Kontakt can not find the library's wallpaper

Phucss Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I am using Kontakt in Ableton Live. Each time I load my library it keep saying that something is missing. Please see the screenshot.

I tried with Kontakt standalone and everything is fine. Can you please give me some suggestions on how to solve it ?

Thank you so much.


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,446 mod
    Answer ✓

    If the nicnt file is missing it might be a very old library, the best would be to contact Spitfire about it.

    The weird thing is that you say it works in standalone but not in Ableton, can you check the version loading in Ableton by clicking the NI logo in Kontakt's window, what version does it show? Does it match the standalone?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,446 mod

    Have you tried to run both Kontakt and Ableton as admin? How to Run a Program as an Administrator

  • Phucss
    Phucss Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hi @Jeremy_NI ,

    Thank you so much for the reply. I tried but nothing changed. I tried to look at some of my libraries; they all have the NICNT file, but this library does not.

    Thank you so much.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,537 mod
    edited July 2023

    If you suspect an art file missing have you then considered either to try a repair (if possible) or to try to remove and then re-install product. ? I do understand that you are only allowed to reset the product so many times before having to contact Spitfire support again , so you could also try contacting Spitfire Audio support and ask them to help get back the missing artwork (or how to do a repair and what repair is needed)...

    I don't know if N.I. N.A. or Spitfire Audio is handling any re-install of the library in question but just in case here are some Spitfire Audio links ! :



    Also :

    How Can I Redownload a Product or an Update? :


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,446 mod
    Answer ✓

    If the nicnt file is missing it might be a very old library, the best would be to contact Spitfire about it.

    The weird thing is that you say it works in standalone but not in Ableton, can you check the version loading in Ableton by clicking the NI logo in Kontakt's window, what version does it show? Does it match the standalone?

  • Phucss
    Phucss Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited July 2023

    Hi @Jeremy_NI ,

    I checked the version, and they are the same and now it does not work in Ableton and the stand alone ? Do you know where can I get the software support I really want to know what are the different between .nkr, .nkc and .nicnt ? I clicked on the link you gave me and only found hardware/account support.

    Thank you so much.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,446 mod

    @Phucss I'm not the one who posted links, it's on Spitfire's website, it's not NI.

This discussion has been closed.
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