GR with touch-screen and Maschine

TVbene Member Posts: 24 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Hey I'm working on a GR setup for my home studio. Playing the guitar I'm rather looking for ways to build interesting sounds but I don't really have to switch presets while playing. So I don't need foot switches etc but using the mouse a lot is also not a thing I like while making music.

The display hinges of my otherwise fine windows laptop are completely broken, so I thought 'why not buy a nice touch-screen monitor for it'. Before investing money I connected my iPad as a second touch display for testing. And that's so much fun! It's only that I regularly try to touch the display on my Maschine Controller now.. 😅

The iPad solution is not natively supported by windows, so I still have a few questions, maybe someone already uses a touch-screen and can help me. And I'd really like to know about your experience with touch.

After a lot of frustration I found the touch-screen mode in GR, so now I can change parameters via touch. But scrolling down through the presets or the device chain does not work. I always drag/drop the items that I touch instead. Does a natively supported screen have a special gesture for scrolling in these cases?

Since I have a Maschine Mk3 I also want to host GR inside Maschine so I can use the buttons and knobs. Instead of loading every device inside GR it would be interesting to combine it with other VSTs in the Maschine FX chain. Then bypassing, editing and changing devices can also be done with the Mk3. Still I'd like to use the touch-screen. But every VST by NI that I tried has knobs that are overly sensitive towards touch. It's quite impossible to dial in a value except max or min. Is there any solution for this? It has been like that in GR before activating touch-screen mode. But Amplitube, Nembrini and so on seem to work just fine with touch.

And if there are some who use Maschine with GR: It seems the GR macros are dynamically mapped to the knobs on the hardware. But only the first 8? How would I go about saving presets including the macros so that I can easily load them in Maschine?



  • ianravenuk
    ianravenuk Member Posts: 4 Member


    On Maschine Mk3, If you hold down shift while moving a knob, the changes happen in smaller increments and you can be quite precise.

    Hope this helps :-)


  • TVbene
    TVbene Member Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2023

    Thanks, good to know this for Maschine. The problem on touch screens stays, though. Would be nice to hear from the devs. I bought a touch screen monitor and updated to windows 11 but I still can‘t find a good way to scroll the device chain, presets etc. Shouldn‘t touch screen mode offer something like two fingers = scrolling?

    I tried 3rd party software for custom gestures but that‘s not really intuitive to use.

  • TVbene
    TVbene Member Posts: 24 Member

    Oh and double tap on a preset does not load it while I‘m sure that worked on Windows 10.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,113 Expert

    Maschine is usable on Win10 with touch screen. Better to use pen. I use Maschine on MS Surface 7 Pro. It is something like iPad.

    I guess, it would be similar for GR, but I may try, if you want.

  • TVbene
    TVbene Member Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2023

    Sorry, I forgot to make it clear that I was talking about Guitar Rig there. Maschine works nicely! But on Guitar Rig there is neither a scroll bar to use nor did I succeed in scrolling any other way without the mouse.

    Do you have also Guitar Rig?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,113 Expert

    GR6 works.... Somehow.... If using pen. The scrollbar shows up when you touch right side.

    But I had problems turn knobs on certain cabinets, others were possible. The best has worked using macro knobs...

    Generally, it is not very much usable using touch screen even with pen, not speaking about just fingers. IMHO.

  • TVbene
    TVbene Member Posts: 24 Member

    Have you tried the touchscreen mode in the settings? I'll try your tip with the right side the next days.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,113 Expert

    No. :-(((

    After setting Touchscreen Mode on it seems to work fine. At the first glance. No comprehensive testing, just minute, two.

    Still better with pen, but probably workable even with fingers.

  • TVbene
    TVbene Member Posts: 24 Member
    edited May 2023


    Whatever I tried, I could not make scrolling and selecting presets work in GR6 with touchscreen mode enabled.

    Tried Windows 10 and 11. Tried swiping with two fingers and also moving the scroll bar on the right side.

    Could someone report back how that is supposed to work? Touchscreen mode is not really documented so I‘m not sure if I just miss a trick or something.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,113 Expert

    No presets occure at my screen. I do not know what is wrong. But, as far as I remember, the slider is hidden normally and shows up when one aproaches from left to the right edge of preset area. And than it was usable as slider normally is.

    I used a pen, not fingers... But tried today with cabinet, ... selection and it has worked the same way. And also with fingers.

  • TVbene
    TVbene Member Posts: 24 Member
    edited May 2023

    Thanks! Now I see what you meant, that works in the presets/components area on the left side. The scrollbar appears after a touch and can be moved. But although the scrollbar on the right side (effect chain) is always visible, I just cannot move it at all.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,113 Expert

    You are right. It is hard to impossible to use scrollbar on effect chain using fingers. I manage to move it from time to time, but it is sort of random. Maybe there is a trick, how to do it always, but haven't found it.

    But using pen, it works.

    Maybe try to open the Support Ticket at NI support web page. Programmers might forget to address this scrollbar when using touch support.

This discussion has been closed.
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