Play Series / FX Section

GingerHeart Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I'm watching a video about Glaze, to learn more about the Play Series interface, and I've noticed the instructor can access his NI effects inside the instrument's FX section. (pic 1) However, when I open my Glaze instance, I only have a limited number of effects, and many, which I own, aren't included (Phasis, Choral to name a few) (pic 2).

Best Answers

  • Rotomot
    Rotomot Member Posts: 43 Helper
    Answer ✓

    You need to scroll down in the menu. All the effects should be there.

    The video was done using Kontakt 6, which is using smaller font in that menu. That's why there are more effects visible at the same time there.

    All effects used in any Kontakt instrument are built-in to Kontakt and are always installed with Kontakt. Those are not VST plugins that you install separately. And you don't need to buy or install any of those Kontakt effects separately.

    Kontakt does not support using VSTs or other external plugins inside Kontakt. NI has just taken algorithms from their other plugins, like Choral, Phasis and some GuitarRig algorithms, and copied those into Kontakt. That's why you see those familiar effect names inside Kontakt.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod
    Answer ✓

    @GingerHeart There was an update for Glaze fixing this issue (1.0.1), check for updates in Native Access.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,328 mod

    "Stupid" question but, just to be sure i will ask: Do you have all those plugins installed? If not, then of course they can't be seen, since they don't exist.

  • Rotomot
    Rotomot Member Posts: 43 Helper
    Answer ✓

    You need to scroll down in the menu. All the effects should be there.

    The video was done using Kontakt 6, which is using smaller font in that menu. That's why there are more effects visible at the same time there.

    All effects used in any Kontakt instrument are built-in to Kontakt and are always installed with Kontakt. Those are not VST plugins that you install separately. And you don't need to buy or install any of those Kontakt effects separately.

    Kontakt does not support using VSTs or other external plugins inside Kontakt. NI has just taken algorithms from their other plugins, like Choral, Phasis and some GuitarRig algorithms, and copied those into Kontakt. That's why you see those familiar effect names inside Kontakt.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod
    Answer ✓

    @GingerHeart There was an update for Glaze fixing this issue (1.0.1), check for updates in Native Access.

  • GingerHeart
    GingerHeart Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    and they are... what a newbie error on my part that was 😅 Thanks for your help

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod

    @GingerHeart No worries! Not a newbie error at all! I had to do some research on this one and I'm working at support!

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