Do I get new products released after the Komplete 14 Collectors Edition bundle that I bought?

jimi8899 Member Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Why is it that when new content or instruments become available between versions, I still need to purchase these instead of being part of a series of add-ons. For sure they will be an integral part of the 15 edition



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Very frustrating indeed. For the cost being charged for the CE version, interim content should be available to owners at huge discounts immediately upon release.

  • jimi8899
    jimi8899 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Or as a free upgrade path... quite frustrating that there really seems like there is in fact a soft holding time between the upgrades for the CE before new content is released. I noticed this during the last two upgrades or so - could it be by design🤔

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro

    You DO realize that NI is a business that has to have cash flow AND a profit margin in order to survive, right?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert
    edited April 2023

    @jimi8899 Most companies do not include plugins released later to their Bundles. One buys what is in the Bundle, not future products.

    For example. If NI releases plugin/Expansion what would be the rule to include/not include them to Select/Standard/Ultimate?

    There are exeptions. NI released Massive X months later than Bundle, but MX has been part of Bundle from the start and buyers were informed, hhey will get MX. And also few Expansions released later were part of that Bundle.

  • jimi8899
    jimi8899 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Actually I do, so let's say that I've been a client since 2016 for all their major bundles... in what way to do assume the I do not know what cash flow and profit margin mean. I actually run a pretty successful business and know what these two topics are in very much detail. Assumption is the reason all all MFUP's

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited April 2023

    This time I must agree that expecting a bundle will include the future releases of new products is quite absurd…

    How would they sell anything if they were obliged to give everything for free?

    This plus the fact that Komplete already has a very good price related to the single products summed (not even to talk about updating/upgrading from previous versions which is strongly favorable, specially if you wait for the Summer of sound offer).

    What you are calling for here is something that is more similar to subscriptions, which is not profitable in the long term (you’ll pay more for not even owning anything, since stopping the subscription will also mean not having access to the programs anymore). I want to pay NOW for what I want and keep it, and eventually later decide if I want more, not being forced to constantly pay for using something I already paid for just to have access to more things maybe I don’t even want…

    Or…do you really want NI to raise Komplete bundles prices by 400-500 just to have the products released after instead of paying 400-500 (or half, if you wait the offer) for the update ONLY if YOU want the products?

    The “discounts on release for owners” could be an idea, but I don’t see NI doing this… and I’m almost sure if those discounted prices summed would be in any case higher than the price of the update to the next bundle. But at least it would allow users to pick only a couple of products they are really interested to and not having to wait. But…once again…this would be against NI own interests.

    Users notice only what they want, since as Kubrak said, in the last couple of years NI has been so kind to add to the already published Komplete bundle some products that were released later, thing that has never happened in the past.

    We have already a lot of things to complain about (e.g. if you really want to complain about paying for products, you could focus on softwares bundled with hardwares, which some of us loyal customers have double…or triple…r quadruple…but we still have to pay the same prices for hardwares like new users getting new content…or prices of updates being less profitable for loyal customers owning everything…).

    Cmon…let’s be realistic…dreaming about a world where things are given away for free is quite hilarious in 2023…

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Do not worry, NI will most probably expands Komplete Now rental and one day there will be Komplete Ultimate CE Now and customer will have everything instantly. But will have to pay monthly fee...

    Pretty good concept has Microsoft with MSDN program. One pays quite a lot ahead and gets bunch of SW and also everything that is released for given period (year, two, three, it depends...). And it is not rental, one may use licences etternally.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    HOPING it will not be rental…

    In any case, I have here ready a screenshot of them assuring me NI won’t become subscription only for WHEN (and not IF) this WILL happen…just to at least have a little satisfaction 😏


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I meant, it would be subscription plan beside normal purchase possibilities. I would not go to subscription...

  • jimi8899
    jimi8899 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Ha, thought I would leave a comment and not have a ****** of NI pro members against the idea of including future updates as inclusive into the quite significant price of Kontact CE. Anyway, it is what it is... comments against my post are welcome... this is a community after all and all opinions are welcome. Cheers

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I on the other hand would prefer to move to a well-designed subscription offering.

    Permanent licenses and subscriptions could co-exist and users could choose what they prefer.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited April 2023

    Choice would be ok for me. But all companies moving to subscriptions, after a while abandon the permanent option (if there ever was one)

  • jimi8899
    jimi8899 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Don’t know, music is a hobby for me (although a very expensive one as I have a studio with many, many goodies) - but also love photography and other arts. Have absolutely no issues paying my dues for Adobe and its full studio of apps, now Microsoft and its full studio of app, nor any other of my many subscriptions to specialized imaging add-ons, etc… Imho, it really creates a hell of a reason for companies to innovate and make sure that they are on par or ahead of competition. This - you buy is all you get and any improvements, either you pay now or wait until the next act in a year or so is simply lazy in today’s market. NI are by far not the “perfect company” and just by looking at their GUI and limited usability of their hardware is not in line with the premium that is paid. They simply have a great brand so far, but the danger that it they take this for granted as many companies have done over the years and become a was great when they were great company…

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  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Exactly, if all plugins made afrer release the Bundle would go to the Bundle, there would be no reason to upgrade, when new version of Bundle comes. Many people skip updating Bundle even without that, because they feel that not so many new plugins is included.... And update every second Bundle release or even less frequently.

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