[New release] Review iZotope's Audiolens and win Ozone 10

Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin
edited November 2023 in NI News


Audiolens is a desktop app from iZotope that allows you to analyze audio from any streaming platform or audio source. Perfect standalone or paired with Ozone 10, it generates a tonal data that can be used to visualize how your master stacks up to your chosen reference.


We know we've got mixing and mastering experts in the community, so here's the deal. Answer these two questions:

  • What are you most excited about Audiolens?
  • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

On November 17, 2022, we'll pick one person to get Ozone 10 Advanced for free. In exchange, you'll write a short forum post for the community about your experience using Audiolens with Ozone 10.

If this sounds like something for you, hit the comment section below!


Terms & Conditions: This competition is being conducted by NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH from November 9, 2022 until November 17, 2022. By entering the competition, participants agree to these terms and conditions. All personal information is protected by privacy and data protection laws and will not be shared with third parties. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. Employees of the Soundwide group are not eligible to participate. By submitting an entry on the online community, participants can win Ozone 10 Advanced. One winner will be notified by direct message, and is required to notify Native Instruments that s/he accepts the prize within one week after receiving the notification. If Native Instruments does not receive notification within this period, the winner forfeits the prize and Native Instruments reserves the right to choose another winner. A cash payout of the prize is ruled out. The right of appeal is excluded. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply exclusively; Berlin, Germany, shall be the exclusive court of jurisdiction.



  • Foolschaos
    Foolschaos Member Posts: 1 Member
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    I'm not a fantastic engineer (though I'm working on it), A tool that allows me to pick some of the tracks that inspire me, and use it to get results closer to those ideal tracks excites me.

    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    I have had many years of experience working in audio and song composition but I'm not an expert, I'm still learning. If I can get good results, I would imagine anyone can, that would be a good selling point and inspiring others who are also not experts. :)

  • F1ySyn
    F1ySyn Member Posts: 4 Member
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    This is actually a very interesting tool for mixing and mastering, even very experienced mixers and engineers will still sometimes need to refer to some tracks. Because usually some clients will provide us with some Spotify links or SoundCloud links to tell us that's what they're looking for.

    In the past we could only compare it by loopback or by finding ways to download those tracks, But at this moment, iZotope brings us a very surprising product.

    Now I can simply play the link my client sends me and Audiolens shows me what I need, and I can do the work I need much more simply than I could ever imagine in the past. And all it takes is the click of a button!

    Also, I have a role as the head of an electronic music label, so I will be able to listen to any demos sent to me by artists in the future and I will have a simpler way of knowing what we want.

    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    I'm here more because I want to tell you how incredible this product is, it really helps me with a lot of things, and I think Soundwide will bring us more interesting products in the future, just like Traktor's products with iZotope. And it's all going to help us greatly in all of our endeavors!

  • 1tekneek
    1tekneek Member Posts: 2 Member

    I’m excited to try out the new features with ozone 10 advanced and audio lens by mixing visually!! Unfortunately for me after being a Club DJ and a beatmaker for over 25 years I have loss of hearing. I lost high and mid frequency’s in my right ear but still love making music. So these days I have to depend on presets. Cant wait to use audio lens to match a sound I’m going for to place it into my music!!! Hopefully I can win Ozone 10 or maybe scoop it up during a Black Friday deal. Fingers crossed🤞🤞

  • LeVzi
    LeVzi Member Posts: 3 Member
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    It does offer me something outside of a DAW to reference streamed music, but for my masters etc I wouldn't use it.

    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    No one is the perfect person to review this, we are all individuals in the music world, and think differently. It's horses for courses.

  • unaudio
    unaudio Member Posts: 2 Member

    This seems gimmicky ....I'd rather you spend time on making Guitar Rig better

  • T-O
    T-O Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2022

    What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    It will be time saving (and space saving) getting the reference directly from Spotify. This convenience can be crucial to staying in the creative zone.

