How to play instant preview with 4D encoder when there is only one sample or preset in the list.

hurricane Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol


When I use 4D encode to browse the library, I meet an issue. There will be no instant sound preview when there is only one sample or preset in the list. Instead, if I use mouse to click it, the sound will be play.

Is it a bug? Or there is something wrong with my operation?



Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,401 mod
    Answer ✓

    @hurricane If there is only one sound there, turning the 4D encoder right or turning the eight button should let you hear the sound.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,401 mod
    Answer ✓

    @hurricane If there is only one sound there, turning the 4D encoder right or turning the eight button should let you hear the sound.

  • hurricane
    hurricane Member Posts: 15 Member


    Thanks for reply.

    But I still cannot hear the sound on your suggestion. Turnning the 4D right or eight buttons, nothing happend because the one list is highlighted and selected. I think there will be sound only when the list selected status changed.

    Do you have no such issue? 🤔

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,401 mod

    @hurricane I don't, does it happen for all sounds that have only one sample or preset in the list? Can you give me examples? Do you know where these sounds come from, so I can test them out?

  • hurricane
    hurricane Member Posts: 15 Member

    Sorry for delay reply.

    I have been out for weeks, so I will show you detail after I go back to home.


  • hurricane
    hurricane Member Posts: 15 Member

    Hi, here I get a screenshot to show you an example. Just use 4D button to go to the list, there is no sound to play. It will play sound only when use mouse to click it(Pm Ebass 1).

    Also attach an operation video, please unzip.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,401 mod

    @hurricane I can hear this preset with no problem. Maybe the issue is not just because there is only one preset available. For this example, it's a Prism preset, quite an old instance. Some previews require the installation of the Previews library in Native Access. It should look like this:

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,024 Expert

    I think you may be missing the issue here @Jeremy_NI

    The issue is not that the preview wont play "at all" the issue is that when you have only a single preset listed in the NKS browser the encoder knob cannot scroll to the "next" preset so does not trigger a sound. When using the encoder to scroll files the preview only plays when the selection bar selects the next preset. When there is only 1 preset listed in a search result, there is nowhere to scroll and so, no way to trigger playback.

    Short answer is, this is a limitation of the way it works. It needs to have it so when there is only 1 preset it does a "phantom scroll" and deselects/reselects the single preset.

    Should also be noted that you CAN preview the file by simply clicking with the mouse so that would be the workaround here.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,800 Expert
    edited April 2023

    @Jeremy_NI Same thing is happening also entering an instrument with many presets: since the first preset is already selected you won’t ear the preview. To ear preview of the first preset, you have to scroll to the second one and then back to the first (or use mouse, but this is another matter).

    You see what we are saying? Selected item won’t get preview if not moving TO it. This is why a single preset instrument can’t have preview: you can’t “move to it”.

    Ps: I would remove the “Answer v “ accepted answer tag, since the op clearly says he “still cannot hear the sound on your suggestion”. It could be misleading for other users

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,024 Expert

    Ah, so it does. Certainly never use to be the case tho I rarely browse from the keyboard these days, mouse is just faster for my use cases and in the past, using the encoder would not play a sound when it was a single. THing is, the changelog never shows little fixes like this so no idea when things are actually fixed.

    Anyway, should be working for him then.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,401 mod
    edited April 2023

    Hey @JesterMgee I think I go the issue in the first place. I tried to reproduce the issue with a S61 mk2 keyboard and a Maschine MK3 and I can't reproduce it. If there is only one preset, turning the 4D encoder right or turning the 8th knob will play the preview, that works 100% of the times on my side. Is it different for you? That's why I'm looking for another explanation. Can you reproduce the issue yourself?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,024 Expert

    Im using an MK1 at the moment and it's fine if I open the OSD. I know years ago this was an issue, never affected me tho and never saw it addressed in any release notes. So seems it works if focus is in the browse list

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,401 mod

    Have you tried to reproduce the issue yourself? I tried to reproduce the issue with a S61 mk2 keyboard and a Maschine MK3 and I can't reproduce it. If there is only one preset, turning the 4D encoder right or turning the 8th knob will play the preview, that works 100% of the times on my side. Is it different for you? What device are you using?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,800 Expert
    edited April 2023

    I’ll try now, if I find a way to have a list with only 1 preset (having Komplete Collector which has tooooons of presets it is gonna be difficult 😂). If you tell me the zip of the video he posted is safe (usually I don’t download zip files someone post in internet if I don’t HAVE to 😏), I’ll have a look to see which particular preset he is talking about.

    My example was more about the first preset in a list that never plays the preview until you scroll to second one and back to first

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,800 Expert
    edited April 2023

    I can confirm.

    It was quite difficult to find a list with only one preset, but once I found it, what Jeremy is saying is correct: turning 4d encoder, 8th knob or the encoder on KK s49 mk1 (and also the Jam encoder) DOES reproduce the preview in Maschine and in Komplete Kontrol (with S49 encoder and therefore the onscreen mk1 browser)

    Only the first preset of a long list doesn’t preview automatically when selecting an instrument until you scroll forward and back (which isn’t a big deal at all)

    So…now what remains (unless it is really a peculiar bug for this user only) is to ask @hurricane if he is sure all his programs are up to date

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,401 mod

    I appreciate that you both wanted to help our user here and it's good to correct me when I'm wrong, which happens, I'm only human (at least for now), but please, before assuming that I'm wrong, try it out yourselves. In this case it makes it more confusing for the OP.

    @hurricane Can you check the previews library is installed in Native Access ?

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