Logic Pro Integration - Scales and Arp?

velanche Member Posts: 46 Member
edited 10:46AM in Komplete Kontrol

Hey folks.

In my continuation to get a handle on some of the issues I'm running into with the KK keyboard and Logic integration, in the manual it mentions that the SCALE and ARP engines are supposed to be part of the current Logic Pro integration.

Can I get a confirmation on this? I have seen the two features mentioned for use within the KK plugin, but I'm also seeing these on Logic's integration list in the 4/22 manual. If so, I do not see either of them responding either on the keyboard or in Logic.


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,829 mod
    Answer ✓

    SCALES and ARP will only work within the Komplete Kontrol plug-in in Logic. The AU format prevents the MIDI information generated by the plug-in to be redirected in Logic to use on another plug-in. I hope I understood the question correctly.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,829 mod
    Answer ✓

    SCALES and ARP will only work within the Komplete Kontrol plug-in in Logic. The AU format prevents the MIDI information generated by the plug-in to be redirected in Logic to use on another plug-in. I hope I understood the question correctly.

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 46 Member

    Thanks for clearing that up, Jeremy; makes sense. When I saw those two items as part of the Logic integration chart in the manual, I wondered about that. But sounds like the AU format is a bit of a roadblock! I am guessing that Ableton Live on Mac does not have that problem? And yes, you did understood my questions correctly.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    I don't see why KK couldn't be made in a midi fx plugin version though and integrate with Logic that way - like Reaktor already is (and plugins like Bidule)

    btw at the moment that's a potential workaround - to use Bidule with Komplete Kontrol inside it and route midi out from Bidule mfx

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,829 mod

    Ableton can load AU, VST2 and VST3 plug-ins so you have more options when it comes to get the MIDI information out, like this for example: Ableton Live Guide: Sending MIDI from the KOMPLETE KONTROL Plug-in

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 46 Member

    Good to know! I figured that Ableton seems a bit more flexible, and from your info that seems to hold true. I'll toy with that, as I start to learn Ableton. While I intend for Logic to still be my main DAW of choice, there are times when I may be compelled to use Ableton, particularly when collaborating with others who use it. I have saved the link to the article you've shared to read later; could very well come in handy.

    Thank you, Jeremy!

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