T. Pro3 & S2 MK3 Main Gain problem.

Nagy Krisztian
Nagy Krisztian Member Posts: 5 Member

Hello All!

Im sure my problem could be solved in 2-3 clicks, but im not sure, where can i found those settings. So. I use TRAKTOR PRO 3 with a TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 MK3. (ASUS i7 & Win 11 Home)

Everything worked well, until i tried to change something in settings. I watched some youtube videos and tried to make the perfect setup for my hard- and software.

right now! if i turn my Master Gain up or down on the controller, on my screen Main Gain still stays on the same position. (Limiter on/off whatever).

before, in software the gain's position changed if i turn on the controller, thats why im sure its just a "setting problem". But anyhow i changed in the menu.... still the same.

hope this short video could help to understand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yn8XPM0Kvc

Thanx for the help



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,330 mod


    i would first try to delete the mapping and add it back again.

  • Nagy Krisztian
    Nagy Krisztian Member Posts: 5 Member

    uninstalled all of NI programmes.

    erased all of remained folders and files.

    Reinstalled Native Access. Installed Traktor Pro 3.

    Nothing changed. not changing the MAIN Level on screen if i turn up or down on controller.

    any other advise?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert

    My s4 works the same way. Always has.

    Why do you want it to move?

  • Nagy Krisztian
    Nagy Krisztian Member Posts: 5 Member

    well. before if i turn it up or down.... it changed the position on screen also...

    its like if i move the tempo pitch + or- and stay in the centre...

    i wanna see it clearly on my laptop's screen also...

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