Is there any response to the second hand item I was sold as new by The Rock Shop in New Zealand

DjAlienz69 Member Posts: 20 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware


Is there any response to the second hand item I was sold as new by The Rock Shop in New Zealand.

I provided additional information a week or two ago as you requested - but I have not heard from you.

Is there any way to get this previous license that is registered to my S3 Kontroller OFF my "new" machine so I stop getting error warnings.

This is becoming a legal case - but I want to at least update my machine as required

Thank you for your response.

My previous item is - NOT CLOSED

Best Answer

  • williamswelsh75
    williamswelsh75 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    It is always troubling when buyers are promised one thing and given something else in its place. Did you talk to the company about returning the item? It would be wise to start by formally asking for a refund or an exchange for a new item first. Further steps can be taken, such as filing a complaint with consumer advocacy groups or even legal action, if necessary.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    If you just want to update the S3 firmware, you can find it here

  • DjAlienz69
    DjAlienz69 Member Posts: 20 Member


    See my other post that was left unanswered by @Mark_NI - I CANNOT update when there are two licenses causing conflict on my machine (I was sold a secondhand machine as new and given a anew license from an unopened unit that is now in conflict) - I cant believe you don't realize that S3 downloads this firmware update automatically and I receive this error.

    I even went to the site you suggested and got the same result as i have done dozens of times already.

    I also included a screenshot of that attempt - I am not stupid

    Perhaps I should call your office to make a formal complaint???

  • williamswelsh75
    williamswelsh75 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    It is always troubling when buyers are promised one thing and given something else in its place. Did you talk to the company about returning the item? It would be wise to start by formally asking for a refund or an exchange for a new item first. Further steps can be taken, such as filing a complaint with consumer advocacy groups or even legal action, if necessary.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Maybe I’m wrong, but what I see there is a device not being updated because it’s not seen by the computer. Is it plugged directly into an usb on the computer or through usb hub? Did you try with another usb cable?

    Can someone with a S3 confirm it even needs to be registered in order to work? All my NI HWs work plug and play even without registration. The only thing that registration gives is software

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    Plug your S3 into the computer, then go to your Control Panel. Select the Device Manager.

    See if the S3 is showing up in the list and if the driver is working. If the driver for the S3 is not working it will have an alert icon next to it. If you don't see the S3 device at all it is not being recognized.

    If the S3 is not being recognized or shows a driver error definitely contact support by opening ticket here...

    click the link that says "Get Dj Support" unfortunately it will probably take some time. But be sure to keep the subject about the S3 not being recognized. Or if it is recognized in the Device Manager keep the subject about the firmware issue. The more direct the subject is the better help you will get.

    Is your Traktor application the demo or the paid registered version? I ask this because you indicated that you have conflicting serial numbers, if you are using the demo it closes after 30min.

    Also check this for hardware not recognized...

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    I don't see a mention about testing a different USB cable/port or connecting to a different computer.

    The registration will only give you the software and your unit should not be tied to that license. What version of Traktor do you have installed?

    Also make sure to upload the screenshot of the Device Manager --> Software Devices.

  • DjAlienz69
    DjAlienz69 Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2023


    Than k you for your excellent suggestion - unfortunately I do not have any device conflicts, so that is not the solution here - thank you

  • DjAlienz69
    DjAlienz69 Member Posts: 20 Member


    Thank you I am currently seeking legal advice after they tried to cover up for staff obviously using devices for personal reasons ie: functions - or just reselling returned items or something like that - unfortunately when someone abuses the victim it is a very clear sign of wrongdoings

  • DjAlienz69
    DjAlienz69 Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2023

    The S3 does not even light up or function without software of which Traktor3 is now registered on my system - but TWO licenses show online for the device - there was not even a license in the box when I bought it as new - The company is diddling me around - did you have a software recommendation BTW - Virtual DJ or something like that I suppose - thank you for your comment!

    PS I am plugged directly into the proper USB port on my Phantom Z590 gaming mother board - I do have a Scarlett 4i4 that I dont use - maybe I will experiment - most options that do not clearly provide a solution require me to uninstall and reinstall and I spent days analyzing all my music etc - of course I could have just been given a new item instead


  • DjAlienz69
    DjAlienz69 Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2023

    plugged directly into my Phantom Z590 motherboard - so not a problem there - no device conflicts on my machine - I do have a Scarlett 4i4 that I dont use - maybe I will experiment - most options that do not clearly provide a solution require me to uninstall and reinstall and I spent days analyzing all my music etc - of course I could have just been given a new item instead @Stevan


  • DjAlienz69
    DjAlienz69 Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2023

    The message and subsequent errors are about updating FIRMWARE - thank you anyway


  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    I hope that you at least have made an attempt to contact Support about the license issue and the Firmware update by now. Maybe this is something that has happened before for them.

    The forum only has so much information and most of us don't have answers about a Firmware issue or some strange license problem.

    The interaction in the forum from Native Instruments directly is typically short quick suggestions. Otherwise this wouldn't be a forum, it would be direct Native Instruments Support and a messy one at that.

  • DjAlienz69
    DjAlienz69 Member Posts: 20 Member

    Okay thanks for that, I did not know

    Someone from support (I think) had contacted me and said they would try and resolve this issue but then just ignored all the information I put up.

    Secondly I had two offers from people here to remote access my computer - nice or creepy I am not sure.

    I am a computer technician since the 90s - I can deal with technical issues - but I cannot deal with illegal commerce conduct and will need to raise this issue with the court system here in New Zealand as I have not been able to achieve a satisfactory result between myself and the retailer.

    After seeking help on this forum I have been enlightened by people such as yourself - thank you for your answers - I now understand that I need uninstall all NI software (I downloaded and installed most of it before I actually ended up getting a license)

    My only hope is that I can back up all the playlists and data and setup I have so far accomplished over several weeks of long hours - I have over 80,000 songs to analyze here and that takes processing power and I cannot utilise that during live performances etc.

    Its the really tough road for me now

    Thank you so much - I mean if Native Instruments just have no answer, I prefer they tell me as a technical professional - Now I have so much work to undo and redo - I really appreciate your answer - I now look forward to several days weeks months of reinstalls and renalyzing and re-playlisting etc etc etc

  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod
This discussion has been closed.
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