Komplete 12 License Duration on Windows 7



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert


    If NA1 will run on Win7 "forever", than no problem. One would be able to authorize his SW. But it is not case. NA1 will stop working, if I understand NI well. I expect that the connection to NI authorisation servers will be turn down.

    And why Win7? Why not? One needs to run legacy HW that is way more expensive than NI SW. For example... Or other legacy SW. Or just be able to open and render old projects.

    There are no problems on Win7, no need to move to Win10/11. The problem will come if it will not be possible to authorise NI SW.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    I'm with @Kubrak on this one. As long as you have a computer running Win7 why should you be forced to upgrade a computer/OS just to authorise software that you've already paid your money for.

    There's nothing I've seen in the TOS or other agreements where there's an end date (unless subscription of course) or where it's intimated that there's planned obsolescence. Other companies allow for offline authorisation, why can't NI facilitate this? I'd really like to see that.

    I also agree with the point made about opening and rendering old projects and theres any number of reasons why people dont want the latest OS.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited February 2023

    NI is going to move forward whether you like it or not and they will not be assigning any resources to an OS that is at end of life.

    And the fact that you can already authorize Komplete 12 with NA2 on Windows 10 makes this whole thread moot. You guys have an unwinnable argument since Win 7 is dead (and unsupported by MS).

    In addition to the full retirement of NA1 (which will no doubt happen this year) - I expect we will see one of these very soon - substitute Win 7 for Win Vista - you get the idea:

    End of Support for Older Operating Systems – Native Instruments (native-instruments.com)

    Good luck with your future activities in this space.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    It is not NI's responsibility to worry about all the old hardware we have collected over the years. I am in the same boat as you with stuff laying around here that have no drivers.

    I simply move on and take the hit. Or get a new hobby. Or plan better when buying hardware.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    @Vocalpoint it is easy as that. If NI drops authorising their SW on Win7, I will sue them. I have the right to use their SW on system it was designed for. Fullstop.

    It is their responsibility to provide authorisation if needed. It is not my responsibility to move to higher OS version, than bought SW has been manufactured for, just because they decided not to provide authorisation any more....

    And by the way, MS still supports Win7. But it is paid service, support and security patches are not for free.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Firstly - Microsoft ceased year 3 (of 3) Enterprise "paid" support for Windows 7 on Jan 10, 2023.

    Windows 7 - Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Learn

    I know this because we were still using a few copies at my place of employ. Windows 7 is now officially unsupported in any way, shape or form.

    Secondly - NI will stop authorizing their software on Win 7 as soon as NA1 disappears. Or they will simply add Windows 7 to their list of unsupported OS versions (easier) - much like the rest of the audio world is now doing.

    But you warm up that attorney crew over there and get ready.


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