personally I would just not update if things are working fine irrespective of any fancy new features, it's always smart to stay 1 OS release behind on and stick with macOS 12 until 14 comes out then upgrade.

  • MistaluvXIO
    MistaluvXIO Member Posts: 15 Member

    Lol. My guy, I just don’t think you are understanding and again of course I seen that…do you see how easy it was for them to state under Monterey and Big Sur that everything is 100% fully compatible?? Really do you see that? Now again, instead though with Ventura, they list what is ready to go but how many products are not ready for Ventura yet, and what are they if they are not compatible yet?? How about that question instead, does that help to understand? I mean for goodness sakes they list no longer supported hardware products why not list the software that is not yet compatible to make things easier for everyone??? Is that a crime lol? Gee wiz!!!

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    I'll leave it to you to find the answer then...

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    I think you are the one not understanding…

    The list of products is just 10 products. I don’t think it’s a too big “investigative work” to watch 10 entries.

    Probably you are confused about what must be checked.

    Yes, Collectors edition has a lot of stuff. But the programs that could or could not be compatible are quite few. All the other products are libraries, which, once you know that the program in which you load them is compatible, will work.

    So…as you see…we did know the answer. Probably we didn’t know you had no idea on what must be checked and we didn’t understand why it was so difficult to check 10 products and find out the few remaining that were not in that list.

    One more suggestion: try not to answer so aggressively, specially when you don’t know what you are talking about

  • causymack
    causymack Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Unfortunately, as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I don't have access to real-time information on software compatibility with specific macOS versions like Ventura. However, I suggest checking Native Instruments' official website or community forums for the most current information on macOS Ventura compatibility. They're likely to provide a clear list of locate compatible and non-compatible products to help you make an informed decision. Best of luck with the upgrade!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    edited August 2023

    The list shows all the plugins NI currently sell. Therefore there isn't anything not on the list that isn't compatible. To put it another way - it does list all the products that are not compatible - it's just that the number of those products happens to be zero (from their current software catalogue)

  • MistaluvXIO
    MistaluvXIO Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2023

    @LostInFoundation If I were being forceful in my approach, you would easily recognize it. Reiterating points incessantly tends to elicit a degree of irritation, particularly when individuals of skill and maturity at this stage of their journey wish to engage meaningfully in responding to a query. Cease attempting to uncover flaws in the presentation and other aspects, and simply choose to answer or abstain from doing so. I refrain from nitpicking posts simply to highlight perceived errors unless I possess the accurate solution. Out of a total of 10 posts, none have successfully furnished the answer to the question, "What is incompatible with OS Ventura?" Hence, my suggestion is that you refrain from inserting yourself unnecessarily and instead demonstrate your expertise by furnishing the solution. If arriving at the answer were genuinely as straightforward as it seems, I would readily provide a precise response and move forward. Furthermore, please do not misinterpret my remarks regarding individuals attempting to offer assistance. I acknowledge that people are making an effort, but diluting their input and guiding me toward resources I am already acquainted with, while concurrently referencing the same link or page on NI's website, is somewhat belittling. At this juncture, it is evident that I possess the capability to locate such support pages, as I have mentioned on two to three occasions. Hence, kindly cease the repetitious discourse and the automated tone, attempting to defend a position you do not actually possess. I came here seeking a resolution, not a 25-post deliberation that still fails to yield the correct answer. And if I were already well-versed in the matter, I would not be seeking assistance here. However, it remains the case that not one individual has yet enumerated the "limited items that exhibit incompatibility." This is acceptable; please just desist from portraying a level of certainty that you have not yet achieved. Signing out now..."the guy that doesn't know what he's talking about..."

    In case you are wondering what all the fuss is about, it's this sentence from the support page. This is what is in question..I'm just looking for the answer as of now so I can confidently update to OS Ventura ahead of Sonoma being released.

    What are the "Other Native Instruments software products" that NI is referring too?

    Screenshot from Support and Compatibility page:

    Going forward respectfully, please respond to this post if you actually know what "software products" are not compatible with OS Ventura inside of the Komplete 14 Collectors Edition. Again, we have already seen the support link on the website, no need to repost it again or add screenshots. Thanks for everyone's help. 😉


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    😂😂😂. Nice attempt…

    But you demonstrating how good you are able to talk (or to use something that would make you look like a good talker) doesn’t cancel the fact that you didn’t know what you had to check (“2014 Collectors Edition has so much stuff with it”) and therefore asked a wrong question, people answered you anyway and you have been aggressive and didn’t accept it.

    I’ve made for other users very long lists taking me a lot of time (like the differences in new products from the various versions of Komplete depending on what previous product was owned), but in your case I’ll just tell you to make your homework’s by yourself.

    In one thing you’re very right: with my posts I’m not answering you anymore, therefore this will be my last one.

    Good luck

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓

    Going forward respectfully, please respond to this post if you actually know what "software products" are not compatible with OS Ventura inside of the Komplete 14 Collectors Edition

    The website is clear - there are none - you are asking them to list something that doesn't exist - your screenshot refers to older products like Absynth and older versions of Reaktor and Kontakt etc

    (I can verify that also because I have them all installed and working on my Ventura system - I have Komplete UE but the only difference between UE and CE is a few extra libraries - not plugins)

  • MistaluvXIO
    MistaluvXIO Member Posts: 15 Member

    @LostInFoundation It appears that you have a penchant for making insulting remarks. It might be beneficial to work on maintaining a more welcoming demeanor towards newcomers in this community. At this point, your abilities seem limited to this behavior. I've never posed an incorrect question, and my extensive education enables me to communicate effectively in various situations. Whether it's a casual setting or a professional environment, I excel. Hence, I've showcased my education and resourcefulness by identifying areas for improvement, which you seem to have taken issue with. Your inclination to defend something with evident room for enhancement perplexes me, as does your tendency to engage unnecessarily. Your current state of frustration is evident, and although you've replied, your responses lack substantial answers. It's alright if you choose not to continue the conversation, as it's clear you're struggling to provide a meaningful response. We will however not be bothered by your absence on this topic, it is a self contained discussion please understand, meaning you are welcomed in the future to reply to other topics, just maybe not this one. Now to reiterate, my initial query centered around why OS Ventura hasn't been rectified in the same manner as previous operating systems, given claims of no missing elements or lingering incompatibilities:

    OS Ventura not yet?? Why not?

  • MistaluvXIO
    MistaluvXIO Member Posts: 15 Member

    @Kymeia Thank you for your response, which I truly appreciated. Your eloquent and reassuring reply impressed me. Your vast experience seems limitless and is undoubtedly benefiting a broader audience who may have pondered similar questions but never vocalized them. Among the answers received, yours stands out as the most exceptional, stemming from your evident expertise. It's truly commendable that you have Ventura installed, fully updated, and functioning flawlessly. Your succinct response is greatly appreciated. The community would greatly benefit from more individuals who can respond as effectively as you have. While I still hope to see NI officially endorse Ventura like their other operating systems, your response stands as the best for now. I cannot express my gratitude enough. I sincerely hope you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and create something wonderful, my friend. Cheers! 🍺…. 🍻

This discussion has been closed.
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