Is the tagging system in kontakt 7 going to be improved ? Custom tags, adding tags on the fly ...

gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hello, is it something that's on the devs mind or not?

Being able to save patches on the fly without leaving the browser window + being able to add tags on the fly will only make the tag browsing experience more relevant.

Being able to custom tags is really big for me as I am often spending way too much time browsing for patches I know I want.




  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,335 mod

    Since you posted it as a question, the fact is that nobody can answer this accurately, maybe not even the forum admins.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,517 mod
    edited June 2023

    I'll reach out to the Kontakt team, forward your comments & questions, will get back when I get more insight.

  • gamaliwa
    gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member

    Thanks. I'll be waiting for a response.

    Being able to customize tags and save patches to create a personal library and a pleasant browsing experience is really a must-have for those who have terabytes of samples. Most people are still using the outdated "quickload" to organize their libraries!


  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Beyond custom tagging...

    How about an easy way to make patch previews. And have these previews (and factory previews) be analyzed with machine learning to yield a browsing method far more capable than tagging?

    Put those iZotope ML technologies to work!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,232 mod
    edited June 2023

    You can add custom tags to Kontakt user snapshots in Komplete Kontrol - I tested this with some Playbox user patches and they do also show up in Kontakt without Komplete Kontrol once added (as user tags).

    Actually you can also do this in Kontakt (see below) - click the little pencil icon in the tagging editor, then a + if you want to add new tags - it's very like the functionality now in the Massive X browser but the advantage of doing it in Komplete Kontrol though is you can tag more than one patch at once

  • gamaliwa
    gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member

    I knew you could custom tag in Komplete or Kontakt, but correct me if I am wrong it only works for already saved custom user preset. So you need to save 1 by 1 every patch you want to tag, it's time consuming.

    I am testing a windows software that allow me to batch tag all nki files based on file name

    For exemple all .nki file that have legato on their filename in my kontakt libraries folder will be tagged with "legato". Same thing with tag by instrument. Same thing with anything you want. That's how I picture an efficient tagging system

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,232 mod

    You can batch tag in Komplete Kontrol as I said

  • gamaliwa
    gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member

    You can't batch tag. You can multi-select and then apply a tag. Batch tag for me is apply a rule that will auto tag based on condition

    How do you batch save .nki patches as preset in the user library. If I want to tag all my Cinebrass library, I need to open each patch and save it one by one ?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,232 mod
    edited June 2023

    Well it is still batch tagging, you just have an ‘alternate’ definition of your own

    Obviously you are looking for something more than you asked about in your original post or perhaps wanted a way to discuss your own software tool?

  • gamaliwa
    gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member
    edited June 2023

    1 - it's not my own software and I do not care about discussing it

    2 - I have 57.000 nki files in my Kontakt libraries folder. To tag all my library I'd need to open 1 by 1 57.000 patches, then save them one by one and then tag them. Does it look like batch tagging?

    If you are happy with your workaround to tag 15 patches, that's ok, but there's no need to get defensive about a customer asking for basic improvements of a feature that has been marketed by the company in a paid upgrade (K6 to K7)

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    To dream...

    "Batch Analysis"... a AI guided script

    1) goes thru all your presents, loads & triggers

    2) creates an audio preview file

    3) analyzes it's sonic characteristics with machine learning

    4) embeds metadata for these sonic characteristics along with patch parameter data within the audio preview file.

    5) this enhanced audio preview file with a standardized metadata = NKS 2.0

  • gamaliwa
    gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member
    edited June 2023

    @nightjar yeah ! innovation, that's what we want !

    an audio preview that transposes in real time based on the key you are setting up so that the preview is in key with your current project

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,232 mod

    In Komplete Kontrol I can search for every file with 'pad' in the name if I want and then select them all at once and apply the 'pad' tag to them all. That could be thousands, it can do that, including with Kontakt sounds. I don't know where you get the '15 patches' idea and this is not a workaround. Obviously though that would a) not find most pads as most pad sounds don't actually have 'pad' in the file name and many have names that tell you nothing about the type of sound, b) erroneously tag files that have 'pad' in the filename but that are not actually pads. Something like nightjar suggested using machine learning to 'listen' to previews might be a better option but even then it would not be perfect and it would certainly need training. I guess you would possibly have better luck with something clear cut like legato, assuming the preset maker puts that term in the file or patch name but it's still going to be a bit hit and miss. Not sure what else to suggest really. You asked if you can custom tag in Kontakt, I showed how and then you say you knew that already and it wasn't really what you were asking for.

  • gamaliwa
    gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member
    edited June 2023

    I get what are you saying, you can research all patches with "pad" in the name and select them. But the thing is, how do you tag them if they are not part of your user library already? Don't you need to first save each one of them by loading it into Komplete, then clicking 'save as' so that it appears in your user library ?

    When I was using Komplete, I remember that the tags files were "locked" unless it's a patch you manually saved. Any idea ?

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited June 2023

    From Kymeia quote: Something like nightjar suggested using machine learning to 'listen' to previews might be a better option but even then it would not be perfect and it would certainly need training. 

    In the NKS 2.0, NI will have done the ML training using the huge amount of existing patches. Such an approach towards browsing sounds should have already been announced in a KK roadmap if NI really wants to lead into the future. Tagging is SO archaic and limited.

    And by developing an enhanced NKS preview file with sonic characteristic AND parameter settings embedded in metadata, this approach becomes a great way to share patches.

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