    What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    I probably represent the masses being a bedroom producer trying to write, record, produce, mix and master my own songs. For producers in our situation it's critical to have fantastic tools that enables us to compete with the pros. I currently have Neutron, and it changed my life (at least my sound) and taught me a lot about what kind of treatment every sound should have - all those subtle moves really make a big difference in the end. I'm curious about testing Ozone, not only for mastering but also for mix busses with references to professional stems.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    Are you kidding? AI generating a mix starting from a reference? Future IS exciting

    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    If I can obtain good results with this, EVERYONE can

  • Nebulon Ranger
    Nebulon Ranger Member Posts: 2 Member
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    Being able to pull up a reference for any session, even down to an individual track / bus level with its integration with Neutron, at any time makes mastering in particular much easier to approach even if you aren't using Ozone to do it. Ozone's integration with Audiolens is a bit of a gamechanger as it takes much of the guesswork out of referencing existing masters.

    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    As someone who's historically struggled to understand how exactly to approach mastering in even a rough sense, my excitement about tools like this should speak for itself. This is more than an analyzer.

  • Gary M Shore
    Gary M Shore Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens? You know I just recently picked up both MTM Reference as well as Adaptr Audio metric AB so looking forwaard to using this in conjunction w/them,like the visual display concept/being able to set up targets....
    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    Based on the above,just getting into using these kinds of mixing tools so this perspective might be valuable and help people looking at things understand how reference tools like these work....

  • Clint13
    Clint13 Member Posts: 1 Member
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    Being fairly new to mixing and mastering I can use the help! I am working on songs I wrote many years ago and some new. I am 64 and wanting a enjoyable retirement hobby.

    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    My lack of experience will allow a newbie opinion on how easy Audiolens to use.

  • T_Sasquatch
    T_Sasquatch Member Posts: 1 Member
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    Our ears aren't always perfect - they need development and they can get tired after a long session. What's great about Audiolens is that when our ears do need some help, we can use Audiolens to compare the work we have done to the work we know has been crafted to perfection, and make the tweaks to perfect our own work.

    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    I'm actively mixing my own work and have high standards when it comes to achieving the best possible mix. I am the perfect person to review Audiolens, because its unique feature set will help my mixes sound better than ever before and the proof will be in the pudding, so to speak.

  • JUStheMC
    JUStheMC Member Posts: 2 Member

    Like most of you, I’ve been making music since I was a kid. I might not have a Grammy on the wall but I have and will make music every day for the rest of my life, but let’s be honest here. No matter how much we agonize over the smallest detail in our mixes. We will never be as familiar with them as we are with our all time favorite songs. Not having a reference track is probably the biggest mistake mixing engineers make next to which compressor to use lol. This plug in is an absolute must have on the level with good reference monitors and headphones. It’s probably the most useful vst in a decade. It’s not that you can’t mix without it, it’s more of a why would you?

  • SmilingErrors
    SmilingErrors Member Posts: 3 Member

    What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    Using a visual map to make a general lvl scheme for a genre. I know where I use my lvls for my normal music but this is going to make it easier to transition into new areas.

    What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    I'm not a published musician, and while professional musicians have incredible insights, more often than not the vast majority of people purchasing this will be closer to my lvl, and I can offer insights that will be more obvious to people learning these things from a newer perspective.

  • himmats
    himmats Member Posts: 2 Member
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens?
    • So here's the deal. Audiolens is everything that Ozone is packed into one innovative product. There's so many things to like about Audiolens like it saves us mix engineers and producers tons in space and time but the thing I love the most is that it allows anyone to create a reference using EVERYTHING as a source by leveraging AI tech to create a reference in real time and store it. No more going to YouTube to Wav to download a wav file that you drag into your daw NO. This is instantaneous and when combined with other Ozone products it allows the Producer to use ANY SOUND as reference to shape instrument tracks. For Mixers it's great because this is allowing them to create multiple references to process different parts of song differently and more easily. This is everything Ozone stands for packed into one little tool. Fast, Effective and Free.
    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?
    • Because I love them.

  • GoldEars
    GoldEars Member Posts: 1 Member
    • What are you most excited about Audiolens?

    It is very convenient to analyze the sound profile of released tracks without having to download and load the songs onto my DAW. To have a reference track from streaming service greatly improves knowledge of what a good mastering is.

    • What makes you the perfect person to review this one-of-a-kind product?

    I have the previous version of Ozone (Ozone 9) and am familiar with the modules. I see that v10 has new modules and features, which should be exciting. I don't have fancy gears or work with hardwares. I'm an in-the-box producer who relies on plug-ins. So for someone in my situation, plug-ins like Ozone are important and gets me a step closer to sounding like the pros.

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