[New release] Drop a recipe for pop hits to win an IGNITION KEYS 50 EUR/USD voucher



  • Member Posts: 4 Member

    Yes: Strong melody that's easy to memorize and sing along with, a simple form (intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus reprise) and a singer appealing to the fanbase/demographic. And it needs to stream on all major platforms at once. That should do it.

  • Member Posts: 4 Member

    I cannot remember where I read/heard this, but they said that the trick to writing a hit (pop) song, was to tell a story, that millions and millions can relate to, but in a way, that no one had ever told it.

    That, and someone else said that the entire song, was riding on if the first line of the song hooked the listener. I'm not sold on this, 100%, just because I have a lot of favorite songs, that the first line is pretty unremarkable.

    Yay!!! I really want to win this, so #pickme

  • Member Posts: 9 Member

    Guaranteed success recipe = Just copy what’s popular at the time and keep churning it out…

  • Member Posts: 2 Member

    It's all about the melody and, as Jon Bon Jovi said, "Don't bore us, get to the chorus!". How you do that is up to you. Great songs are still great songs... think Witchita Lineman or When Doves Cry. So different, but don't you wish you had written them?!!

  • Member Posts: 1 Member

    Pop songs are usually advertisements for themselves, repeating the title often, 4/4 beat, simple chord structure, simple melody that resolves often to chord tones. They are symmetrically arranged in sections of 4 or 8 bars, and run 3 to 5 minutes. The formula for the perfect pop song, however, is to make it different, but not too different, to all the other recent pop songs. 

  • Member Posts: 6 Member

    Uhh, Who knows??

  • Member Posts: 1 Member



  • Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2022

    10 seconds max intro. Less than a minute in you'll have a chorus/hooks. Tried and true popular chord progressions. Simple and ear catchy melodies. Repeated melodies and/or lyrics and finally some cool familiar sounds (keys, synths etc).

  • Member Posts: 8 Member

    The song that u can listen to driving, cleaning, exercising, working or something more intimate.

  • Member Posts: 3 Member

    A simple, catchy, hummable hook, high-level, detailed production quality and marketing in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 11 Member

    You can't make good music unless you are in the mood.....or, at least your music will be better if you are in the appropriate mood.

    That mood doesn't have to be happy. You'll write better sad songs when the emotions are real, when they are raw.

    If other people enjoy what you've created, that's great. However, it's important that you enjoy/believe-in what you have created.

  • Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited September 2022

    Major key. Major audience. 🤗🤩😎

    Buy NI instruments instead of food. Skip a haircut and shower (to conserve soap). But only if working solo! =/

    Now let's get to work...

    Work all night, sleep all day. Repeat.

    keep recording & listening back.

    Listen for the things that fall short of what you envision the song to be.

    RE-record & listen back. x150 if necessary.*

    If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. No matter how long it takes.

    Sometimes it can happen instantly, other times you have to work for the parts you need.

    There's a musical reward to be had for every time you follow through.

    Rock Rock,

    rock until you get the feel

    Don't stop your hot

    come on let's dream it real

    Play the way

    I like to feel

    Make the sound

    bands want to steal...

    Play it 'til the rhyme is fine as wine

    yes it's the best that take the time

    Ignite your inner muse and let it shine

    Exuding music that's sublime~

    In short, rock record responsibility. (Or, in this case, Pop production priority.) 😉

    If you do these things, the rest will happen naturally.

    Especially, purchasing NI instruments instead of food.

    *Of course, as we all know and as musical history has proven, a good song can happen in less time than outlined here.

    This advice is if you really want to explode with an effusion of creativity you've never experienced before and really top yourself.

  • Member Posts: 1 Member

    Recipe for a pop success:

    • sound simple but be harmonically and rhythmically complicated.
    • do not have politically committed lyrics.
  • Member Posts: 1 Member

    Great Beat + Great Lyrics + Perfect Performance = Successful Song! Lacking in any of the three will result in failure. You can have an amazing beat and great lyrics, but read from your phone with a weak performance while recording vocals...failure. All three need to be dead on!

  • Member Posts: 7 Member

    Pop song success rests within the elements comprising a song being the best possible versions of themselves and then completed with a magic wand of production. Eg. If talking of the melody craft it to be the very best yu can compose or if arrangement then arrange to transport the listener through the story of the song.

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