Absynth is dead



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    You can't buy it anymore.

    Well, one has several possibilities to buy Absynth.

    1) Buy it secondhand.

    2) Buy secondhand a bundle that contains it. Komplete or higher up to version 13.

    3) Buy Komplete 13 (or higher) in e-shop.

    4) Buy certain NI HW (that has bundled Komplete 13 Select) and buy Upgrade from Select to Komplete 13.

    And so on.....

    The question is not how to get Absynth... The question is for how long one will be able to use it...

  • inmazevo
    inmazevo Member Posts: 25 Helper
    edited September 2022

    'How long one will be able to use it' is such a frustrating thing with software.

    I still have a 2008 machine with my Adobe CS4-5 software running on it due to not liking the whole 'monthly rent' thing.

    It's retiring now, as I broke down and started renting it, due to the massive performance updates I'm missing out on (64-bit, gobs of memory, mature threading).

    I suspect, regardless of what I want, that Absynth is going to be on my Intel audio machine, which is frozen at Monterey for probably its lifespan for the variety of plugins and applications on it that aren't M1 native, nor will they ever be.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor

    So far, it is super absynth!!! =P I was exhausted all day yesterday and today from staying up so late playing with it.

    I didnt want to buy anything else, and I had no plans to do so EXCEPT the K14 ult update in a few months. But this fired me up so much, I angrily found the $$, lol, and then.. I fell in love with Plasmonic and made adoring comments about it on their youtube page. This worked out, for me.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 562 Pro

    You said you'll never buy it again. You can't anyway, because it's not sold anymore. 😉

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor

    When feeling emotional about an instrument, not a mere product (Im sure we can all agree on that), one makes strong statements such as "I'll *never* buy it from you again" - which includes the possible eventuality of NI feeling the pain, renegotiating licensing, and returning Absynth to their own marketplace. This is a passion statement and a catchall. I never really wanted to say that here, but such is life.

  • andalassamXX
    andalassamXX Member Posts: 53 Helper

    If capital buys other people's copyrights, but eventually abandons them because they can't maintain the update, it's better not to buy them at the beginning. They completely ruined other people's works.

  • inmazevo
    inmazevo Member Posts: 25 Helper
    edited September 2022

    I remember when Cakewalk went out of business finally (after years of 'partnering' or being absorbed into this or that), I really wanted René Ceballos to get Dimension Pro or Rapture going again, in a similar fashion as this, since I really liked them (particularly Rapture, which was just so much fun to program and unique for its day), and he seemed like a genuinely cool guy, popping in to the cakewalk forum from time to time.

    Never happened, though, and even those two plugins I finally bounced to audio in my projects so I could drop an otherwise unused boot drive on my old Mac. The technology world moved on and you can't even install them anymore, much less activate them, which is no doubt gone.

    Hopefully he was well-compensated on the outset, and hopefully Brian as well. It's unlikely he's as emotional about it as we might be, having written it so long ago. Or maybe he is.

    From the looks of Plasmonic, he's in a pretty good spot. Nice instrument. Might give it a go sometime in the future, and maybe he can at least get out of any legal agreements that prevent him from using absynth code, or overly similar likenesses of code (NI's intellectual property, no doubt), and he can pull things in.

    If it weren't for this thread, I'd never have even known Plasmonic existed. Too many synths these days; lost in the noise of 'everybody writes synths.' Sorry again, Brian, if you're ever reading.

  • Philippe
    Philippe Member Posts: 71 Helper
    edited September 2022

    Yes I did, I made several dozens of its Factory presets, and two Premium banks. Absynth does many things Plasmonic does not, and vice versa. But no worries if YOU feel the opposite

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member

    They said its DEAD and its gone. Why have so many opinionated statements...instead of a question to the original statement. If you never wanted New Absynth banks or improvements, leave Matakao alone. I def' been waiting on Maschine Expansions with Absynth, Forms etc. Sounds/Presets. But understand most modern producers don't use "NI Golden Age" devices as Matakao calls it, now and days. Even with Massive X being groomed into a leading instrument. Massive stills has lead way, also why every new Maschine Expansion has a Massive preset that can not loaded? R.I.P Absynth, keep hope alive FM8. Guess the NI "Sound Diggers" have to dig deeper.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    IMNSHO Absynth was one of the very few products in NI‘s portfolio which actually lived up to the tagline THE FUTURE OF SOUND.

    Unfortunately it seems to be more profitable to sell evolutions of the same uninspiring sample libraries (who needs another Piano?) over and over instead of doing some actual groundbreaking development.

    Personally, I bought Komplete to get Absynth, FM8, Massive, Reaktor and Kontakt full versions and not to have a vast library of samples which will never be used.

  • andalassamXX
    andalassamXX Member Posts: 53 Helper

    This is a very targeted and wise choice, because there are many instruments that you will probably never use in your life

    But in order to upgrade to K14U, some people will still be willing to pay (many people around me think so). Even if they (most instruments of K14U) will not be used.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    And during that time people got used to it. And created loads of sounds using it. And created many presets. And want just a simple thing. Use it. At least on current gear. It may well be used another 22 years. Or more....

  • andalassamXX
    andalassamXX Member Posts: 53 Helper

    Absynth 5 is not an ancient 8-bit effect synthesizer. It can be used for another 30-40 years. I don't agree that it should be eliminated by history.

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