Full live sets on the M+?

DubTek Member Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

New to M+, and Maschine in general, and only picked up my M+ three days ago, so I'm very new to this platform....

Can I play a full set of tracks, on the M+, with no gaps between tracks (dead air, as apposed to transition sounds)?

Like I say, I'm new to the M+ and am just about finding my way around at the moment, so a way off from this just now, but I'm sure it won't be long before I have a collection of tracks produced on the M+

Not new to hardware or producing-octatrack mk2, mpc live mk2, Syntakt, tt 303, Tanzbar, hydrasynth, ableton live suite 11 etc etc so I know my way around - I'm just not there with M+ yet. I'm also enjoying what I've learnt so far on the gear 😎



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Loading next project (track) will ever require some transition time.

    Since you say you own it, think like for MPC Live mk2: loading next song will always require some time.

    The only thing I can think of that implemented a “transitioning” between projects is an app for iPad (and in the future for Mac): Loopy Pro

  • DubTek
    DubTek Member Posts: 10 Member

    So does that transition result in silence, or can I have audio transitions playing, whilst I'm waiting for the next track to load up?

    Could I load a project with multiple tracks and play them as part of a set, factoring transitions etc?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Sorry, I edited last response while you were writing. Have a look.

    A project can be organized to play multiple tracks, but different BPM between tracks could be a problem (Maschine doesn’t allow for tempo changes). And also…one project containing too many instruments that you’ll need for the different tracks will surely make its poor CPU struggle.

    Loading next project will interrupt previous one

  • DubTek
    DubTek Member Posts: 10 Member

    Got you.

    I plan to use samples as much as I can and tempos changes aren't really a big concern, so those shortcomings can be navigated I suspect.

    Interrupting the audio can't be navigated, so I'll use another device with it. That's how I'm currently performing anyway, but was worth checking to see if I could get away with taking less gear with me.


  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro
    edited June 2023

    I think the only real way to do it all inside of Maschine, is to have your entire set all contained in one project.

    the good news is that it’s not as hard to do as it sounds - just plan things out and move across your project scene-by-scene. you can create infinite groups if need be. (Depending on your personal workflow)

    you’ll have to commit to converting just about every element to a sample eventually I would imagine in order to not overload the CPU.

    and you should definitely explore the Maschine snapshots/lock states. They are a great way to basically assign “anchors” to move through your set, while still giving you the freedom and confidence to jam out and go wild with fx and stuff in between. Because you always know you can get back to the next “anchor” with the push of a button.

  • DubTek
    DubTek Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thanks. There's a whole lot of information and words there, that I have zero clue about as I only picked it up this week! However, that sounds like how I had assumed it would need to be.

    I'll take a look around YouTube for some tuts on what you've suggested. I'm assuming that it's the same on all the maschine family, in case I can't find + specific vids?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert

    A simple looper could be useful in that case: you loop last piece of previous song (maybe with a fade out or some other fx to make a nice transition) and in the meanwhile that it plays some bars of your “outro” you load the next project 😉

  • DubTek
    DubTek Member Posts: 10 Member

    I do that with the octatrack mk2 currently, and have considered the rc 505 for this with other devices.

    I don't want to spend more, but the idea of the rc505 and just the m+ is somewhat appealing..

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    edited June 2023

    My 505 is collecting a lot of dust since Loopy Pro came out. If you already own an iPad or an iPhone, take it in consideration: waaaaay more powerful and flexible than the 505. And costs 29 bucks instead of hundreds 😏

    BTW: do you want to buy mine? 😂😂😂

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro

    We’ll I don’t have a + myself, I have a mk3, so I haven’t specifically searched out too many ‘+ specific’ YouTube vids.

    but it is essentially the same across the Maschine family as far as I know

  • DubTek
    DubTek Member Posts: 10 Member

    If you're in the uk, then I might be persuaded...

    I don't have any 'i' devices unfortunately, otherwise that would have been a very easy fix!

  • DubTek
    DubTek Member Posts: 10 Member

    Great, I thought as much myself. I'm sure I'll be flying around in no time 😎

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited June 2023

    If I was brave enough to consider playing a show with Maschine+ standalone, I'd either

    • Use two Maschine+ units and a DJ mixer

    • Use only a single project, containing the entire show

    However, there are still some issues regarding to glitches, especially with audio loops and scene changes, so until those are addressed, I'd probably not even bother. It's kind of frustrating, Maschine+ is stable enough as not to feel bug riddled when writing new material, but still not bulletproof enough for playing a longer set without a single audible glitch/dropout.. M+ is not an Elektron-tier dependable performance machine

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