The Usual Suspects NKS



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod

    Yeah I made them on Mac (M1 Max) and I think Mercury is on Windows so we know they have worked on both systems. Are you using a different EPROM perhaps?

  • Onj
    Onj Member Posts: 61 Member

    Tested here on my M1 Max and also Intel MacBook Air, worked fine, but wow, what an absolute CPU hog. Made the fans spin on my M1 and barely anything does that, even running a Windows 11 ARM VM with 16 GB RAM. this plugin is a beast. I think I had 9 instances going inside of Komplete and yep, CPU usage even when idle was angry, and fans got huffy. Did work though.

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited May 2023

    I think I have the same rom as everyone. Vavra also has the same issue.

    Osirus 1.2.30


    Komplete Kontrol 2.8.1

    MacOS Mojave 10.14.6


  • Onj
    Onj Member Posts: 61 Member

    Aah, I wonder if I did something wrong then? I put four bin files into my folder. B and C, but two have spaces and two have _ (underscores) instead. I really don't get that, but I wonder if I caused myself some problems doing this, or whether the vst3 just addresses exactly what it needs anyway? Not sure.

    I don't know if this will work, but I've included a link to the Logic project I made which is in dropbox. Curious to see if anyone can play it without their Mac falling to bits. My Intel can't even play a full bar.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,408 mod
    edited May 2023

    @Onj @jggorman Osirus suggest to have only one bin in the plugin folder.

    Also, complicated names with underscores etc. are really not necessary, just rename the .BIN to Access Virus C (or whatever you like), as i did, it works perfect.

    However Onj problem has to be something else. It is really impossible that plugin to drain your CPU that much! I use Cubase so i can not test your Logic project, however my system is rather "archaic" 6 year old i7 processor on Windows 10 (16gb RAM), i open Osirus and tried different presets on a really heavy project (11 synths, 29 fx, lots of audio/midi, plus automation) and my CPU load is 30-32% maximum.

    About the NKS presets, i also have no problems, they work fine!

    Are you sure that you are using the VST3 version of the plugin? Kymeia and Mercury created them by using the VST3.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Osirus NKS graphics for Hoverland Grey Skin

    Vavra NKS graphics for yellow/blue skin (recently uploaded on discord)

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor
    edited May 2023

    I thought the last theme looked rather dull in comparison, so am uploading a new set based on the new Fundorin faceplate theme, which I think looks very authentic.

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 415 Advisor

    Uses a lot of CPU on Maschine too with audio drops on my 6 core clocked at 4.8ghz (could go 5 butshould not be necessary). the strange thing is that it uses barely 3% cpu in FL studio and works a treat. Ableton 10 is a bit better than Maschine but still 15/20% for my set up. I tried different ROM versions and surely the pbm doesn't come from buffer settings since it is very efficient for me at 64smp in FL Studio but drops out a lot at with spikes at 512smp in Maschine with just that in it (on MAc OS Mojave) but just upgraded to last OS and must run more tests

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Out of interest, has anybody apart from @Kymeia, done any work on the Vavra presets? Both the 2000 and 2001 libraries specifically. 299 presets in each, so a big task.

    One plus is that the preset type tag is already displayed in the preset browser i.e Lead, Pad, Atmosphere. This should help with tagging at least. Also we have an initial template courtesy of @Kymeia. Maybe worth waiting for a couple more revisions as this baby is still pretty CPU hungry.

    Shame these aren't official releases so we can get Freelance Soundlabs maps. Or maybe that is on the cards at some point. That would be nice.

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 109 Advisor

    An alternate MST_logo for OSIRUS

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    DSP56300 MicroQ/Vavra NKS graphics and factory presets. Cleaned up and updated in line with the new Blue E&D and Yellow D skin revisions by Sahul.

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited May 2023

    Try these for Vavra. I resaved all of Kymeia and Diams work (thanks) and added previews. You need to let the 300+ memory slots load before being able to change presets. That takes a little over a minute on my system. You should be able to see the progress on the display (A-C 100 each, then a few D drums and multis).


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,408 mod
    edited April 2024

    SUN OSIRUS (Skin for Osirus)

    I got so much in love with this plugin (one of the few free ones that, not only I kept in my library, but I also start to work with it and use it in my projects). Definitely a 100% worth to have instrument.

    So, i created my own skin for it! :-)

    I used @jggorman's skin as a starting point template and started build on it. I might change more things in the near future but at this point I'm satisfied enough with it and decided to share it with you. Here it is:

    Hope you like it! :-)

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod
    edited April 2024

    I have the Ti version now so will be making a template for it soon and Diam is working on the graphics - not sure what to do about presets yet. I have >27,000 of them but a lot are dupes or for older models so maybe a best of Ti?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,408 mod

    yeah i know what you mean, i also got 238 banks (.mid & .syx / 128 presets each)... probably we can do a "best off" or some selected ones...

    btw, which ROM is the Ti version?

    I also got a ROM for Snow/Ti2 from a personal source but it's 8 megabytes and the plugin doesn't recognize it, though it is also a .bin file.

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