Kontakt 7 & light guide

mcseay Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Now that we are seeing some of Komplete Kontrol features integrated into Kontakt 7 (like the library function), what is the possibility of getting the light guide working in Kontakt (without Komplete Kontrol - and maybe get a light off option for when Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol isn't running)?



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Thanks for sharing @mcseay. Both is not possible with Kontakt 7 right now, but I'll log this feedback for the team. We're aware The ability to turn off a light guide has been one of the top requested features from the community.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    Kontakt team is very well aware of this request. :)

  • cremoer
    cremoer Member Posts: 1 Member

    I second that 😀

  • abcd-abcd
    abcd-abcd Member Posts: 27 Member

    I've invested a LOT of cash in Native Instruments: two lots of the top level software bundles, plus an S88 mk2 keyboard and yet...

    Why don't the light guides work with Kontakt (they just work with Komplete Kontrol)? It makes me so, so frustrated - and limits how I work and more importantly, create...

    And why do the windows never open the same size - and remain so (or the columns)? It's nuts.

    And why can't you make the windows bigger? Or the text bigger?

    The list goes on and on - and never seems to change...

    I'm very disappointed - but the problem is that I've invested so much money that I have to stick with all this half-finished software - and keep having to upgrade it!

  • benenglish
    benenglish Member Posts: 10 Member

    My god this would be a godsend - another vote up please - Kontrol adds CPU overload and capabilities which are great when experimenting and with sound design but Kontakt alone is my go-to instrument in the DAW and the light guide would be VERY helpful - especially with strange or complex instruments this would be amazing .. to be honest I was absolutely gutted when I found out these only work in Kontrol and not Kontakt... so if this could be added to the to-do list that would be amazing, thank-you

  • etudes
    etudes Member Posts: 31 Member

    +1 here. These two things would make the KK keyboards actually usable for me.

  • Mistro
    Mistro Member Posts: 9 Member

    Just adding my +1 for light guides in Kontakt. Been wanting this for a long time and hate having to choose to have lights or not while creating. Please let it be available in both KK and Kontakt.

  • etudes
    etudes Member Posts: 31 Member

    Seeing as the ability to turn off the light guide has been one of the top requested features, can I just ask, why has this still not been integrated?

  • Erik Wirtz
    Erik Wirtz Member Posts: 2 Member

    People have ben asking for the light guides to work in Kontakt directly for may years. Why has this not been a priority?

  • benenglish
    benenglish Member Posts: 10 Member

    Is there any reason why this can't happen or won't happen or how far up (or is it all) in anyone's to-do list? It seems sometimes this forum is just ignored frankly as this has been coming up for years now and nobody has said whether this is feasible or will happen. Makes me question whether to have further investment in the NI stack

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,382 mod

    It's possible now with the new keyboards as they have a direct connection between Kontakt and the keyboard including lightguide and much more


  • ChoPraTs
    ChoPraTs Member Posts: 18 Member

    Well, I hope that through a Kontakt update and/or a new firmware for my KK S88 MK2, Native Instruments could implement it as well to old devices, because the light guide is basically the main reason why I opted for this keyboard. And I regretted it as soon as I discovered that the Komplete Kontrol software makes my orchestral template unusable with performance problems, failures in articulation changes with Logic Pro, etc.

    If they implemented it in Kontakt, I could at least take advantage of the lighting guide in libraries for this platform. Unfortunately, all my other libraries from Spitfire Audio, East West, Orchestral Tools, Musio or Vienna Symphonic Library that have their own plugin, I assume I would still need Komplete Kontrol and that slows down the performance of my template and my workflow too much.

  • TomSynsongs
    TomSynsongs Member Posts: 57 Member

    I have been asking for direct Light Guide implementation 5 years ago and the lack of this feature is a pain - especially because at the time of purchasing the Mk2 version, it was nowhere properly communicated that the KK plugin is required (which I cannot stand using for a number of reasons).

    Seeing that NI now offers this feature for the Mk3 series makes me think that all hope for Mk2 owners is gone, because NI wants to see the new (and much more expensive) keyboards instead of keeping the old versions alive. As a former software developer it always bothers me to see firmware with version 0.x which is what we still have.

    Regarding the Mk3 series:

    • 23 buttons on the left (Mk2) vs. 15 buttons on the Mk3 - how is this an improvement?
    • 6 buttons on the right (Mk3) vs. 3 ... oh, come on
    • I cannot see that the new position of the strip is helpful above the wheels - it has always been so easy to access which it won´t be anymore
  • ChoPraTs
    ChoPraTs Member Posts: 18 Member

    I don't think it's impossible that Kontakt sends information about the status of the lights to the MK2. We are not asking for full integration as it is with Komplete, simply change the status of the light guide to show the key range of an instrument, key switches, etc.

    Kontakt already shows this information in the software window and the MK2 keyboard is capable of displaying this in its lights when using Komplete software. Is new hardware really necessary for this simple function? I don't understand why, if it can be done with Komplete, it must also be possible to do it with Kontakt, isn't it?

    Another thing is that the developers want to implement it, which I imagine they will not do because they will prioritize sales of MK3 over satisfying their current users who had been asking for this for years.

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